Releases: akvo/akvo-flow
Releases · akvo/akvo-flow
FLOW Dashboard 1.7.5
New and noteworthy
- External Sources Integration - This new feature enables marking a question as having responses coming from a source of data external to the mobile application, e.g., another application [#793]
Resolved issues
- XML surveys encoding [#861]
- Survey instances are missing when generating the RAW report [#854]
- Change format of location data column header in questionId [#847]
- Store APK file checksum [#843]
- Uniqueness test for questionID sees other surveys [#842]
- Disallow allow empty-string questionId's [#838]
- Increase the request timeout on report generation [#835]
- The (textual) questionId should be part of QuestionAnswer responses [#831]
- Add scale indicator to map [#829]
- Make S3Util.put more robust [#817]
- Move the 'Question Id' field down in Question editor [#814]
- Incorrect ordering of elements in the display name [#813]
- Remove from copyconfig task [#791]
- Javascript code small cleanup [#788]
FLOW Dashboard
Resolved issues
- Include textual question identifier as part of QuestionAnswer responses [#831]
FLOW Dashboard
FLOW Dashboard 1.7.4
New and noteworthy
- Enable double entry for number questions [#759] - in survey definitions, it is now possible to select the double entry verification option for number questions
Resolved issues
- CreationSurveyId not set on new surveyedLocales [#798]
- Screen does not scroll up [#778]
- Remove hyperlink from survey title [#775]
- Dashboard Translation for Monitoring Features Text [#774]
- Add css generation to the dashboard build process [#768]
- Use Akvo FLOW Favicon [#739]
- Data points show up as "Unknown" [#735]
- Copy functionality on Question Groups [#435]
- Add survey title and question group name to survey xml so their translation can be viewed on the device [#299]
FLOW Dashboard
Resolved issues
- Survey responses not processed when a question is deleted from survey definition [#771]
FLOW Dashboard 1.7.3
New and noteworthy
- Implement read API [#717] - Akvo FLOW now has a full read API! Details can be found here
- Stylesheet cleaning and refactor [#609, #612] - The user interface has been given a makeover. In addition to various other details, surveys are now displayed in a list, which makes finding them easier.
- Introduce textual question identifier [#650] - A question can now be given a textual identifier, which can be used as a column heading when exporting data, and which is present in the read API. This makes it easier to transfer FLOW data to other databases.
Resolved issues
FLOW Dashboard
Resolved issues
- Deployment enhancements - Instance Configurator [#724]
FLOW Dashboard
Resolved issues
- Data points show up as "Unknown" on non-monitoring groups [#735]
FLOW Dashboard 1.7.2
New and noteworthy
- The new APK v2.0 is now available in
[#666] - Introduced more consistent counts, fixing inaccuracies between the Dashboard's
chart builder and the RAW DATA report. [#651] - Revamped the way of transferring data to/from Object Store (Amazon S3) [#690]
Resolved issues
- Code cleanup - Monitoring related code [#643]
- Adapt bootstrap files to support Monitoring features [#695]
- Spreadsheet importer for the RAW DATA report misidentifies the columns [#697]
- Disallow the usage of commas in Survey Group names [#707]
- Invalid XML characters in survey group name breaks the survey definition [#714]
- signingKey is a required system properties [#725]
FLOW Dashboard 1.7.1
New and noteworthy
- Added support for storing more than 500 characters in a response [#656]
- Added support for exporting RAW DATA report for monitoring and non-monitoring groups [#653]
Resolved issues
- Limit the number of retries for queues [#688]
- Use https connections when possible [#680]
- Publish Survey fails for Copied Surveys [#664]
- Submitter name missing in new records [#662]
- Update file for the new APK version [#660]
- Code cleanup - Remove custom JSON* classes from the code [#585]
- Dashboard deployment enhancements
- Upgrade gem bundle for Ember part of Dashboard build [#678]
- Critical build tasks that fail should also fail the main build process [#675]
- Dashboard rollback task should also rollback failed backends [#672]
- Ensure Dashboard build uses Java 7 [#668]
- Update RubyGems sources for Dashboard build to prevent deprecation warnings [#667]
- Ember build should ensure bundled rake is used [#665]
- Ensure Dashboard can be built with GAE SDK 1.9.1 [#483]