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Compare with other workflow engine

Xing Wang edited this page Jul 6, 2024 · 1 revision

Workflow engine

Categorizing workflow engines based on how and when their Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are defined and evaluated. Workflow engines differ primarily in their approach to workflow definition, execution, and dynamism. Here's a breakdown of each category:

1. Dynamically Generated DAGs

Description: These are workflow engines where the DAG is generated dynamically at runtime. This allows workflows to adapt based on the input data or external conditions.


  • Prefect: A modern workflow orchestration platform where the DAGs can be defined in code and are built at runtime. This makes it highly flexible and suitable for complex workflows that depend on intermediate results.
  • Covalent: A newer player similar to Prefect, focusing on dynamic DAG generation and providing robust monitoring and logging capabilities.
  • Redun: This tool also allows dynamic DAG generation, focusing on reproducibility and scalability, especially useful in data-intensive applications.
  • AiiDA: WorkFunction

2. Statically Defined DAGs

Description: These engines require the entire DAG to be defined upfront, typically in a declarative manner. This approach is more rigid but can be easier to manage and visualize, especially in environments where workflows do not change frequently.


  • Airflow: A widely-used platform where DAGs are defined in Python files using declarative programming. It is highly extensible and integrates well with numerous data sources and other tools, making it a popular choice for ETL tasks and batch processing.

3. Hybrid DAGs (Nested Dynamic DAGs)

Description: These are a blend of static and dynamic DAG definitions. The main workflow is defined statically, but it can include tasks that dynamically generate sub-DAGs during runtime. This approach offers flexibility while maintaining a level of predictability in the main workflow structure.


  • Apache NiFi: While primarily known for data flow management, it allows for dynamic subflows. NiFi's processor-based approach can dynamically adjust workflows based on conditions within the data itself.
  • Argo Workflows: Primarily used in Kubernetes environments, Argo supports templating where certain tasks can dynamically generate other workflows based on the conditions met during runtime.
  • Airflow with SubDAGs: Airflow also supports the concept of SubDAGs, which allows defining a DAG within a DAG, giving the ability to modularize and dynamically generate parts of workflows as needed.
  • AiiDA-WorkGraph


Feature Dynamically Generated DAGs Statically Defined DAGs Hybrid DAGs (Nested Dynamic DAGs)
Flexibility High, adapts to changes in data and conditions Low, requires upfront definition Moderate, combines static structure with dynamic elements
Ease of Management Can be complex to manage due to its dynamic nature Easier to visualize and manage due to static definition Requires careful design to manage complexity effectively
Use Case Suitability Suitable for complex and varying workflows, like data science projects Best for predictable, repetitive tasks like daily ETL jobs Ideal for scenarios where main workflow is stable but certain tasks need dynamic behavior
Scalability Scalable but can be resource-intensive due to dynamic generation Generally scalable within the limits of the predefined workflow Scalable, balancing static efficiency and dynamic flexibility

Each type of workflow engine serves different needs and choosing between them depends largely on the specific requirements of the tasks, such as the need for flexibility versus predictability and the complexity of the workflows involved.