- key projects have been moved out but this repo will add them as submodules and regularly update from upstream
- [js-node/expressjs] moved to https://github.com/es-labs/express-template
- [vue-nobundler] also moved to https://github.com/es-labs/express-template
- [@es-labs/node] moved to https://github.com/es-labs/jscommon monorepo
- [@es-labs/esm] moved to https://github.com/es-labs/jscommon monorepo
- [js-web/vue-vite] moved to https://github.com/es-labs/vue-antd-template
- [js-node/dbdeploy] db might be shared... moved to
workspace in https://github.com/es-labs/jscommon js-node
folder renamed to sandbox where prototyping and research work is done
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] prototype projects
have been removed - [jsonwebtoken] update version handle minimum key size requirement change
- [js-web/react-vite] moved to https://github.com/ais-one/react-template (work in progress)
- [js-node/jsdoc-ts] example on how to use jsdoc for typescript
- [js-node/expressjs] webpush push notification sample at
- [js-node/expressjs] SSO (OAuth, OIDC, SAML) sample at
- [js-node/expressjs] try to removed passport & passport-saml, use @node-saml/node-saml
- [js-node/expressjs] remove sentry, APM for userland to choose and implement
- [@es-labs/node] SSO for oidc to opt to use IDP or issue own token
- [@es-labs/node] make APP_NAME and NODE_ENV from env var only
- [all] APP_NAME is now only to identify name based on package.json name property. APP_PATH removed
- [js-node/expressjs] rename apps/app-template to app-sample-template
- [js-node/expressjs] replace openapi file joiner, swagger-ui-express and express-openapi-validator with express-jsdoc-swagger
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-node/expressjs] Breaking Change on configs
- use .env file for configs, move configs from
- move .env files into apps/[app-template] folder
- Mongo DB config format change, change ObjectID to ObjectId
- MONGO_OPTIONS, UPLOAD_STATIC change in format and processing
- fixed jest tests
- use .env file for configs, move configs from
- [js-web/vue-vite]
- remove cypress and use playwright (also renamed document from cypress.md to e2e.md)
- add useMediaQuery hook
- [@es-labs/node] Breaking Change on configs
- remove bullmq
- [js-web/react-admin] Moved to new repo https://github.com/ais-one/cookbook-ts
- [js-node/nest-admin] Moved to new repo https://github.com/ais-one/cookbook-ts
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/react-admin] update to react-router-dom v6
- [js-node/nest-microservice] removed, refer to the github projects instead in README.md
- [chore] updated list of useful VS Code plugins README.md
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] integrate https://github.com/ais-one/favv/vitevue to js-web/vue-vite
- [js-web/vue-vite] update firebase messaging from 8 to 9, fix PN bugs and improve PN test on UI
- [js-node/expressjs] update firebase messaging from 8 to 9, fix PN bugs
- [chore] add sri and crossorigin to scripts - bigskysoftware/htmx#261 (comment)
- [js-node/expressjs] fix eslint 8.0.0 errors (remove babel-eslint package)
- [js-node/expressjs] update documentation on VS Code plugins REST Client and MongoDB for VS Code
- [js-node/expressjs] added playground file for MongoDB for VS Code
- [js-node/wip] removed
project (very outdated), up-to-date example is injs-node/expressjs
project - [react-nestjs] moved projects into
folders as appropriate - [js-web/lucia] removed can use petite-vue instead
- [chore] migration to node 16 and npm 8, update docs
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] make cypress work with cicd, start-server-and-test
- [backend-saml] test node-saml library without passport, implement test route /api/saml/test, you can see how to generate auth url and parse response in the code
- [backend-saml] remediate - node-saml/node-saml#21
- [js-node/expressjs] streaming file download, create pdf, download pdf
- [react-nestjs]
- [react-nestjs/react-admin] React + TS example from https://www.udemy.com/course/react-nest-admin/, to keep updating and further develop
- [react-nestjs/nest-admin] NestJS example from https://www.udemy.com/course/react-nest-admin/, to keep updating and further develop
- [feat] removed husky, use git-hooks directly instead
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-node/expressjs] minor breaking change. auth callback delimiter from '-' to ';' because '-' can be found in jwt token (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55201011/what-characters-are-allowed-in-a-jwt-token) and delimiting using '-' can be wrong, use ';' as it can be used in url hash (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40636281/what-are-the-eligible-characters-in-a-urls-fragment-location-hash) and is not in jwt token
- [js-node/wip/k8s] moved to [docs]
- [js-web/vue-vite] minor config change VITE_SAML_URL and VITE_CALLBACK_URL to use full URL paths, simplify saml call, @es-labs/esm/saml.js REMOVED
- [js-web/vue-vite] improve structure for deployment of multiple apps
- [chore] add fido2 spa sample in [js-node/expressjs], clean up ssr example from [js-node/wip/fido2]
- [js-web/vue-vite] fix login & logout add loading spinner
