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CHANGELOG for Binance's API (2022-11-28)


Notice: These changes are being rolled out gradually to all our servers, and will take approximately a week to complete.


  • !bookTicker has been removed. Please use the Individual Book Ticker Streams instead. (<symbol>@bookTicker).
    • Multiple <symbol>@bookTicker streams can be subscribed to over one connection. (E.g. wss://
    • This removal will take effect TOMORROW (2022-11-29).


  • New error code -1135
    • This error code will occur if a parameter requiring a JSON object is invalid.
  • New error code -1108
    • This error will occur if a value to a parameter being sent was too large, potentially causing overflow.
    • This error code can occur in the following endpoints:
      • POST /api/v3/order
      • POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
      • POST /api/v3/order/oco
  • Changes to GET /api/v3/aggTrades
    • Previous behavior: startTime and endTime had to be used in combination and could only be an hour apart.
    • New behavior: startTime and endTime can be used individually and the 1 hour limit has been removed.
      • When using startTime only, this will return trades from that time, up to the limit provided.
      • When using endTime only, this will return trades starting from the endTime including all trades before that time, up to the limit provided.
      • If limit not provided, regardless of used in combination or sent individually, the endpoint will use the default limit.
  • Changes to GET /api/v3/myTrades
    • Fixed a Bug where combining symbol + orderId combination would returns all trades even if the number of trades went beyond the 500 default limit. Now if this combination is used the trade will not go beyond the default limit.
    • New behavior when sending combination of optional parameters that were not supported:
      • Previous behavior: The API would send specific error messages depending on the combination of parameters sent. Eg.
      { "code": -1106, "msg": "Parameter X was sent when not required." } 
      • New behavior: If the combinations of optional parameters to the endpoint were not supported, then the endpoint will respond with the generic error:
      { "code": -1128, "msg": "Combination of optional parameters invalid." }
    • Added a new combination of supported parameters: symbol + orderId + fromId.
    • The following combinations of parameters were previously supported but now removed.
      • symbol + fromId + startTime
      • symbol + fromId + endTime
      • symbol + fromId + startTime + endTime
    • Thus, these are the supported combinations of parameters:
      • symbol
      • symbol + orderId
      • symbol + startTime
      • symbol + endTime
      • symbol + fromId
      • symbol + startTime + endTime
      • symbol+ orderId + fromId

Note: These new fields will appear approximately a week from the release date.

  • Changes to GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo
    • New fields defaultSelfTradePreventionMode and allowedSelfTradePreventionModes
  • Changes to the Order Placement Endpoints/Order Query/Order Cancellation Endpoints:
    • New field selfTradePreventionMode will appear in the response.
    • Affects the following endpoints:
      • POST /api/v3/order
      • POST /api/v3/order/oco
      • POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
      • GET /api/v3/order
      • DELETE /api/v3/order
      • DELETE /api/v3/orderList
  • Changes to GET /api/v3/account
    • New field requireSelfTradePrevention will appear in the response.
  • New field workingTime, indicating when the order started working on the order book, will appear in the following endpoints:
    • POST /api/v3/order
    • GET /api/v3/order
    • POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
    • POST /api/v3/order/oco
    • GET /api/v3/order
    • GET /api/v3/openOrders
    • GET /api/v3/allOrders
  • Field trailingTime, indicating the time when the trailing order is active and tracking price changes, will appear for the following order types (TAKE_PROFIT, TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT, STOP_LOSS, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT if trailingDelta parameter was provided) for the following endpoints:
    • POST /api/v3/order
    • GET /api/v3/order
    • GET /api/v3/openOrders
    • GET /api/v3/allOrders
    • POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
    • DELETE /api/v3/order
  • Field commissionRates will appear in the GET /api/v3/acccount response


  • eventType executionReport has new fields
    • V - selfTradePreventionMode
    • D - trailing_time (Appears if the trailing stop order is active)
    • W - workingTime (Appears if the order is working on the order book)


