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SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU cryptocurrency miner

Cryptocurrency miner

Mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time!

Download :

Support :


[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2d_16000
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2d_dynamic
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2id_chukwa
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   argon2id_chukwa2
[1.00%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   autolykos2
[0.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   blake2b
[0.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   blake2s
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   blake3_alephium
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   blake3_ironfish
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   cpupower
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_ccx
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_gpu
[0.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_talleo
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_turtle
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_upx
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   cryptonight_xhv
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   curvehash
[1.00%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   dynamo
[2.50%]   [ -  A  -  - ]   dynex
[0.65%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   etchash
[0.65%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   ethash
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   evrprogpow
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   firopow
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   ghostrider
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   heavyhash
[0.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   k12
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   kaspa
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   kawpow
[0.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   keccak
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   lyra2v2_webchain
[2.00%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   memehash
[2.00%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   memehash_apepepow
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   mike
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   minotaur
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   minotaurx
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   panthera
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   progpow_epic
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   progpow_sero
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   progpow_veil
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   progpow_veriblock
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  - ]   progpow_zano
[1.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   pufferfish2bmb
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomarq
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomepic
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomgrft
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomhash2
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomkeva
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randoml
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomsfx
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomwow
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomx
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomxl
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   randomyada
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   scryptn2
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   sha256dt
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   sha3d
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   sha512_256d_radiant
[0.65%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   ubqhash
[1.00%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   verthash
[0.85%]   [ C  A  N  I ]   verushash
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   xdag
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescrypt
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr16
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr32
[0.85%]   [ C  A  -  - ]   yescryptr8
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespower
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespower2b
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerarwn
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespoweric
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespoweriots
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespoweritc
[0.00%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerlitb
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerltncg
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowermgpc
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerr16
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerres
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowersugar
[0.85%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowertide
[0.00%]   [ C  -  -  - ]   yespowerurx


dynex + kaspa
dynex + blake3_alephium
dynex + blake3_ironfish
dynex + sha512_256d_radiant
dynex + sha256dt

ethash + kaspa
ethash + blake3_alephium
ethash + blake3_ironfish
ethash + heavyhash
ethash + sha512_256d_radiant
ethash + sha256dt

etchash + kaspa
etchash + blake3_alephium
etchash + blake3_ironfish
etchash + heavyhash
etchash + sha512_256d_radiant
etchash + sha256dt

autolykos2 + kaspa
autolykos2 + blake3_alephium
autolykos2 + blake3_ironfish
autolykos2 + heavyhash
autolykos2 + sha512_256d_radiant
autolykos2 + sha256dt

... also ...
randomepic + any algo
progpow_epic + any algo



+ RX 7900
+ RX 6500/6600/6650/6700/6750/6800/6900/6950 s
+ RX 5300/5400/5500/5600/5700
+ VEGA 56/64/FE/VII
+ RX 460/470/480/550/560/570/580/590


+ Hopper
+ Ada Lovelace
+ Ampere 
+ Turing
+ Pascal
+ [for older try using parameter --disable-ptx-check]


+ Alchemist

Generic parameters:

--gpu-sensors-disable           (disable reading of GPU sensors)
--algorithm value               (algorithm/s to use, separate values with ;)
--api-enable                    (enable statistics API)
--api-port value                (port where statistics API is reachable - default 21550)
--api-rig-name value            (identifier name for your rig in statistics API)
--api-rig-restart-url value     (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers computer restart)
--api-miner-restart-url value   (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers miner restart)
--api-rig-shutdown-url value    (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers computer shutdown)
--background                    (run miner in background, without console window)
--disable-cpu                   (disable cpu mining)
--disable-gpu                   (disable gpu mining)
--disable-gpu-amd               (disable gpu mining with AMD gpu's)
--disable-gpu-nvidia            (disable gpu mining with NVIDIA gpu's)
--disable-gpu-intel             (disable gpu mining with INTEL gpu's)
--disable-gpu-dual-kernels      (disable usage of optimised dual kernels)
--disable-extranonce-subscribe  (don't send mining.extranonce.subscribe to pool)
--disable-gpu-tweaking          (disable gpu tweaking options (def. is enabled)
--disable-worker-watchdog       (disable crash detection)
--disable-ptx-check             (disable nvidia ptx version check)
--enable-opencl-cleanup         (release ocl resources on miner exit/restart)
--enable-restart-on-rejected    (enable miner auto restart on too many rejected shares. Set number with --max-rejected-shares)
--enable-workers-ramp-up        (enable GPU workers slow start)
--extended-log                  (enable more informative logging)
--forced-shutdown               (never try to free resources on restart/shutdown)
--give-up-limit value           (number of times to try connecting to a pool before switching to the next pool)
--gpu-auto-tune value           (runs miner in a mode that tries to find best settings per GPU. 0-disabled, 1-normal, 2-fast, 3-incrementing [def. is 0])
--gpu-errors-alert value        (notify when number of result validation errors for any GPU reaches this value [def. is 0 - disabled])
--list-algorithms               (list available algorithms)
--list-devices                  (list available gpu devices)
--log-file filename             (enable logging to file)
--log-file-mode value           (defines logging mode, 0-2 [def. is 0 - truncate])
--main-pool-reconnect value     (time, how often to try to reconnect back to the main pool. def. is 10 minutes, min. is 2 minutes)
--max-no-submit-responses value (max number of no-responses from pool to our submit messages before reconnecting [def. is 10])
--max-no-share-sent value       (time, if no share is accepted from the pool for x time, restarts miner [def. is 0 - disabled])
--max-rejected-shares value     (max number of allowed rejected shares on a connection. def. is 15 if '--enable-restart-on-rejected' option enabled)
--mallob-endpoint value         (Dynex mallob endpoint/s. separate values with ',')
--miner-priority value          (main process priority, 1-5 where 5 is highest [def. is 3 - normal])
--multi-algorithm-job-mode value(how miner handles jobs when mining multiple algorithms, 0-3 [def. is 0])
--proxy value                   (ip:port or user:password@ip:port of socks5 proxy)
--reboot-script-gpu-watchdog    (filename, if set it turns off built in restart procedure on gpu failure, and instead runs this script)
--retry-time value              (time, how much to wait before trying to reconnect to a pool)
--set-compute-mode              (sets AMD gpu's to compute mode & disables crossfire - run as admin)
--set-console-title value       (sets custom title to miner console window)
--setup                         (interactive mode to create basic configuration)
--startup-script filename       (run custom script on miner start - set clocks, voltage, etc.)
--shutdown-temperature value    (if this temperature is reached on any GPU, miner will shutdown system)
--verthash-dat-path value       (verthash.dat location, if not using default)

Cpu parameters

--cpu-threads                   (number of cpu threads to use for mining, separate values with ;)
--cpu-threads-intensity value   (hashes per worker thread, can be 1, 2 or 4. Def. is 1, separate values with ',')
--cpu-threads-priority value    (worker thread priority, 1-5 where 5 is highest (def. is 2), separate values with ';')
--cpu-affinity value            (thread affinity bitmask, hex or decimal value, separate values with ';')
--disable-auto-affinity         (disable auto affinity setup)
--disable-cpu-optimisations     (use only SSE2 for cpu mining)
--disable-huge-pages            (disable usage of huge pages)
--disable-hw-aes                (use only soft AES for cpu mining)
--disable-msr-tweaks            (disable MSR tweaks(def. is enabled)
--disable-numa                  (disable auto binding to numa nodes)
--force-msr-tweaks              (force usage of MSR tweaks
--msr-use-preset value          (defines MSR preset to use 0-3)
--msr-use-tweaks value          (defines MSR tweaks to use 0-4, | 0 - Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 - AMD |)