- [js-web/vue-vite] cypress e2e testing
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] make it configurable
- [js-web/vue-vite] improve logged-in layout and scrollbar when overflow
- [js-node/scaled-ws] scale websockets
- [js-node/expressjs] moved jobs and uploads folder to template application, add JOB_PATH config for jobs, so path to jobs can be specified
- [chore] clean up code based on sonarcloud issues
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- @es-labs/node allow options to be passed in also, currently uses global.CONFIG through (@es-labs/node/config)
- @es-labs/node/services/websocket.js add onClientConnect function
- breaking changes
- @es-labs/node/auth - convert to class
- @es-labs/node/services/redis.js - move to @es-labs/node/services/db/redis.js
- @es-labs/node/services/keyv.js - move to @es-labs/node/services/db/keyv.js
- @es-labs/node/services/db - convert to class, allow multiple connections
- @es-labs/node/services/webpush.js - add setup function, move to @es-labs/node/services/comms/webpush.js
- @es-labs/node/comms - add setup function
- @es-labs/node/services/gcp.js add setupStorage function
- js-node/expressjs/apps/app-template/config/secret/README.md - improve oauth configuration
- js-node/expressjs/router/saml.js - improve saml configuration, only have RelayState in query
- js-node/expressjs/router/saml.js - allow multiple connections, see also the table configs
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] improve github workflow and documentation
- [js-web/vue-vite] add sentry when ready
- [fix] typeof xx === 'object' - handle if xx is null
- [js-node/expressjs] make deployment application specific also, moved deploy folder to js-node/expressjs/apps/app-template, migration and seeding, and GCP deployment config adjusted to address the folder location change
- [chore] rename project
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [note] Folder renames - No breaking change except folder renames in docs and configs
- vue-nobundler to js-web/vue-nobundler
- vue-vite to js-web/vue-vite
- node-utils to node-daemons and remove node-utils
- node-daemons to js-node
- node-express to js-node/expressjs
- wip to js-node/wip
- [js-node/expressjs] add graphql sample code for simple CRUD (with graphiql queries & variables provided) sample
- [js-node/expressjs] improve shutdown / cleanup sample
- [js-web/vue-vite] add multi-page app example
- [js-node/expressjs] add sentry file
- [js-node/expressjs/public/demo-express] add sentry sample
- [chore] disable console.log at frontend @es-labs/esm/log-filter.js and sample
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [note] rename example-native to vue-nobundler - No breaking change
- [note] rename example-vite to vue-vite - No breaking change
- [note] rename example-app to node-express - Breaking change (major folder reorganization)
- [node-express] create apps/app-template (reference application, we can create more apps inside the apps folder, the custom apps can be in another repo)
- [node-express] move config to apps/app-template/config
- [node-express] move @es-labs/node/express back to node-express/common
- [node-express] add server side event (SSE) example
- [node-express] add serve-index function to uploads folder (list files and folders)
- [node-express] multiple UPLOAD_STATIC & UPLOAD_MEMORY
- [@es-labs/node] for config, do not restrict environments to development, uat, production, let user define
- [chore] remove example-webpack, document last known good version in README.md
- [node-daemons/tcpserver] stream-based TCP server
- [node-daemons/tcpserver] event-based TCP server
- [@es-labs/node] remove objection ORM
- [chore] prepare package.json for workspaces, added workspaces entry
- [node-daemons] nodejs workers
- [node-express] shared webworkers
- [node-express] openapi implementation and validation middleware
- [node-utils] create openapi file joiner, better for now to create single file for use by swagger-ui-express and express-openapi-validator
- [node-express] replace bloated and flaky apollo with express-graphql and graphql-ws, need to close nicely
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [example-app] add oidc example (grant_type: authorization_code), improve further on auth structure, rename GITHUB_ to OAUTH_
- [feat] added husky
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] upload @es-labs/esm and @es-labs/node as scoped public packages on npm
- [chore] add keycloak to docker-devenv, removed saml (kristophjunge/test-saml-idp)
- [@es-labs/node] passport-saml version 3 onward, cert needs to have value! use keycloak
- [wip/fido2] demo for web auth login (for SPA and SSR pages) (https://developers.google.com/codelabs/webauthn-reauth) - need to update webauthnsimple to v3
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [example-app] implement configs for helmetjs
- [example-app] web worker example file upload - https://kongaraju.blogspot.com/2012/07/large-file-upload-more-than-1gb-using.html
- [example-app] moved common-express folder files to @es-labs\node\express
- [fix] @es-labs/esm/bwc-table.js - fixed filter (so that adding or removing each filter does not remove input values), and page change bugs
