From 5ed6cb6448b47eb13fb7849370fbeec55f109ecd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Akhil Kedia Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 03:18:33 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Bump version, add chinese Traditional Support Signed-off-by: Akhil Kedia --- app/build.gradle | 4 +- app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml | 308 +++++++++++++++++++++ docs/1.9.5.markdown | 197 +++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml create mode 100644 docs/1.9.5.markdown diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle index 53c75f7..ffbf74b 100644 --- a/app/build.gradle +++ b/app/build.gradle @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ android { applicationId "akhil.alltrans" minSdkVersion 19 targetSdkVersion 30 - versionCode 194 - versionName "1.9.4" + versionCode 195 + versionName "1.9.5" multiDexEnabled true signingConfig signingConfigs.publish } diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6a22ef --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ + + + "全部翻譯" + "載入應用程式清單 - 請稍候" + "請強制關閉已翻譯的應用程式!此應用程式的翻譯緩存將在下次應用程式啟動時被刪除!!" + "無法載入「每應用」首選項頁面。關閉並再次重新打開應用程式。" + "應用程式圖示" + "應用範例" + "描述" + "翻譯無處不在" + "要翻譯的應用程式" + "全域設置" + "指示" + "你想評價這個程式嗎?" + "不是現在" + "從不" + "提交反饋" + "告訴我們我們可以改進的地方" + "提交" + "取消" + "翻譯設置" + "翻譯設置以修復應用程式崩潰或未翻譯的問題" + "高級設置" + "主控開/關" + "關閉以完全禁用此模組" + "模組已關閉,不會翻譯任何應用程式。打開以開始使用自動翻譯!" + "模組已打開,所選應用程式將被翻譯。關閉以完全禁用此模組。" + "翻譯服務提供者" + "選擇要使用的翻譯服務 - Google、Microsoft 或 Yandex" + "\nGoogle - 此翻譯在初始下載大約 30-60 MB 后脫機工作。翻譯速度很慢,使應用程式\滯後\或\掛起\有點。無需任何 API 金鑰。免費。\n" + "\nMicrosoft - 最佳翻譯,僅適用於互聯網,需要 \FREE\ API 密鑰。獲取 API 金鑰的過程很複雜,請參閱說明。\n" + "\nYandex - 需要 \PAID\ API 金鑰。如果您已經有一個免費的 API 金鑰,它可能有效,但可能不起作用。不建議這樣做。\n" + "如果以前沒有下載過,我們需要下載翻譯檔,大約30 MB。如果不下載,翻譯將無法正常工作。立即下載?" + "立即下載" + "取消" + "下載翻譯檔。請稍候" + "已成功下載翻譯檔" + "下載翻譯檔時出現一些錯誤" + "微軟/Yandex訂閱金鑰" + "微軟訂閱金鑰" + "Yandex 訂閱金鑰" + "輸入 Microsoft Azure 或 Yandex Translation API 的訂閱密鑰,以上述啟用者為準" + "輸入您的微軟或Yandex訂閱金鑰" + "從語言翻譯" + "應用最初使用的語言。" + "翻譯成語言" + "您希望將應用翻譯成的語言。" + "翻譯普通文字" + "不翻譯使用設置文本編寫的文字。打開以啟用。" + "翻譯使用設置文字編寫的文字 - 安全。關閉以禁用。" + "翻譯文字框中的文字提示(灰色建議)" + "不翻譯使用設置提示編寫的文字。打開以啟用。" + "翻譯使用設置提示編寫的文字 - 安全。關閉以禁用。" + "在應用內翻譯網頁中的文本" + "不翻譯 Web 檢視中的文字。打開以啟用。" + "在 WebView 中翻譯文本 - 安全,可能並非始終有效。關閉以禁用。" + "翻譯通知" + "不翻譯通知中的文本。打開以啟用。" + "翻譯通知中的文字 - 安全,有時可能會使應用程式崩潰。關閉以禁用。" + "主動模式" + "不積極地翻譯drawText中的文本。在上述所有方法失敗時使用。打開以啟用。" + "積極地翻譯drawText中的文本 - 實驗性的,可能並不總是有效。關閉以禁用。" + "使用快取" + "不離線保存翻譯,導致翻譯速度變慢和數據增加 - 但可能適用於更多應用。打開以保存翻譯。" + "離線保存翻譯以加快翻譯和數據使用速度。關閉以禁用,如果你的應用未啟動。" + "替換為已翻譯文本之前的延遲" + "設置在替換為已翻譯文本之前的等待時間(以毫秒為單位)。預設值為 0。如果已翻譯的應用崩潰,則設置為 1000?5000。" + "開始翻譯 Web 視圖之前的延遲" + "設置在開始轉換 Web 視圖之前等待的時間(以毫秒為單位)。預設值為 500。設置為 0 可提高翻譯速度。如果 Web 應用的一部分未翻譯,則設置為 3000-5000。" + "滾動長已翻譯文本" + "如果翻譯文本太長,則不滾動。文本可能會被截斷,但不會干擾應用程式的滾動/按兩下。打開以滾動長翻譯。" + "如果翻譯文本太長,則滾動文本。這可能會干擾應用程式的滾動/按兩下。關閉以禁用此滾動。" + "發送匿名崩潰和使用情況數據" + "不發送匿名崩潰和使用情況數據。發送匿名崩潰數據有助於開發人員使應用程式變得更好。" + "發送匿名崩潰和使用情況數據。不會傳輸任何個人資訊。匿名崩潰數據可幫助開發者改進應用" + "高級 :打開調試模式。" + "調試模式已關閉。未將調試數據寫入logcat。在發送錯誤報告之前啟用此功能" + "調試模式已打開。將日誌寫入logcat。這會降低性能 - 如果不需要,請關閉。" + "翻譯此應用程式" + "關閉以停止翻譯此應用" + "此應用程式不會翻譯。