Thank you for being interested in contributing to this project
This guide will help you improve and expand this project
The goal of this project is to create a aim-community driven taxonomy for common understanding of aim concepts
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected] or message anyone on the PMC
This project has so many different parts which need you to be apart of like
- Discussion on current and new concept descriptions
- Participate in votes for changes
- become a committer
- Help with feedback on the formatting of files, the processes for changes
- helping new people
This taxonomy is based on defining and classifying aiming concepts so it is important for these to be as accurate and easiest to understand definitions so these require maintenance and input from the community where you come in
- Make a Issue
- Fill the template with the appropriate information
- Hit submit and a maintainer will approve and apply the fix or redirect to the discussion topic
Check if its already one that is defined in this project
if not create a discussion thread with your proposal using this template:
# Concept {insert name} Proposal and Discussion thread **Name:** {insert name of concept} **Initial description:** {insert description if found from the resources thread or give a draft description so people know what you are talking about} **Reason for addition or change:** {Why do you want this concept and description added to the taxonomy and its uses} What are your thoughts and how can this be improved and refined
if it is go to the discussion thread of that concept and create a comment explaining your proposal for the change
Decision will be made through the process described in the decision making process
- Use Github Flavoured Markdown
- All Markdown files must be formatted with Prettier for consistency
- Link concepts within definitions
In alphabetical order based on the concepts name
use this template and structure for concepts and their definitions:
## Name 1
Definition 1...
## Name 2
Definition 2...
This template and structure are subject to change feedback and ideas to be discussed in #5