This repository is the port of sources Akka to the JavaScript runtime, thanks to Scala.js
To have a blazing fast kick off you can check out our examples.
Otherwise, if you want to start from scratch:
First of all you need to setup a new Scala.js project. Then add to your JS project configuration:
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsactor" % ""
If you want to use Akka Stream:
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsactorstream" % ""
To test your code you can use:
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajstestkit" % "" % "test"
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsstreamtestkit" % "" % "test"
You can also use Akka Typed:
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsactortyped" % ""
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajstypedtestkit" % "" % "test"
And Akka Stream Typed interface:
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsactorstreamtyped" % ""
Please note that Akka.js is shipped from the stable Akka 2.6.14. At this point you can use most of the Akka core Api as described in the official docs.
Check out the @andreaTP session at Scala Days 2016: slides video
Or @andreaTP session at BeeScala 2016: slides video
@andreaTP at ScalaUA 2017: slides video
@andreaTP at ScalaSwarm 2017: slides video
There are small caveats to keep in mind to ensure that your code will run smoothly on both Jvm and Js.
Startup Time
On Js VM the control flow will execute first all operations in line, so to ensure your code will run AFTER the ActorSystem
is started you need to run your code within a block like this:
import system.dispatcher
import scala.concurrent.duration._
system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(0 millis){
... your code here ...
Reflective Actor Instatiation
Since Scala.Js 0.6.15 reflective class instatiation is perfectly supported.
To handle blocking testing in test suites you cannot use modules that interact with external world.
Is therefore strictly prohibited to use any different ExecutionContext
(i.e. you cannot import
Mailbox configuration
Due to the lack of runtime reflection in Scala.Js is not possible to configure mailbox of actors using requirements but is it possible to do so with direct configuration. i.e.
lazy val config: Config =
stash-custom-mailbox {
mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.UnboundedDequeBasedMailbox"
val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("wsSystem", config)
val actorWithStash =
system.actorOf(Props(new ActorWithStash()).withMailbox("stash-custom-mailbox"), "ActorWithStash")
Linking errors with scala-java-time
Akka.Js ships with scalajs-java-time
that is strictly a minimal subset of scala-java-time
("io.github.cquiroz" %%% "scala-java-time"
If a user has scala-java-time
has dependency(even transitive) make sure to do the proper exclusion when importing Akka.Js.
libraryDependencies += "org.akka-js" %%% "akkajsactor" % "<version>" exclude("org.scala-js", "scalajs-java-time")
Since semantics difference to Akka on JVM we include a bunch of helpers to make life easier:
akkajs.Config.default // default configuration shipped with Akka.JS
akka.testkit.TestKitBase {
await() // to help on waiting during tests
await(duration: Long) // with configurable duration
To change default configuration logging level you can simply:
lazy val conf =
akka {
loglevel = "DEBUG"
stdout-loglevel = "DEBUG"
lazy val system = ActorSystem("yourname", conf)
The BSc thesis detailing most of the work and the approach taken can be found here
The original codebase derives from Sébastien Doeraene's scala-js-actors
, you can find his original report here.
To work with the very last version you can compile and publish local:
git clone
cd akka.js
sbt akkaJsActorJS/publishLocal
To have also akka-stream:
sbt akkaJsActorStreamJS/publishLocal
For the bleeding edge akka-typed
sbt akkaJsActorTypedJS/publishLocal
- akka-ui FRP with Akka.js
Akka.Js can now compile against different versions of Akka, we check the codebase against MASTER, but for specific needs you can try to compile against a different Akka version by changing the akkaVersion while building.
Akka.js wouldn't have been possible without the enormous support of the R&D department of UniCredit lead by Riccardo Prodam. What started as a side-project for a master thesis grew into an important open source milestone. Check out other projects from the unicredit team here
Akka.js is distributed under the Scala License.