Gpu parameters

--gpu-id value                  (gpu id/s from --list-devices, separate values with ',')
--gpu-intensity value           (gpu intensity, 0-31 or if > 31 it's treated as raw intensity, separate values with ',')
--gpu-extra-config value        (additional config for some algorithms, separate values with ',')
--gpu-off-temperature value     (gpu turn off temperature, separate values with ',')
--gpu-boost value               (number from 0-100, separate values for gpu's with !)
--gpu-tweak-profile value       (number from 0-10, 0 disables tweaking. separate values for gpu's with ',')
--gpu-buffer-mode value         (how to handle buffers when mining ZIL or using --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3. 0-leave in vram, 1-release on algorithm switch. Default is 0, separate values with ',')
--gpu-ethash-mode value         (1, 2 or 3. Sets how DAG is managed, separate values with ',')
--gpu-manual-tuning filename    (enable manual GPU tuning through configuration file)
--gpu-progpow-mode value        (1, 2 or 3. Sets how progpow program is created, separate values with ',')
--gpu-progpow-preload value     (number from 0-16. Sets how many periods to pre-create. Def. is 1)
--gpu-autolykos2-preload value  (number from 0-6, how many datasets to pre-create, depends on free GPU memory. def. is 0,  separate values with ',')
--gpu-progpow-safe              (use this if you get a lot of gpu validation errors on progpow algorithms)
--gpu-dynamo-experimental       (it can improve performance on some dynamo 'algorithms')
--gpu-table-slow-build          (builds DAG/Datatable slower - might help if GPU's are crashing on DAG/Datatable creation)
--gpu-dual-max-loss value       (how much loss of A0 hashrate is allowed in auto tune mode for dual mining, in percent [1-95])
--gpu-disable-interleaving      (disable interleaving of threads when running more than 2 threads per GPU)
--gpu-disable-auto-buffer       (disable automatic switch to --gpu-buffer-mode 1 in case if not enough vram)
--gpu-dynex-r value             (performance tuning for Dynex, separate values with ',' [min. 1, max. 16])

Gpu OC parameters

--gpu-reset-oc                  (reset default OC values on miner start [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-cclock0                   (A0 - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-mclock0                   (A0 - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-coffset0                  (A0 - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-moffset0                  (A0 - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-plimit0                   (A0 - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-fan0                      (A0 - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-cclock1                   (A1 - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-mclock1                   (A1 - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-coffset1                  (A1 - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-moffset1                  (A1 - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-plimit1                   (A1 - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-fan1                      (A1 - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-cclock                    (ZIL - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-mclock                    (ZIL - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-coffset                   (ZIL - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-moffset                   (ZIL - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-plimit                    (ZIL - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-fan                       (ZIL - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--a0-oc-script filename         (run script when algorithm 0 becomes active - set OC)
--a1-oc-script filename         (run script when algorithm 1 becomes active - set OC)
--zil-oc-script filename        (run script when ZIL mining becomes active - set OC)
--oc-delay value                (delay in seconds after A0, A1 or ZIL OC was applied. Def. is 3, max is 120)

Pool parameters

--pool value                    (pool address:port, separate values with ',')
--wallet value                  (user wallet address, separate values with ',')
--worker value                  (worker name or rig id, separate values with ',')
--password value                (pool password, separate values with ; and ! [use #; and #! to escape separator characters])
--diff-factor value             (custom difficulty multiplier, separate values with ',')
--tls value                     (use TLS, true or false, separate values with ',')
--esm value                     (ethash stratum mode [0, 1, 2], separate values with ',')
--nicehash value                (force nicehash, true or false, separate values with ',')
--job-timeout value             (time, if no job received for this period, miner will reconnect. Disabled by default, separate values with ',')
--max-difficulty value          (number, if pool difficulty is above this value miner will reconnect to the pool, separate values with ',')
--start-block-height value      (number, start mining when defined block height is reached. Pool must send this info, separate values with ',')
--keepalive value               (true or false, not every pool supports this, separate values with ',')
--send-stales value             (send stale shares to pool, true or false, separate values with ',')
--algo-min-time value           (time, used with algorithm switching capability, minimum time to mine same algorithm. Def. is 10 min.)