- [doc] add note on commit messages
- [example-native] migrate example-webpack vue-crud-x table examples to example-native
- clean up repeated table code [Done]
- handle junction tables (many to many) [Done]
- delete - delete data with related keys in other tables - use soft delete or foreign key [Done]
- search filter for references
- m/n (not possible, unless id value is same as label, or filter input is multi-select auto-complete) - https://dba.stackexchange.com/a/239069 [Note]
- for multiple tags (1/m), the value and label must be same, column must use token seperated string, or filter input is multi-select auto-complete [Note]
- for single tags (1/1) - need to search join column, or filter input is single-select auto-complete [Done]
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [update] clean up auth codes..., breaking change on return values of /api/auth/login and /api/auth/otp, SAML configuration, additional AUTH_ and JWT_ configurations, @es-labs/esm/http.js, @es-labs/node/auth/index.js, example-app auth controller and auth route
- [frontend] able to create and use multiple
- http requests (also stop using @es-labs/esm/http.js, change to @es-labs/esm/fetch.js)
- ws
- i18n (do not need to make multiple, keep as single)
- [example-native] migrate example-webpack vue-crud-x table examples to example-native
- category, author, book - has 1 category & has book_author, page - belongs to 1 book
- child table
- handle one-to-one/one-to-many relation
- back button at child table
- handle junction tables (many to many) [TODO]
- read [Done], create [Done] - do not allow in create operation, update [Done]
- delete - how to delete data in related keys in other tables [TODO]
- search filter [TODO]
- m/n, 1/1 or 1/m
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [example-vite] add rxjs example in demo (debounce, switchMap, etc)
- [example-native] urgent fix resolve CORS issue which stops js from loading
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-combobox.js] - new component: multi-select tags, autocomplete, optional to create new, use string or object, clear text button
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-combobox.js] - use onselect instead of onselected (does not detect this event)
- [refactor] merge example-vite and example-vite-antd, remove unnecessary plugins, removed mwc
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-t4t-form.js] - add autocomplete
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [update] remove circle-ci
- [update] rename common-lib to @es-labs, improve project structure
- [example-native] make create, update, delete, upload API work in example-native
- [update] create @es-labs folder for common nodejs and esm items
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-autocomplete.js] add disabled attribute and input-class (for styling to bulma, bootstrap, muicss) attribute
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-t4t-form.js] - handle select & textarea tag
- [example-amp] add sample AMP application
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-table.js] - BREAKING CHANGE: use object instead or multiple variables for cell render(), see example-native/views/ui2.js for reference
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-table.js] - BUG FIX: filter was not working
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-fileupload.js] - created file input component
- [@es-labs/esm/bwc-t4t-form.js] - integrate to form... add file input functionlity on submit... (upload to server or signedUrl)
- [example-app] - improve multer & express preRoute, postRoute configs
- [example-vite] removed CrudTable.vue, use bwc-table in example-native, read env file in vite.config.js
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [github-actions] add github pages workflow, update manual workflow
- [example-nobundle] rename to example-native, /native
- [example-spa] rename to example-webpack (to be kept for legacy purpose)
- [example-vite] echarts v4 to v5 (ESM), mwc to 0.20.0
- [example-native] add google recaptcha
- [common-lib/esm/util.js] clarify debounce usage
- [example-vite] fix build path (dev / production), note need proper SSL cert for SW to work on non-localhost domain
- [example-app] controllers/auth.js/checkGithub - make callback URL configurable, improve github login, callback hash to include tokens instead of just token
- [example-native] moved github login here & improve on github config instructions
- [example-vite] update vite from v1 to v2
- [common-lib/esm/bwc-table.js] fix sort (was showing arrows on all columns), add new CSS variables for top value
- [example-app/router/tables/.] (generic crud) config changes
- set our internal usage key to __key, to avoid collisions
- hide = hide table
- filter & sort is not enabled by default, need to set as true
- [common-lib/esm/bwc-t4t-form.js] - (generic crud) create form using web components - currently only input tag handled (TODO add select tag, and other custom tags, handle file inputs)
- [common-lib/esm/t4t-fe.js] - (generic crud) created utilities also includes validation...
