How to unlock LUKS drives on Boot by SSH [[https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Remote_disk_unlocking][Remote disk unlocking on NixOS Wiki]]
How to mount your LUKS devices automatically
The drive needs to be already formated, LUKS partition created and assigned, so you can see it at /dev/mapper/partition_name My guides: Create LUKS Ext4 partition My guides: Format drive bigger than 2Tb
Add the UUID to the boot.initrd.luks.devices to your configuration.nix (drives.nix module). This is now done on flake.PROFILE.nix by variables. Adjust it accordingly together with drives.nix
# To get general info sudo fdisk -l # To get the UUID sudo blkid
Run the install.sh script and Reboot the system. The device should be now unlocked on /dev/mapper
Create the directory/es, ie:
mkdir -p /mnt/DATA_4TB mkdir -p /mnt/Machines mkdir -p /mnt/TimeShift
Mount it/them, ie:
sudo mount /dev/mapper/DATA_4TB /mnt/DATA_4TB sudo mount /dev/mapper/Machines /mnt/Machines sudo mount /dev/mapper/TimeShift /mnt/TimeShift
The device should be now mounted. When you install.sh again, the device is added automatically to hardware-configuration.nix If you try to add it manually on configuration.nix or here, there will be conflicts probably.