  • Trailing Stops have been enabled.
    • This is a type of algo order where the activation is based on a percentage of a price change in the market using the new parameter trailingDelta.
    • This can only be used with any of the following order types: STOP_LOSS, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, TAKE_PROFIT, TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT.
    • The trailingDelta parameter will be done in Basis Points or BIPS.
      • For example: a STOP_LOSS SELL order with a trailingDelta of 100 will trigger after a price decrease of 1% from the highest price after the order is placed. (100 / 10,000 => 0.01 => 1%)
    • When used in combination with OCO Orders, the trailingDelta will determine when the contingent leg of the OCO will trigger.
    • When trailingDelta is used in combination with stopPrice, once the stopPrice condition is met, the trailing stop starts tracking the price change from the stopPrice based on the trailingDelta provided.
    • When no stopPrice is sent, the trailing stop starts tracking the price changes from the last price based on the trailingDelta provided.
  • Changes to POST /api/v3/order
    • New optional field trailingDelta
  • Changes to POST /api/v3/order/test
    • New optional field trailingDelta
  • Changes to POST /api/v3/order/oco
    • New optional field trailingDelta
  • A new filter TRAILING_DELTA has been added.
    • This filter is defined by the minimum and maximum values for the trailingDelta value.
  • Cancel Replace Orders have been enabled.
    • Cancels an existing order and places a new order on the same symbol using the endpoint POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace


Scheduled changes to the removal of !bookTicker around November 2022.

  • The All Book Tickers stream (!bookTicker) is set to be removed in November 2022
  • More details of the actual removal date will be announced at a later time.
  • Please use the Individual Book Ticker Streams instead. (<symbol>@bookTicker)
  • Multiple <symbol>@bookTicker streams can be subscribed to over one connection.
    • Example: wss://


Note that these are rolling changes, so it may take a few days for it to rollout to all our servers.

  • Changes to GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo
    • New optional parameter permissions added to display all symbols with the permissions matching the value provided.
    • If not provided, the default value will be ["SPOT"]
    • Cannot be combined with symbol or symbols


  • Changes to GET /api/v3/ticker and GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
    • New optional parameter type added
    • Supported values for parameter type are FULL and MINI
      • FULL is the default value and the response that is currently being returned from the endpoint
      • MINI omits the following fields from the response: priceChangePercent, weightedAvgPrice, bidPrice, bidQty, askPrice, askQty, and lastQty
  • New error code -1008
    • This is sent whenever the servers are overloaded with requests.
  • New field brokered has been added to GET /api/v3/account
  • New kline interval: 1s


Changes to GET /api/v3/ticker

  • Weight has been reduced from 5 to 2 per symbol, regardless of windowSize.
  • The max number of symbols that can be processed in a request is 100.
    • If the number of symbols sent is more than 100, the error will be as follows:
     "code": -1101,
     "msg": "Too many values sent for parameter 'symbols', maximum allowed up to 100." 
  • The max Weight for this endpoint will cap at 100.
    • I.e. If the request has more than 50 symbols, the Weight will still be 100, regardless of windowSize.


Rest API

  • GET /api/v3/ticker added
    • Rolling window price change statistics based on windowSize provided.
    • Contrary to GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr the list of symbols cannot be omitted.
    • If windowSize not specified, the default value will default to 1d.
    • Response is similar to GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr, minus the following fields: prevClosePrice, lastQty, bidPrice, bidQty, askPrice, askQty
  • GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo returns new field cancelReplaceAllowed in symbols list.
  • POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace added
    • Cancels an existing order and places a new order on the same symbol.
    • The filters are evaluated before the cancel order is placed.
      • e.g. If the MAX_NUM_ORDERS filter is 10, and the total number of open orders on the account is also 10, when using POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace both the cancel order placement and new order will fail because of the filter.
  • New filter NOTIONAL has been added.
    • Defines the allowed notional value (price * quantity) based on a configured minNotional and maxNotional
  • New exchange filter EXCHANGE_MAX_NUM_ICEBERG_ORDERS has been added.
    • Defines the limit of open iceberg orders on an account