打開以開始使用自動翻譯!" + "這將被翻譯。關閉以完全禁用翻譯此應用程式。" + "覆蓋全域設置" + "對此應用使用全域設置。打開此選項可僅更改此應用的設置。" + "使用此應用的本地設置。關閉以使用全域設置。" + "按兩下以清除翻譯緩存" + "按兩下上述內容以清除應用程式的翻譯緩存。在更改為/從語言後,或者在應用程式未啟動時使用此語言。" + "南非荷蘭文" + "阿拉伯文" + "比利時語" + "保加利亞文" + "孟加拉文" + "加泰隆語" + "捷克語" + "威爾士語" + "丹麥文" + "德語" + "希臘語" + "英語" + "世界語" + "西班牙文" + "愛沙尼亞語" + "波斯語" + "芬蘭文" + "法語" + "愛爾蘭語" + "加利西亞文" + "古吉拉特語" + "希伯來語" + "印地語" + "克羅埃西亞語" + "海地人" + "匈牙利語" + "印尼文" + "冰島語" + "義大利語" + "日語" + "喬治亞語" + "卡納拉語" + "朝鮮語" + "立陶宛語" + "拉脫維亞語" + "馬其頓語" + "馬拉地語" + "馬來語" + "馬爾他語" + "荷蘭語" + "挪威文" + "波蘭語" + "葡萄牙語" + "羅馬尼亞" + "俄語" + "斯洛伐克語" + "斯洛維尼亞文" + "阿爾巴尼亞文" + "瑞典文" + "斯瓦希里語" + "泰米爾語" + "泰盧固語" + "泰語" + "塔加洛語" + "土耳其文" + "烏克蘭文" + "烏都語" + "越南文" + "中文" + "南非荷蘭文" + "阿姆哈拉語" + "阿拉伯文" + "亞塞拜然語" + "巴什基爾文" + "比利時語" + "保加利亞文" + "孟加拉文" + "波士尼亞語" + "加泰隆語" + "宿務" + "捷克語" + "威爾士語" + "丹麥文" + "德語" + "希臘語" + "英語" + "世界語" + "西班牙文" + "愛沙尼亞語" + "巴士克語" + "波斯語" + "芬蘭文" + "法語" + "愛爾蘭語" + "蘇格蘭蓋爾語" + "加利西亞文" + "古吉拉特語" + "希伯來語" + "印地語" + "克羅埃西亞語" + "海地人" + "匈牙利語" + "亞美尼亞文" + "印尼文" + "冰島語" + "義大利語" + "日語" + "爪哇語" + "喬治亞語" + "哈薩克語" + "卡納拉語" + "朝鮮語" + "吉爾吉斯語" + "拉丁語" + "盧森堡語" + "立陶宛語" + "拉脫維亞語" + "馬達加斯加語" + "馬里語" + "毛利語" + "馬其頓語" + "馬拉雅拉姆文" + "蒙古語" + "馬拉地語" + "希爾馬里" + "馬來語" + "馬爾他語" + "尼泊爾語" + "荷蘭語" + "挪威文" + "旁遮普語" + "帕皮亞門托語" + "波蘭語" + "葡萄牙語" + "羅馬尼亞" + "俄語" + "僧伽羅語" + "斯洛伐克語" + "斯洛維尼亞文" + "阿爾巴尼亞文" + "塞爾維亞文" + "巽他語" + "瑞典文" + "斯瓦希里語" + "泰米爾語" + "泰盧固語" + "塔吉克" + "泰語" + "塔加洛語" + "土耳其文" + "韃靼語" + "烏德穆爾特" + "烏克蘭文" + "烏都語" + "烏茲別克語" + "越南文" + "班圖語" + "意第緒語" + "中文" + "自動檢測語言" + "南非荷蘭文" + "阿拉伯文" + "保加利亞文" + "孟加拉文" + "波士尼亞語" + "加泰隆語" + "捷克語" + "威爾士語" + "丹麥文" + "德語" + "希臘語" + "英語" + "西班牙文" + "愛沙尼亞語" + "波斯語" + "芬蘭文" + "菲律賓文" + "斐濟語" + "法語" + "愛爾蘭語" + "希伯來語" + "印地語" + "克羅埃西亞語" + "海地克里奧爾語" + "匈牙利語" + "印尼文" + "冰島語" + "義大利語" + "日語" + "卡納拉語" + "朝鮮語" + "立陶宛語" + "拉脫維亞語" + "馬達加斯加語" + "毛利語" + "馬拉雅拉姆文" + "馬來語" + "馬爾他語" + "苗族道" + "挪威文" + "荷蘭語" + "克雷塔羅·奧托米" + "旁遮普語" + "波蘭語" + "葡萄牙語(巴西)" + "葡萄牙語(葡萄牙)" + "羅馬尼亞" + "俄語" + "斯洛伐克語" + "斯洛維尼亞文" + "薩摩亞語" + "塞爾維亞文 (斯里爾文)" + "塞爾維亞文 (拉丁文)" + "瑞典文" + "斯瓦希里語" + "泰米爾語" + "泰盧固語" + "泰語" + "克林貢語(拉丁文)" + "克林貢語 (pIqaD)" + "湯加語" + "土耳其文" + "大溪 地" + "烏克蘭文" + "烏都語" + "越南文" + "尤卡坦克瑪雅" + "粵語(繁體)" + "簡體中文" + "繁體中文" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/1.9.5.markdown b/docs/1.9.5.markdown new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68dbcc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/1.9.5.markdown @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ + +# ![AllTrans]( - Completely Translate Apps + +Like Chrome's translation of webpages, but for Android apps. It replaces **ALL TEXT IN AN APP** from one language to another at runtime. + +Say for example an app is in German. A user selects the app name, and the required language conversion (say German to English). +Then whenever the user uses the required app, all the text, **ANYWHERE** in the app, are replaced by their English equivalents. +This is something similar to the way Google Translate works in Chrome. + +Works with Android 11! + +[![LicenseGPLv3](]( [![Donate](]( ![GitHub All Releases]( [![Play](]( + + +## Table of Contents + +- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) +- [What AllTrans does](#what-alltrans-does) +- [ScreenShots and Videos](#screenshots-and-videos) + - [Below are some screenshots of AllTrans translating apps from Korean to English](#below-are-some-screenshots-of-alltrans-translating-apps-from-korean-to-english) + - [Below are some of the screenshots of AllTrans app](#below-are-some-of-the-screenshots-of-alltrans-app) + - [Videos](#videos) +- [How to install AllTrans](#how-to-install-alltrans) +- [How to use AllTrans](#how-to-use-alltrans) +- [How to get Microsoft Azure Translate Key](#how-to-get-microsoft-azure-translate-key) +- [Note - No New Yandex Translate Keys](#note---no-new-yandex-translate-keys) +- [TroubleShooting](#troubleshooting) + - [No app is being translated in any app](#no-app-is-being-translated-in-any-app) + - [Translated app is stuck in opening screen](#translated-app-is-stuck-in-opening-screen) + - [The Translated app is "Force Close"](#the-translated-app-is-force-close) + - [Other apps are being translated, but some particular app is not](#other-apps-are-being-translated-but-some-particular-app-is-not) + - [A game app is not being translated](#a-game-app-is-not-being-translated) + - [The app "Telegram" is not being translated](#the-app-telegram-is-not-being-translated) + - [If you still have problems like "Force Close" or parts of an app not being translated](#if-you-still-have-problems-like-force-close-or-parts-of-an-app-not-being-translated) +- [Featured In](#featured-in) +- [Donations](#donations) +- [License](#license) + +## What AllTrans does + +It replaces **all text in an app** in a language from one language to another at runtime. + +Say for example an app is in German. A user selects the app name, and the required language conversion (say German to English). + +Then whenever the user uses the required app, all the text, **ANYWHERE** in the app, are replaced by their English equivalents. + +This is something similar to the way Google Translate works in Chrome. + +**Note** - Due to a technical limitation, this won't work with many games. Nothing can be done about this. + +## ScreenShots and Videos + +### Below are some screenshots of AllTrans translating apps from Korean to English + +![]( + +![]( + +![]( + +### Below are some of the screenshots of AllTrans app + +![]( + +![]( + +![]( + +### Videos + +A video (in English) showing how to use AllTrans by Gadget Hacks on Youtube []( This video is for an older version of the app, you no longer need API keys. + +[![Alt text](]( + +## How to install AllTrans + +1. This application requires android version 4.1 or later. You probably already have it. (Android JellyBean or later - so far JellyBean, Kitkat, Lollipop, MarshMallow, Nougat, Oreo, Pie and Q.). +1. Make sure you have [Xposed Framework]( installed and running. + - [LSPosed]( and [EdXposed]( are recommended. +1. Install the latest version of AllTrans from [Google Play Store]( You can alternatively download the apk from [Xposed Module Repository]( +1. Reboot your phone. + +## How to use AllTrans + +1. Make sure "AllTrans" app is enabled in "Xposed Installer -> Modules". +1. Launch "AllTrans" app. +1. Choose the "Translate from Language" and "Translate to Language". +1. In the "Apps to Translate" tab, find the app you want to translate, click the checkbox next to it. +1. Close and restart the app you want translated - it should be translated! + +## How to get Microsoft Azure Translate Key + +If you use Microsoft Translate instead of Google, you **need** you to sign up for **free** a key from Microsoft Translate. See instructions below on how to get the keys. +Microsoft Translate requires a credit card to sign up. (But don't worry, nothing will be charged.) + +1. Sign up for a Microsoft Azure account. +If you don't already have an Azure account, sign up for a [Microsoft Azure account]( +1. After you have an account, sign into the [Azure Portal]( Sign up for a subcription by following the steps below. + 1. Click "Subscriptions". It has a key icon. + 1. Click the "+ Add" at the top + 1. Choose a "pay-as-you-go" subscription. Will require a credit card, but don't worry, nothing will be charged. + 1. Verify your identity, add in the credit card information. You will not be charged. + 1. In "Add Technical Support", select "No technical support". **You will have to pay if you select any other**. Accept the "Agreement", and click "Sign up". + 1. Click "Home" at the top after you finish signing up. +1. Add a translate API resource by following the steps below. + 1. Select the "+ Create a resource" option. + 1. In the search box saying "Search the Marketplace" type "translator" on the left, and select "Translator" from the search results. + 1. Click the blue "Create" button. + 1. Under the "Resource group" field, click "Create new", then type in any name, it does not matter. + 1. **In the "Resource group region" field, select any region, it does not matter** + 1. In the "Resource group" field, type in any name, it does not matter. + 1. **In the "Region" Section, select "Global"** + 1. Type in any name in "Name" field, type in any name, it does not matter. + 1. In the "Pricing Tier" section, select the "F0 (2M Up to 2M characters translated per month)". **You will have to pay if you select any other**. + 1. Click "Next: Tags", then click "Next: Review + Create", then click "Create". + 1. Wait 1 minute for Microsoft to process your request, then go to "Home". +1. Copy your key from Microsoft and add it to AllTrans by following the steps below. + 1. Under the "Recent Resource" section, click the name of the resource you just created. + 1. Click "Keys and Endpoint" on the left. It has a key icon. + 1. Copy "KEY 1". This is the key you need to add to AllTrans. + +The subscription key is something like "3d2c..." (some english numbers and alphabets). + +## Note - No New Yandex Translate Keys + +A previous version of this application encouraged use of Yandex API keys. Yandex has stopped giving free translate API keys. If you already have a key, it may continue to work, it may not. It is recommended to shift to using a Microsoft API