In this exercise, we will add a micro chart column to the table building block.
The micro chart shall show the Customer VIP Status per booking, based on all cumulated bookings for the corresponding airline.
While the flexible programming model offers the means to adding it by using the building block micro chart and a custom column fragment,
the table per standard supports pure annotation based micro charts columns, which perfectly fits this use case.
As a rule of thumb, leveraging standard functionality should always be the preferred way of enhancing the UI, using extensions should be
the option of choice where the standard doesn't offer a certain functionality.
You can find an example implementation for a custom column and the building block micro chart in the Flexible Programming Model Explorer.
The data required for the micro chart are already provided in the service model in file db/schema.cds (1) as an extension to the Booking entity (2).
The properties are annotated with @Core.Computed, which means that the values are calculated in a read handler implementation for entity Booking in file srv/travel-service.js (3), section Exercise 5: Data for Bookings table micro chart (4).
With the optional property Criticality, the coloring of the radial chart is defined.
In order to add a micro chart to a table, you have to define an annotation of type @UI.DataPoint. Its mandatory properties are value and a target value.
The data point needs to be referenced in the measure attributes of annotation @UI.Chart.
Chart type #Donut displays a radial chart. Properties Measures and MeasureAttributes are mandatory.
(5) Open file app/layouts.cds.
Scroll down to section Exercise 5: Booking entity Chart annotation and add the following code snippet:
annotate TravelService.Booking with @(
UI: {
Chart #RadialCriticalityPath : {
$Type : 'UI.ChartDefinitionType',
Title : 'Customer VIP Status',
Description : 'VIP Customers are Eligible for Lounge Access',
ChartType : #Donut,
Measures : [BookedFlights],
MeasureAttributes : [{
$Type : 'UI.ChartMeasureAttributeType',
Measure : BookedFlights,
Role : #Axis1,
DataPoint : '@UI.DataPoint#RadialValuePath'
DataPoint #RadialValuePath : {
Value : BookedFlights,
TargetValue : to_Carrier.VIPCustomerBookings,
Criticality : EligibleForPrime
The screenshot shows annotations @UI.Chart (6) and @UI.DataPoint (7)
With annotation @UI.Chart in place, we will now add it to annotation @UI.LineItem of entity Bookings.
For this, we will add a record of type DataFieldForAnnotation.
In file app/layouts.cds, scroll to section Exercise 5: add chart table column.
(8) Trigger code completion by pressing ctrl+space and select .
The annotation is added along with its basic structural elements.
(9) With the cursor inside the quotes ' ' of property Target, trigger code completion (ctrl+space) and select .
Use code completion to add property Label and put Customer VIP Status inside the quotes.
(10) Trigger code completion again in order to add inline annotation ![@UI.Importance] : #High.
Annotation @UI.Importance makes sure that table columns are always displayed inline in case of small screen sizes.
The entered code snippet should match the following:
$Type : 'UI.DataFieldForAnnotation',
Target : '@UI.Chart#RadialCriticalityPath',
Label : 'Customer VIP Status',
![@UI.Importance] : #High,
We will now add the same chart as a header facet in sub object page Booking Supplements.
(11) In file app/layouts.cds, scroll to section Exercise 5: add chart header facet.
You can use code completion to add the following code snippet as shown in the above screenshot:
HeaderFacets : [
$Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
Target : '@UI.Chart#RadialCriticalityPath',
Label : 'Customer VIP Status'
Switch to the preview browser tab.
(12) On the Object Page, the table now shows the micro chart column.
(13) Click on a table line in order to navigate to the bookings supplement page.
(14) The sub object page header now shows the same micro chart.
We've now successfully added a chart annotation to the service and added a micro chart column to the table
and a micro chart header facet to the sub object page.
Continue to - Exercise 6 - Flexible Programming Model:Using the Chart Building Block