  • New symbol ticker streams with 1h and 4h windows:
    • Individual symbol ticker streams
      • <symbol>@ticker_<window-size>
    • All market ticker streams
      • !ticker_<window-size>@arr



  • Changes to GET api/v3/allOrders where symbol is not provided:
     "code": -1102,
     "msg": "Mandatory parameter 'symbol' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed."
  • Fixed a typo with an error message when an account has disabled permissions (e.g. to withdraw, to trade, etc)
    "This action is disabled on this account." 


  • New field allowTrailingStop has been added to GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo



  • (price-minPrice) % tickSize == 0 rule in PRICE_FILTER has been changed to price % tickSize == 0.
  • A new filter PERCENT_PRICE_BY_SIDE has been added.
  • Changes to GET api/v3/depth
    • The limit value can be outside of the previous values (i.e. 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000,5000) and will return the correct limit. (i.e. if limit=3 then the response will be the top 3 bids and asks)
    • The limit still cannot exceed 5000. If the limit provided is greater than 5000, then the response will be truncated to 5000.
    • Due to the changes, these are the updated request weights based on the limit value provided:
Limit Request Weight
1-100 1
101-500 5
501-1000 10
1001-5000 50
  • Changes to GET api/v3/aggTrades

    • When providing startTime and endTime, the oldest items are returned.
  • Changed error messaging on GET /api/v3/myTrades where parameter symbol is not provided:

"code": -1102,
"msg": "Mandatory parameter 'symbol' was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed." 
  • The following endpoints now support multi-symbol querying using the parameter symbols.
    • GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
    • GET /api/v3/ticker/price
    • GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker
  • In the above, the request weight will depend on the number of symbols provided in symbols.
    Please refer to the table below:
Endpoint Number of Symbols Weight
GET /api/v3/ticker/price Any 2
GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker Any 2
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr 1-20 1
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr 21-100 20
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr 101 or more 40


  • GET api/v3/rateLimit/order added
    • The endpoint will display the user's current order count usage for all intervals.
    • This endpoint will have a request weight of 20.
  • Removed out dated "Symbol Type" enum; added "Permissions" enum.


  • GET api/v3/myTrades has a new optional field orderId



  • outboundAccountInfo has been removed


  • GET api/v3/exchangeInfo now supports single and multi-symbol query.
  • The weights to the following endpoints will be adjusted:
    • GET /api/v3/order weight increased to 2
    • GET /api/v3/openOrders weight increased to 3
    • GET /api/v3/allOrders weight increased to 10
    • GET /api/v3/orderList weight increased to 2
    • GET /api/v3/openOrderList weight increased to 3
    • GET /api/v3/account weight increased to 10
    • GET /api/v3/myTrades weight increased to 10
    • GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo weight increased to 10


  • Added Data Source in the documentation to explain where each endpoint is retrieving its data.
  • Added field Data Source to each API endpoint in the documentation



  • api/v3/exchangeInfo has new fields:

    • quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed
      • Indicates whether Quote Order Qty MARKET orders are enabled on a symbol.
    • quoteAssetPrecision
      • This is a duplicate of the quotePrecision field. quotePrecision will be removed in future API versions (v4+).
  • MARKET orders have a new optional field: quoteOrderQty to specify the total quoteOrderQty spent or received on a MARKET order.

