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Templating Reference

Adrian Cochrane edited this page May 26, 2018 · 22 revisions

For syntax, refer to Django's documentation.

{% autoescape mode %}

Sets the autoescaping mode. mode may be one of 'off', 'html', 'js-string', 'csv', or to restore the previous mode 'end'.

{% debug %}

Outputs all variables accessible at this point in the template as a <dl> list. Intended for debugging purposes, not production.

{% filter filters %}

Applies filters to the contained template until {% endfilter %}. filters uses templating syntax, without the variable path or the preceding |.

{% firstof variables... %}

Finds the first value of variables... that is truthy.

{% for [key] value in variable %}

Evaluates the contained template until {% endfor %} (or {% empty %}) for each item contained in variable. Each time it assigns the item to value (which must be a global name), and the corrosponding key to key.

{% empty %}

Evaluates the contained template until {% endfor %} if there are no items in variable.

{% if condition... %}

Evaluates the condition, and if truthy evaluates the contained template until {% endif %} (or {% else %} or {% elif %}). The condition is a variable, or variables with infix operators (documented next) between them. Spaces are required between variables and operators.


In order of precedance (lowest binding to highest binding):

  • or
  • and
  • not (prefix)
  • <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, in

Any operator may be prefixed with not to negate it (only really useful for in).

{% else %}

If the expression evaluated to something falsy, evaluates the contained template until {% endif %}.

{% elif alt-condition... %}

If the expression evaluated to something falsy and the contained template until the next {% elif %} or {% endif %}.

{% ifchanged variables... %}

Checks if any of the variables have changed since the last time this code was run. If so it runs the embedded template until {% endif %} (or {% else %}).

{% else %}

Evaluates if there are no changes.

{% now "format" %}

Outputs the time, formatted as per format. See Vala's documentation for how to write format strings.

{% templatetag type %}

As per Django.

{% trans [[name=]variable]... %}

Translates the contained template until {% endtrans %} (or {% plural %}), possibly using the additional variables specified in the tag. It is courtious to avoid markup and templating where possible within the the body of a trans tag. A preceding comment within this template will be split out specially for translators.

{% plural %}

Evaluates (in English) if the count variable indicates the plural form should be used.

{% verbatim %}

Outputs the contained text until {% endverbatim %} without evaluating any templating.

{% with %}

Evaluates the contained template using the given additional variables.


Where not documented, these should be self-describing. If they're not, please document them here.