ZIL mining parameters

--zil-enable                    (enable ZIL only mining)
--zil-epoch value               (ZIL epoch number. Default is 1)
--zil-pool value                (ZIL pool address:port, separate values with ',')
--zil-wallet value              (ZIL wallet address, separate values with ',')
--zil-password value            (ZIL pool password, separate values with ',')
--zil-esm value                 (ZIL pool ethereum stratum mode, separate values with ',')

Parameter aliases

--algorithm                     -a
--cpu-threads                   -t
--password                      -p
--pool                          -o
--wallet                        -u
: Parameters that take a TIME value must be set in SECONDS!


0 - clear content of existing log file before writing
1 - append to existing log file's end
2 - add datetime stamp to log's name so it creates a new log file on every miner start

0 - getwork/ETHPROXY
1 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0
2 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0 + nicehash mode

--msr-use-preset can be used to select from 3 predefined presets (0,1,2) of register values. If not used, preset is auto selected.
If combined with --msr-use-tweaks parameter, you will use values from the defined preset.

1 - Create 1 buffer for DAG on GPU if driver allows big enough allocation
2 - Create 2 buffers for DAG on GPU

0 - Leave buffers in memory for both algorithms when switching. Use if you have enough VRAM on the GPU to store all data from both algorithms.
1 - Recreate buffers when switching algorithms. This way you can 'dual mine' algorithms that together wouldn't fit in VRAM.

1 - Use kernel 1. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG only
2 - Use kernel 2. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG and ~+150-200mb (depends from used intensity)
3 - Use kernel 3. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG and ~+300-500mb (depends from used intensity)


Pre-create the dataset/s for the next block/s while mining the current block.
Additional GPU memory needed.
Reported hashrate can vary a little bit. Overall it should increase your pool hashrate by a few percent.

There are 2 types of preloading :
- If you set preload value to 1 it will constantly keep preloading the next block (preferred for 4-8GB gpu's)
- If you set preload value to > 1 it will preload X number of datasets, and when a block arrives that isn't yet loaded, it will be created so miner can
start working on it, and then again X number of datasets will get preloaded.

Auto-tune tries to find good settings for your GPU's, and it can be controlled with parameter '--gpu-auto-tune'
Your final results will probably be different every time, that's because auto tune searches for the best settings live, and it's not a predefined value.


0: disabled
1: normal
2: fast
3: incrementing

By default auto-tune is disabled and set to '0'. You can enable it by setting '--gpu-auto-tune' value to 1, 2 or 3.
Sometimes auto-tune won't return you the best settings, and also sometimes it can happen that it won't apply the auto detected settings, so you need to manually set the --gpu-raw-intensity value it returned.

Every GPU thread can be put into auto-tune mode, so you can combine stuff here, for example run a GPU with 2 threads, and set intensity for one of the threads manually, and leave the second on auto-tune.

After getting the result/s (--gpu-intensity), you should set the parameters manually in the batch file and run the miner, even if it will continue mining after the auto tune process is finished.
It's better to use it only for getting the values and then running the miner in normal mode (not auto tune mode)

There are 4 job handling modes available for you when mining multiple algorithms, and they can be set with parameter '--multi-algorithm-job-mode'

0: no redirect
1: redirect always to a0
2: redirect to next available algorithm
3: work on a1 jobs only when a0 doesn't have anything to work on

Job handling is available both to CPU and GPU mined algorithms.
It is advised to use parameter '--enable-workers-ramp-up', to avoid a potential system crash when all the workers try to allocate their resources at the same time.


Api has two interfaces : json and gui (over http)

To use it you must enable it first, by using the --api-enable parameter.
Set your rig name with --api-rig-name rig_name.

After you started the miner, you can access the GUI stats in your browser :

Or the json :

There are also three other parameters that can help you to restart miner, reboot or shutdown your machine remotely :

This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser results in a computer restart. Miner needs to have admin privileges.

This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser results in a computer shutdown. Miner needs to have admin privileges.

This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser restarts SRBMiner-MULTI.