    • Quote Order Qty MARKET orders will not break LOT_SIZE filter rules; the order will execute a quantity that will have the notional value as close as possible to the quoteOrderQty
    • Using BNBBTC as an example:
      • On the BUY side, the order will buy as many BNB as quoteOrderQty BTC can.
      • On the SELL side, the order will sell as much BNB as needed to receive quoteOrderQty BTC.
  • All order query endpoints will return a new field origQuoteOrderQty in the JSON payload. (e.g. GET api/v3/allOrders)

  • New field permissions

    • Defines the trading permissions that allowed on accounts and symbols
    • permissions is an enum array;values:
      • SPOT
      • MARGIN
    • permissions will replace isSpotTradingAllowed and isMarginTradingAllowed on GET api/v3/exchangeInfo in future API versions (v4+).
    • For an account to trade on a symbol, the account and symbol must share at least 1 permission in common.
  • Updates to GET api/v3/account

    • New field permissions added.
  • New endpoint DELETE /api/v3/openOrders

    • This will allow a user to cancel all open orders on a single symbol.
    • This will cancel all open orders including OCO orders.
  • Updated error messages for -1003 to specify the limit is referring to the request weight, not to the number of requests.

  • Updated error messages for -1128:

    • Sending an OCO with a stopLimitPrice without a stopLimitTimeInForce will return this message:
         "code": -1128,
         "msg": "Combination of optional parameters invalid. Recommendation: 'stopLimitTimeInForce' should also be sent."
  • Orders can be canceled via the API on symbols in the BREAK or HALT status.


  • OutboundAccountInfo has a new field P which shows the trading permissions of the account.
  • executionReport has a new field Q which shows the quoteOrderQty of an order.
  • balanceUpdate event type added
    • This event occurs when funds are deposited or withdrawn from the account.



  • WebSocket connections have a limit of 5 incoming messages per second. A message is considered:
    • A PING frame
    • A PONG frame
    • A JSON control message (e.g. subscribe, unsubscribe)
  • A connection that goes beyond the limit will be disconnected; IPs that are repeatedly disconnected may be banned.
  • A single connection can listen to a maximum of 1024 streams.



  • WSS now supports live subscribing/unsubscribing to streams.


  • New WebSocket streams for bookTickers added: <symbol>@bookTicker and !bookTicker. See for details.


  • Faster order book data with 100ms updates: <symbol>@depth@100ms and <symbol>@depth#@100ms
  • Added "Update Speed:" to
  • Removed deprecated v1 endpoints as per previous announcement:
    • GET api/v1/order
    • GET api/v1/openOrders
    • POST api/v1/order
    • DELETE api/v1/order
    • GET api/v1/allOrders
    • GET api/v1/account
    • GET api/v1/myTrades

2019-08-16 (Update 2)

  • GET api/v1/depth limit of 10000 has been temporarily removed


  • In Q4 2017, the following endpoints were deprecated and removed from the API documentation. They have been permanently removed from the API as of this version. We apologize for the omission from the original changelog:

    • GET api/v1/order
    • GET api/v1/openOrders
    • POST api/v1/order
    • DELETE api/v1/order
    • GET api/v1/allOrders
    • GET api/v1/account
    • GET api/v1/myTrades
  • Streams, endpoints, parameters, payloads, etc. described in the documents in this repository are considered official and supported. The use of any other streams, endpoints, parameters, or payloads, etc. is not supported; use them at your own risk and with no guarantees.


Rest API

  • New order type: OCO ("One Cancels the Other")

    • An OCO has 2 orders: (also known as legs in financial terms)

      • LIMIT_MAKER leg
    • Price Restrictions:

      • SELL Orders : Limit Price > Last Price > Stop Price
      • BUY Orders : Limit Price < Last Price < Stop Price
      • As stated, the prices must "straddle" the last traded price on the symbol. EX: If the last price is 10:
        • A SELL OCO must have the limit price greater than 10, and the stop price less than 10.
        • A BUY OCO must have a limit price less than 10, and the stop price greater than 10.
    • Quantity Restrictions:

      • Both legs must have the same quantity.
      • ICEBERG quantities however, do not have to be the same.
    • Execution Order:

      • If the LIMIT_MAKER is touched, the limit maker leg will be executed first BEFORE canceling the Stop Loss Leg.
      • if the Market Price moves such that the STOP_LOSS or STOP_LOSS_LIMIT will trigger, the Limit Maker leg will be canceled BEFORE executing the STOP_LOSS Leg.
    • Canceling an OCO

      • Canceling either order leg will cancel the entire OCO.
      • The entire OCO can be canceled via the orderListId or the listClientOrderId.
    • New Enums for OCO:

      1. ListStatusType
        • RESPONSE - used when ListStatus is responding to a failed action. (either order list placement or cancellation)
        • EXEC_STARTED - used when an order list has been placed or there is an update to a list's status.
        • ALL_DONE - used when an order list has finished executing and is no longer active.
      2. ListOrderStatus
        • EXECUTING - used when an order list has been placed or there is an update to a list's status.
        • ALL_DONE - used when an order list has finished executing and is no longer active.
        • REJECT - used when ListStatus is responding to a failed action. (either order list placement or cancellation)
      3. ContingencyType
        • OCO - specifies the type of order list.
    • New Endpoints:

      • POST api/v3/order/oco
      • DELETE api/v3/orderList
      • GET api/v3/orderList
  • recvWindow cannot exceed 60000.

  • New intervalLetter values for headers:

    • SECOND => S
    • MINUTE => M
    • HOUR => H
    • DAY => D
  • New Headers X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter) will give your current used request weight for the (intervalNum)(intervalLetter) rate limiter. For example, if there is a one minute request rate weight limiter set, you will get a X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-1M header in the response. The legacy header X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT will still be returned and will represent the current used weight for the one minute request rate weight limit.

  • New Header X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-(intervalNum)(intervalLetter)that is updated on any valid order placement and tracks your current order count for the interval; rejected/unsuccessful orders are not guaranteed to have X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-** headers in the response.

    • Eg. X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-1S for "orders per 1 second" and X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-1D for orders per "one day"
  • GET api/v1/depth now supports limit 5000 and 10000; weights are 50 and 100 respectively.

  • GET api/v1/exchangeInfo has a new parameter ocoAllowed.


  • executionReport event now contains "g" which has the orderListId; it will be set to -1 for non-OCO orders.
  • New Event Type listStatus; listStatus is sent on an update to any OCO order.
  • New Event Type outboundAccountPosition; outboundAccountPosition is sent any time an account's balance changes and contains the assets that could have changed by the event that generated the balance change (a deposit, withdrawal, trade, order placement, or cancellation).


    • recvWindow must be less than 60000
  • -1099 Not found, authenticated, or authorized
    • This replaces error code -1999


    • A parameter for one of the orders is incorrect.
    • The relationship of the prices for the orders is not correct.
    • OCO orders are not supported for this symbol.


Rest API

  • X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT header added to Rest API responses.
  • Retry-After header added to Rest API 418 and 429 responses.
  • When canceling the Rest API can now return errorCode -1013 OR -2011 if the symbol's status isn't TRADING.
  • api/v1/depth no longer has the ignored and empty [].
  • api/v3/myTrades now returns quoteQty; the price * qty of for the trade.

Websocket streams

  • <symbol>@depth and <symbol>@depthX streams no longer have the ignored and empty [].

System improvements

  • Matching Engine stability/reliability improvements.
  • Rest API performance improvements.


Rest API

  • Can now cancel orders through the Rest API during a trading ban.
  • Added RAW_REQUST rate limit. Limits based on the number of requests over X minutes regardless of weight.
  • /api/v3/ticker/price increased to weight of 2 for a no symbol query.
  • /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker increased weight of 2 for a no symbol query.
  • DELETE /api/v3/order will now return an execution report of the final state of the order.
  • MIN_NOTIONAL filter has two new parameters: applyToMarket (whether or not the filter is applied to MARKET orders) and avgPriceMins (the number of minutes over which the price averaged for the notional estimation).
  • intervalNum added to /api/v1/exchangeInfo limits. intervalNum describes the amount of the interval. For example: intervalNum 5, with interval minute, means "every 5 minutes".