key. + +## TroubleShooting + +### No app is being translated in any app + +- If no app is being translated, check if "AllTrans" is enabled in "Xposed Installer -> Modules" + - If you are using "LSPosed", make sure "System Framework" and "Settings Storage", and the to-be-translated-app is enabled in LSPosed for AllTrans. +- If you are using "Google" to translate (the default), make sure you have set "Translate From Langauge" and "Translate To Language" and downloaded the translation files. +- If you are using "Microsoft" to translate, make sure "Microsoft Subscription Key" is correct, and the "Resource Region" setting is "Global" when you made the key. + +### Translated app is stuck in opening screen + +- If this is the first time you started translating this app, click on the app's name in "Apps to Translate" tab, and in "Other Settings" fill in "Delay Before Replcaing With Translated Text" to "2000". + +### The Translated app is "Force Close" + +- Click on the app's name in "Apps to Translate" tab, and in "Other Settings" fill in "Delay Before Replcaing With Translated Text" to "2000". +- Click on the app's name in "Apps to translate" tab, and in "Other Settings" fill in "Delay Before Starting to Translate WebViews" to "2000". + +### Other apps are being translated, but some particular app is not + +- Click on the app's name in "Apps to translate" tab, and in "Other Settings" fill in "Delay Before Starting to Translate WebViews" to "2000". +- If some parts of the app are still not being translated, click on the app's name in "Apps to translate" tab, and enable "Aggressive Mode". + +### A game app is not being translated + +- Due to technical limitations, "AllTrans" will not work with many games. Nothing can be done about this. + +### The app "Telegram" is not being translated + +- In "Apps to Translate", click on "Telegram", click "OverRide Global Settings", set "Translate From Langauge" and "Translate To Language", and **Enable "Aggresive Mode"** + +### If you still have problems like "Force Close" or parts of an app not being translated + +Contact me for support. When you do, I will need atleast the following information - + +1. The name of the app, along with a **link to download the app** from some APK store like "Google Play Store", "CoolApk", etc. +1. Your phone's Android version. +1. A "logcat" of you trying to open the app which gives you problems. You can use apps freely available on the Play Store for this, such as [This one]( + +Once you have the above, contact me on the [XDA support thread]( +You can also report issues on the [Project's "Github"]( + +## Featured In + +AllTrans has been featured by many outlets, in many languages. AllTrans has been covered in English by - + +- [XDA Developers]( +- [Android Police]( +- [Gadget Hacks]( +- [DroidViews]( +- [Mi News]( +- [GetDroidTips]( +- [steemit]( + +## Donations + +If you like this project, buy me a cup of coffee! :) + +[![paypal](]( + +## License + +This program is AllTrans +Copyright (C) 2017 Akhil Kedia + +This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .