diff --git a/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.sln b/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.sln
index 0131ddb..8992d96 100644
--- a/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.sln
+++ b/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.sln
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution
src\Directory.Generated.props = src\Directory.Generated.props
src\Directory.Packages.props = src\Directory.Packages.props
NuGet.Config = NuGet.Config
+ BUILD.md = BUILD.md
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Json", "Json", "{25F8AE7C-D98B-41B1-A534-49E9603D8533}"
diff --git a/BUILD.md b/BUILD.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faea055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BUILD.md
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# The Build System
+This build system is powered by [NUKE](https://nuke.build/); please see their [API documentation](https://nuke.build/docs/getting-started/philosophy.html) should you need to make any changes to the `Build.cs` file.
+To install Nuke GlobalTool and SignClient, execute the following command at the root of this folder:
+## GitHub Actions `yml` auto-generation
+You can define your GitHub workflows in code and Nuke will generate the YAML files for you.
+You can update or add to what exist in `Build.CI.GitHubActions.cs` (`AutoGenerate` has to be set to true):
+ GitHubActionsImage.WindowsLatest,
+ GitHubActionsImage.UbuntuLatest,
+ AutoGenerate = true,
+ OnPushBranches = new[] { "master", "dev" },
+ OnPullRequestBranches = new[] { "master", "dev" },
+ CacheKeyFiles = new[] { "global.json", "src/**/*.csproj" },
+ InvokedTargets = new[] { nameof(Tests) },
+ PublishArtifacts = true)
+ GitHubActionsImage.WindowsLatest,
+ AutoGenerate = true,
+ OnPushBranches = new[] { "refs/tags/*" },
+ InvokedTargets = new[] { nameof(NuGet) },
+ ImportSecrets = new[] { "Nuget_Key" },
+ PublishArtifacts = true)
+To generate or update existing workflow yaml file(s), execute any of the commands (e.g. `build.cmd compile`):
+PS C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed> .\build.cmd compile
+PowerShell Desktop version 5.1.19041.1320
+Microsoft (R) .NET Core SDK version 6.0.101
+11:42:25 [INF] Creating directory C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed\.github\workflows...
+11:42:25 [INF] Creating directory C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed\.github\workflows...
+11:42:28 [WRN] Configuration files for GitHubActions (Windows_release) have changed.
+11:42:28 [WRN] Configuration files for GitHubActions (pr_validation) have changed.
+Press any key to continue ...
+███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗
+████╗ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝
+██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║█████╔╝ █████╗
+██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝
+██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝██║ ██╗███████╗
+╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝
+## Supported Build System Commands
+This project comes with some ready-made commands, all of which can be listed via:
+ build.cmd help
+If you desire to add more commands, please see the [Fundamentals](https://nuke.build/docs/authoring-builds/fundamentals.html).
+### Summary
+The ready-made commands you can start working with (both on **Windows** and **Linux**), are detailed as follows:
+* `build.cmd Install` - installs `Nuke.GlobalTool` and `SignClient` - which is the default when no command is passed.
+* `build.cmd all` - runs the following commands: `BuildRelease`, `RunTests`, `NBench` and `Nuget`.
+* `build.cmd compile` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode. The default mode is `Release`, to compile in `Debug` mode => `--configuration debug`
+* `build.cmd buildrelease` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode.
+* `build.cmd runtests` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and runs the unit test suite (all projects that end with the `.Tests.csproj` suffix). All of the output will be published to the `./TestResults` folder.
+* `build.cmd nbench` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and runs the [NBench](https://nbench.io/) performance test suite (all projects that end with the `.Tests.Performance.csproj` suffix). All of the output will be published to the `./PerfResults` folder.
+* `build.cmd nuget` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set and uses the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`.
+* `build.cmd nuget --nugetprerelease dev` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set - but in this instance all projects will have a `VersionSuffix` of `-beta{DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks}`. It's typically used for publishing nightly releases.
+* `build.cmd nuget --SignClientUser $(signingUsername) --SignClientSecret $(signingPassword)` - compiles the solution in `Release` modem creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set using the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`, and then signs those packages using the SignClient data below.
+* `build.cmd nuget --SignClientUser $(signingUsername) --SignClientSecret $(signingPassword) --nugetpublishurl $(nugetUrl) --nugetkey $(nugetKey)` - compiles the solution in `Release` modem creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set using the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`, signs those packages using the SignClient data below, and then publishes those packages to the `$(nugetUrl)` using NuGet key `$(nugetKey)`.
+* `build.cmd DocFx` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and then uses [DocFx](http://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) to generate website documentation inside the `./docs/_site` folder. Use the `build.cmd servedocs` on Windows to preview the documentation.
+This build script is powered by [NUKE](https://nuke.build/); please see their API documentation should you need to make any changes to the [`build.cs`](/build/build.cs) file.
+### Release Notes, Version Numbers, Etc
+This project will automatically populate its release notes in all of its modules via the entries written inside [`RELEASE_NOTES.md`](RELEASE_NOTES.md) and will automatically update the versions of all assemblies and NuGet packages via the metadata included inside [`Directory.Build.props`](src/Directory.Build.props).
+#### [0.1.0] / October 05 2019 ####
+First release
+In this instance, the NuGet and assembly version will be `0.1.0` based on what's available at the top of the `RELEASE_NOTES.md` file.
+#### [0.1.0] / October 05 2019 ####
+First release
+But in this case the NuGet and assembly version will be `0.1.0`.
+### Conventions
+The attached build script will automatically do the following based on the conventions of the project names added to this project:
+* Any project name ending with `.Tests` will automatically be treated as a [XUnit2](https://xunit.github.io/) project and will be included during the test stages of this build script;
+* Any project name ending with `.Tests.Performance` will automatically be treated as a [NBench](https://github.com/petabridge/NBench) project and will be included during the test stages of this build script; and
+* Any project meeting neither of these conventions will be treated as a NuGet packaging target and its `.nupkg` file will automatically be placed in the `bin\nuget` folder upon running the `build.cmd all` command.
+### DocFx for Documentation
+This solution also supports [DocFx](http://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) for generating both API documentation and articles to describe the behavior, output, and usages of your project.
+All of the relevant articles you wish to write should be added to the `/docs/articles/` folder and any API documentation you might need will also appear there.
+All of the documentation will be statically generated and the output will be placed in the `/docs/_site/` folder.
+#### Previewing Documentation
+To preview the documentation for this project, execute the following command at the root of this folder:
+build.cmd servedocs
+This will use the built-in `docfx.console` binary that is installed as part of the NuGet restore process from executing the above command to preview the fully-rendered documentation. For best results, do this immediately after calling `build.cmd compile`.
+### Code Signing via SignService
+This project uses [SignService](https://github.com/onovotny/SignService) to code-sign NuGet packages prior to publication. The `build.cmd` scripts will automatically download the `SignClient` needed to execute code signing locally on the build agent, but it's still your responsibility to set up the SignService server per the instructions at the linked repository.
+Once you've gone through the ropes of setting up a code-signing server, you'll need to set a few configuration options in your project in order to use the `SignClient`:
+* Add your Active Directory settings to [`appsettings.json`](appsettings.json) and
+* Pass in your signature information to the `SigningName`, `SigningDescription`, and `SigningUrl` values inside `build.cs`.
+Whenever you're ready to run code-signing on the NuGet packages published by `build.cs`, execute the following command:
+build.cmd signpackages --SignClientSecret {your secret} --SignClientUser {your username}
+This will invoke the `SignClient` and actually execute code signing against your `.nupkg` files prior to NuGet publication.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 762aa2a..a0ae88b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,147 +3,8 @@
This repository contains Akka.NET serializers that implements compression.
Currently, it contains these serializers:
-- [Akka.Serialization.Compressed.Json](src/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.Json) - a compressed version of the built-in `Akka.Serialization.NewtonSoftJsonSerializer`.
+- [Akka.Serialization.Compressed.Json](src/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.Json) - a compressed version of the built-in `Akka.Serialization.NewtonSoftJsonSerializer`. You can read the documentation for this serializer [here](./src/Akka.Serialization.Compressed.Json/README.md)
-# The Build System
+# Building This Project
-This build system is powered by [NUKE](https://nuke.build/); please see their [API documentation](https://nuke.build/docs/getting-started/philosophy.html) should you need to make any changes to the `Build.cs` file.
-To install Nuke GlobalTool and SignClient, execute the following command at the root of this folder:
-## GitHub Actions `yml` auto-generation
-You can define your GitHub workflows in code and Nuke will generate the YAML files for you.
-You can update or add to what exist in `Build.CI.GitHubActions.cs` (`AutoGenerate` has to be set to true):
- GitHubActionsImage.WindowsLatest,
- GitHubActionsImage.UbuntuLatest,
- AutoGenerate = true,
- OnPushBranches = new[] { "master", "dev" },
- OnPullRequestBranches = new[] { "master", "dev" },
- CacheKeyFiles = new[] { "global.json", "src/**/*.csproj" },
- InvokedTargets = new[] { nameof(Tests) },
- PublishArtifacts = true)
- GitHubActionsImage.WindowsLatest,
- AutoGenerate = true,
- OnPushBranches = new[] { "refs/tags/*" },
- InvokedTargets = new[] { nameof(NuGet) },
- ImportSecrets = new[] { "Nuget_Key" },
- PublishArtifacts = true)
-To generate or update existing workflow yaml file(s), execute any of the commands (e.g. `build.cmd compile`):
-PS C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed> .\build.cmd compile
-PowerShell Desktop version 5.1.19041.1320
-Microsoft (R) .NET Core SDK version 6.0.101
-11:42:25 [INF] Creating directory C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed\.github\workflows...
-11:42:25 [INF] Creating directory C:\Users\user\source\repos\Akka.Serialization.Compressed\.github\workflows...
-11:42:28 [WRN] Configuration files for GitHubActions (Windows_release) have changed.
-11:42:28 [WRN] Configuration files for GitHubActions (pr_validation) have changed.
-Press any key to continue ...
-███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗███████╗
-████╗ ██║██║ ██║██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝
-██╔██╗ ██║██║ ██║█████╔╝ █████╗
-██║╚██╗██║██║ ██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝
-██║ ╚████║╚██████╔╝██║ ██╗███████╗
-╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝
-## Supported Build System Commands
-This project comes with some ready-made commands, all of which can be listed via:
- build.cmd help
-If you desire to add more commands, please see the [Fundamentals](https://nuke.build/docs/authoring-builds/fundamentals.html).
-### Summary
-The ready-made commands you can start working with (both on **Windows** and **Linux**), are detailed as follows:
-* `build.cmd Install` - installs `Nuke.GlobalTool` and `SignClient` - which is the default when no command is passed.
-* `build.cmd all` - runs the following commands: `BuildRelease`, `RunTests`, `NBench` and `Nuget`.
-* `build.cmd compile` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode. The default mode is `Release`, to compile in `Debug` mode => `--configuration debug`
-* `build.cmd buildrelease` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode.
-* `build.cmd runtests` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and runs the unit test suite (all projects that end with the `.Tests.csproj` suffix). All of the output will be published to the `./TestResults` folder.
-* `build.cmd nbench` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and runs the [NBench](https://nbench.io/) performance test suite (all projects that end with the `.Tests.Performance.csproj` suffix). All of the output will be published to the `./PerfResults` folder.
-* `build.cmd nuget` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set and uses the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`.
-* `build.cmd nuget --nugetprerelease dev` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set - but in this instance all projects will have a `VersionSuffix` of `-beta{DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks}`. It's typically used for publishing nightly releases.
-* `build.cmd nuget --SignClientUser $(signingUsername) --SignClientSecret $(signingPassword)` - compiles the solution in `Release` modem creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set using the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`, and then signs those packages using the SignClient data below.
-* `build.cmd nuget --SignClientUser $(signingUsername) --SignClientSecret $(signingPassword) --nugetpublishurl $(nugetUrl) --nugetkey $(nugetKey)` - compiles the solution in `Release` modem creates Nuget packages from any project that does not have `false` set using the version number from `RELEASE_NOTES.md`, signs those packages using the SignClient data below, and then publishes those packages to the `$(nugetUrl)` using NuGet key `$(nugetKey)`.
-* `build.cmd DocFx` - compiles the solution in `Release` mode and then uses [DocFx](http://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) to generate website documentation inside the `./docs/_site` folder. Use the `build.cmd servedocs` on Windows to preview the documentation.
-This build script is powered by [NUKE](https://nuke.build/); please see their API documentation should you need to make any changes to the [`build.cs`](/build/build.cs) file.
-### Release Notes, Version Numbers, Etc
-This project will automatically populate its release notes in all of its modules via the entries written inside [`RELEASE_NOTES.md`](RELEASE_NOTES.md) and will automatically update the versions of all assemblies and NuGet packages via the metadata included inside [`Directory.Build.props`](src/Directory.Build.props).
-#### [0.1.0] / October 05 2019 ####
-First release
-In this instance, the NuGet and assembly version will be `0.1.0` based on what's available at the top of the `RELEASE_NOTES.md` file.
-#### [0.1.0] / October 05 2019 ####
-First release
-But in this case the NuGet and assembly version will be `0.1.0`.
-### Conventions
-The attached build script will automatically do the following based on the conventions of the project names added to this project:
-* Any project name ending with `.Tests` will automatically be treated as a [XUnit2](https://xunit.github.io/) project and will be included during the test stages of this build script;
-* Any project name ending with `.Tests.Performance` will automatically be treated as a [NBench](https://github.com/petabridge/NBench) project and will be included during the test stages of this build script; and
-* Any project meeting neither of these conventions will be treated as a NuGet packaging target and its `.nupkg` file will automatically be placed in the `bin\nuget` folder upon running the `build.cmd all` command.
-### DocFx for Documentation
-This solution also supports [DocFx](http://dotnet.github.io/docfx/) for generating both API documentation and articles to describe the behavior, output, and usages of your project.
-All of the relevant articles you wish to write should be added to the `/docs/articles/` folder and any API documentation you might need will also appear there.
-All of the documentation will be statically generated and the output will be placed in the `/docs/_site/` folder.
-#### Previewing Documentation
-To preview the documentation for this project, execute the following command at the root of this folder:
-build.cmd servedocs
-This will use the built-in `docfx.console` binary that is installed as part of the NuGet restore process from executing the above command to preview the fully-rendered documentation. For best results, do this immediately after calling `build.cmd compile`.
-### Code Signing via SignService
-This project uses [SignService](https://github.com/onovotny/SignService) to code-sign NuGet packages prior to publication. The `build.cmd` scripts will automatically download the `SignClient` needed to execute code signing locally on the build agent, but it's still your responsibility to set up the SignService server per the instructions at the linked repository.
-Once you've gone through the ropes of setting up a code-signing server, you'll need to set a few configuration options in your project in order to use the `SignClient`:
-* Add your Active Directory settings to [`appsettings.json`](appsettings.json) and
-* Pass in your signature information to the `SigningName`, `SigningDescription`, and `SigningUrl` values inside `build.cs`.
-Whenever you're ready to run code-signing on the NuGet packages published by `build.cs`, execute the following command:
-build.cmd signpackages --SignClientSecret {your secret} --SignClientUser {your username}
-This will invoke the `SignClient` and actually execute code signing against your `.nupkg` files prior to NuGet publication.
+The build documentation can be read [here](./BUILD.md)
\ No newline at end of file