Explanation for the average price calculation:

  1. (qty * price) of all trades / sum of qty of all of the trades over previous 5 minutes.

  2. If there is no trade in the last 5 minutes, it takes the first trade that happened outside of the 5min window. For example if the last trade was 20 minutes ago, that trade's price is the 5 min average.

  3. If there is no trade on the symbol, there is no average price and market orders cannot be placed. On a new symbol with applyToMarket enabled on the MIN_NOTIONAL filter, market orders cannot be placed until there is at least 1 trade.

  4. The current average price can be checked here:<symbol> For example:

User data stream

  • Last quote asset transacted quantity (as variable Y) added to execution reports. Represents the lastPrice * lastQty (L * l).


Rest API

  • New filter: ICEBERG_PARTS
  • POST api/v3/order new defaults for newOrderRespType. ACK, RESULT, or FULL; MARKET and LIMIT order types default to FULL, all other orders default to ACK.
  • POST api/v3/order RESULT and FULL responses now have cummulativeQuoteQty
  • GET api/v3/openOrders with no symbol weight reduced to 40.
  • GET api/v3/ticker/24hr with no symbol weight reduced to 40.
  • Max amount of trades from GET /api/v1/trades increased to 1000.
  • Max amount of trades from GET /api/v1/historicalTrades increased to 1000.
  • Max amount of aggregate trades from GET /api/v1/aggTrades increased to 1000.
  • Max amount of aggregate trades from GET /api/v1/klines increased to 1000.
  • Rest API Order lookups now return updateTime which represents the last time the order was updated; time is the order creation time.
  • Order lookup endpoints will now return cummulativeQuoteQty. If cummulativeQuoteQty is < 0, it means the data isn't available for this order at this time.
  • REQUESTS rate limit type changed to REQUEST_WEIGHT. This limit was always logically request weight and the previous name for it caused confusion.

User data stream

  • cummulativeQuoteQty field added to order responses and execution reports (as variable Z). Represents the cummulative amount of the quote that has been spent (with a BUY order) or received (with a SELL order). Historical orders will have a value < 0 in this field indicating the data is not available at this time. cummulativeQuoteQty divided by cummulativeQty will give the average price for an order.
  • O (order creation time) added to execution reports


  • GET /api/v1/historicalTrades weight decreased to 5
  • GET /api/v1/aggTrades weight decreased to 1
  • GET /api/v1/klines weight decreased to 1
  • GET /api/v1/ticker/24hr all symbols weight decreased to number of trading symbols / 2
  • GET /api/v3/allOrders weight decreased to 5
  • GET /api/v3/myTrades weight decreased to 5
  • GET /api/v3/account weight decreased to 5
  • GET /api/v1/depth limit=500 weight decreased to 5
  • GET /api/v1/depth limit=1000 weight decreased to 10
  • -1003 error message updated to direct users to websockets


  • GET /api/v1/ticker/24hr single symbol weight decreased to 1
  • GET /api/v3/openOrders all symbols weight decreased to number of trading symbols / 2
  • GET /api/v3/allOrders weight decreased to 15
  • GET /api/v3/myTrades weight decreased to 15
  • GET /api/v3/order weight decreased to 1
  • myTrades will now return both sides of a self-trade/wash-trade


  • GET /api/v1/aggTrades weight changed to 2
  • GET /api/v1/klines weight changed to 2
  • GET /api/v3/order weight changed to 2
  • GET /api/v3/allOrders weight changed to 20
  • GET /api/v3/account weight changed to 20
  • GET /api/v3/myTrades weight changed to 20
  • GET /api/v3/historicalTrades weight changed to 20