- [common-lib/esm/t4t-validate.js] - (generic crud) created validation for backend use
- [example-vite] NOTE: mwc-multiselect.js is broken
- [example-vite] add initial i18n support
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [refactor] use common-lib for JS files used in the the frontend or backend
- [refactor] move no bundler frontend app to own folder outside example-app (example-nobundle)
- [example-nobundle] from demo-nobundler, add bulma and improve visuals
- [example-vite] remove oruga (not ready for vue3+vite), implement saml callback and configs, make it work in production build
- [bulma-web-components] created bwc-autocomplete and bwc-table (based on bulma) in common-lib/esm
- [example-app] clean up backend, table csv upload
- [common-lib/esm] https.js handle application/json & multipart/form-data, handle allow empty json() from response
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [example-app] simple SAML test, fixed httponly cookie, mongo options
- [example-vite] rename folder pages to views, to follow
term, add oruga ui, fixed httponly cookie - [docker-devenv] add mysql, hashicorp vault, saml IDP
- [chore] secrets management, reduce duplication deploy e.g. GCP_PROJECT_ID, seperate config (for services) and deploy (for deployments), hashicorp vault
- [backend-deployment] multi-stage docker build
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [chore] github actions, github dependabot
- [frontend] stripdown & migrate bundleless vue app in express to vue 3
- [backend] lint and husky for express
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [tested] Dockerfile, vite to GCP storage (script), backend to GCP Cloud Run (script), Test deploy backend to GCP VM (script), PM2
- [chore] eslint & prettier for vite
- [chore] pwa service worker & backend improvements, communication between sw and window (e.g. pushsubscriptionchange)
- [chore] move example-web/spa to example-spa, move example-web/vite to example-vite - For CI/CD purpose
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- [table] validation
- [frontend]
- example-web/vite
- use webcomponent in a webcomponent - mwc-autocomplete, mwc-multiselect, mwc-fileupload
- provide/inject use pattern for http calls (useXhr), i18n (useI18n)
- add PWA, FCM(google cloud) and Webspush(self hosted) functionality, apollo-client (graphql), ws
- fixed layout bug [https://dev.to/lampewebdev/vuejs-pages-with-dynamic-layouts-problems-and-a-solution-4460]
- REMOVED example-web/pwa and example-web/ssr
- example-web/vite
- [full-stack]
- fixed auth system
- improve structure further (for microservices and CICD)
- moved deploy scripts to respective individual project folders (example-app, example-web/vite)
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- add kafka docs/kafka.md and tcp docs/tcp.md working example
- Handle/Test Signature & Webcam input see docs/custom-element.md
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- backend
- bug fix on CRUD Table patch (remove MongoDB _id from body)
- frontend (common-lib/esm/http.js)
- Fetch API abort / retry
- doc
- jsonschema validation for MongoDB collection
- backend
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- improve npm scripts to handler Windows and Unix environments
- spa
- removed vue-apollo wrapper to apollo client, just use apollo client directly, apollo client v2 to v3 has broken vue-apollo v3
- vite
- web components or no bundler required UI framework, also make code more framework agnostic
- generic table crud
- add echarts and leaflet example
- backend
- generic table crud
- [chore] update packages & cleanup & work on improving documentation
- make it CI/CD friendly [re-organized folders again...]
- renamed common-app to common-lib and it contain reusable stuff
- use NodeJS globals for CONFIG, LIB_PATH, APP_PATH, APP_NAME
- long running process support such as tcp servers
- cronjobs (better that cron call an API rather than run code)
- deployment
- Small scale - all in one server - vm, pm2, SSH (express also serves the frontend)
- Medium to large
- Frontend deploy to GCP Storage / AWS S3 etc.
- Backend as docker container, Google Cloud Run
- update packages & cleanup
- work on improving documentation
- example-app/web/vite
- add vite and do sample composition api
- example-app/web/spa
- removed Ant Design (look to using web components or something that does not use bundler)
- fixed run run build
- example-app/web/pwa
- add a pwa sample app
- add Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) push notification
- example-app/public/demo-nobundle
- add no bundler implementation of Vue SPA using ES Modules
- common-app
- add telegram - send to group or channel via bot
- add FCM push notification
- improved on error handling (less boilerplate, see example-app/router/api.js)
- example-app
- improved router organization, and auth
- clear httponly cookie on logout
- vue-crud-x
- fixed sorting
- fixed graphql example to include pagination
- fixed infinite scroll bug
- fixed code to work with latest vuetify (2.2.15 onwards) and fix infinite scroll double xhr call on filter button press
- cleanup code
- update build
- update packages
- re-architect for better scalability - able to use as base for multiple full-stack applications
- /backend moved to /, folders are reorganized... refer to README.md Project Structure for more details
- backend
- switch app builds based on settings in /package.json config.app property
- improve error handling using error handler middleware (see /api/error endpoint)
- clean up auth, add groups to JWT and others, also affects frontend
- logging using morgan only, no winston, console.log is sufficient (also see https://12factor.net/)
- add file upload to GCP storage using signed Urls (alternative vendors include AWS S3 or Azure Storage)
- add Dockerfile see docs/Containers.md & example-app/Dockerfile & example-app/.dockerignore
- add message queue example using agenda /api/mq (requires MongoDB) & bull /api/mq-bull (requires Redis)
- frontend /example-app/web folder hosts examples for SPA, static HTML
- update user replace loginType with groups (ADFS SAML claims, etc), improve on permissions handling
- avoid single vendor lock in - remove mongo switch and firebase
- update packages
- remove date-fns (use Native JS Intl.DateTimeFormat and Date objects)
- VueCrudX
- fix table height (footer with pagination was hidden)
- enhance render: cell content formatting of the column (if column name is found, value passed in is cell value, else value passed in is row values object)
- backend
- add jest test, create unit and integration test
- structure backend to be testable, create controllers
- allow to authorize from cookie or header
- example-spa
- fixed axios.js, error.config.url returns only path instead of full url in updated version of axios (affected refresh token)
- skipped pushed 0.2.6 to npm as 0.2.7
- update packages
- objection upgraded to version 2 - breaking changes...
- eager -> withGraphFetched
- modifyEager -> modifyGraph
- joinRelated -> joinRelation
- objection upgraded to version 2 - breaking changes...
- fixed issue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59006130/error-typeerror-cannot-read-property-match-of-undefined
- update packages
- vue-cli v4, eslint v6, and many other packages
- replaced buggy http-server package with serve package (http-party/http-server#525)
- backend
- example of using RS256 for secret key (sample cert and key are in the certs folder)
- rename api route /api/rest-test to /api/health, serves as health check, add /api/health-auth to test auth routes
- add IP address checking (you can IP from req.ip)
- improved on configuration (use common config.js file), renamed some configs
- added CORS configurations
- added proxy middleware (can use this to serve web site from another server instead of serving from express static folder, note CORS needs to be configured properly)
- frontend and backend
- improve on JWT, two ways to do expiry extension and revocation
- correctly implement expiry refresh token
- httponly session cookies, add proxy middleware to test (app and www must be seen to be from same IP/Domain and Port)
- Removed nuxt/auth as refresh token support and httponly cookies is not there
- take care of cors / same-origin
- refactored example-ssr focus on reducing technical debt, removed nuxt-auth and axios modules, due to limitations, reuse frontend auth code from example-spa
- improve on JWT, two ways to do expiry extension and revocation
- update packages
- VueCrudX
- improve layout of table and forms, add to VueCrudX.md documentation
- fixed issue with load more for infinite scroll (simplified process also)
- update packages
- VueCrudX
- add vcx to onRowClick (so you can reference things in VueCrudX)
- additional error check
if (status === 200 && data)
after this.crud.findOne call - add render function in Form Fields configuration to allow record field to be transformed to format used the input
- example-spa
- fix major error when using firebase or mongo stitch
- improve on configs, recaptcha moved to env file
- fix firebase implemention, should use firebase/app, not @firebase/app
- update packages
- add pm2 logging folders
- VueCrudX.vue
- bug fix _isHidden & _isReadOnly, use...
&& !!this.selectedId
instead of&& this.selectedId
- make export workable
- minor fixes on UI, remove unnecessary horizontal scroll in form and filters when displaying more than 1 field in a row, padding adjustments
- fix input parameters of crud updated() & created() overridable functions. change from record object (parameters passed into crud create() or update()) to data object (parameters returned from crud create() or update()). NOTE created AND create, updated and update...
- minor fix change this.deleteRecord(...) to deleteRecord(...) in template
- bug fix _isHidden & _isReadOnly, use...
- improve date & time picker components
- example-spa/src/assets/util.js
- exportCsv function change from hardcoded output filename to user definable (also to deprecate for improved function)
- replace exportCsv, exportJson with downloadData (new function, works with IE and can handle larger filesize downloads in chrome)
- replace makeCsvRow with more robust function from json2csv library
- update to Vuetify 2.0.1, & other packages
- fix form layouts
- make db init os agnostic
- update to Vuetify 2.0 (many breaking changes)
- vue-crud-x Version 0.1.x using Vuetify 1 to be supported in vue-crud-x v1 branch
- redesign, improve and refactor redesigned to make it easier to implement on other UI frameworks
- consolidate examples, nuxt-example to focus mainly on nuxt issues only
- add JSDoc & OpenAPI support
- add SAML ADFS authentication example in backend example
- package updates