Generate images from a collection.json and the layers folder
nftool img gen [flags]
nftool img gen \
--width 800 \
--height 800 \
--collection ./collection.json \
--config ./config.yaml \
--out ./generated-imgs \
--collection nftool traits make path to the collection json file generated via nftool traits make
--config nftool traits dump path to the configuration file generated via nftool traits dump
--height int the height of the generated image
--onlyMissing generate only the images that are missing in the output dir
--out string path to the folder where all imgs will be generated
--parallel generate images in parallel using all your cores
--png generate png images instead of jpg images
--startingIndex int the initial index of the image names, e.g.: you have a collection of 100 and want the names to be from 1000 to 1100, use --starrtingIndex 1000
--transparent use this flag if the background of your nft is transparent
--width int the width of the generated image
Generate ERC-721 and ERC-1155 compliant metadata from a collection json generated with nftool traits make
This command will generate one file for each token, so if you have 1000 items in the collection json, it will generate 1000 files.
nftool metadata [flags]
nftool metadata \
--collection ./collection.json \
--config ./config.yaml \
--out ./metadata
--collection string path to the collection json generated via "nftool traits make"
--config string path to the config json generated via "nftool traits dump"
--erc1155 if the file names generated should follow the ERC-1155 pattern: hex value padded with zeros to size 64
--out string path to the folder where the generated metadata files will be created
Asks opensea to update the metadata of your collection.
nftool opensea update [flags]
nftool opensea update \
--contract 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--from 0 \
--to 1000 \
--parallel 4
--contract string address of the contract in mainnet
--from int the starting id for a the range of ids you want to update
--parallel int divide requests between your cpus (default 1)
--to int the last id for a the range of ids you want to update
Generate the provenace report of a collection
How provenance is generated:
First we generate the hash for each image using a SHA256 algorithm
Then we append each hash following a specific order. The order is the original order offseted by the "startingIndex". We calculate each new index of images with the following formula:
(tokenId + startingIndex) % collectionSize
Usually the startIndex is a number that is randomly generated on-chain.
After appending all hashes, we hash the result using SHA-256 again and that's the "final proof". This proof is usually stored on-chain.
The provenance report contains
- final proof hash
- concatenated hashes
- hashes
- starting index
nftool provenance [flags]
nftool provenance \
--imgs ./imgs \
--startingIndex 123 \
--out ./provenance.json
--images string path to the directory containing the generated images
--out string where to save the provenance report
--startingIndex int startingIndex
Generate collection rarity report
The report contains all the items in the collection, ordered by most rare from least rare.
nftool rarity collection [flags]
nftool rarity collection \
--collection ./out/collection.json \
--out ./out/collection_rarity.json
--collection string path to collection json
--out string output path for the collection report, should have a .json extension
Generate traits rarity report
The report contains the number of appearances of each trait in the collection.
nftool rarity traits [flags]
nftool rarity traits \
--collection ./collection.json \
--out ./traits_rarity.json
--collection string path to collection json
--out string output path for the trait report, should have a .json extension
Find collisions from multiple collection files and generate a report
nftool traits collisions [flags]
nftool traits collisions \
--file ./collection_1.json \
--file ./collection_2.json \
--out ./collision_report.json
--file stringArray list paths to collections
--out string path to save the collision report
Generate a yaml configuration file from a directory containing all the layers and following the layer naming guidelines.
Layer Naming Guidelines:
- Layer Names
Inside the folder, each directory is a Layer, and you should name them following the pattern:
00-Background 01-Body 02-Face 03-Facial Hair
"Body" will be on top of "Background" "Face" on top of "Body" "Facial Hair" on top of "Face"
- Layer Variant Names and Rarity
Each variant should follow the pattern -.png
00-Background ├── 1-Gray.png └── 5-Haunted Mansion.png 01-Body ├── 1-Cool Hoodie.png └── 1-Shinning Armour.png
The rarity of the traits will be calculated as a weighted average. For the example above, here is how we calculate the chance of a variant showing up:
First sum all rarity weights: 1 (Gray) + 5 (Haunted Mansion) = 6 Divide the individal weight by the sum. For Gray: 1/6 = 16.7% For Haunted Mansion: 5/6 = 83.3%
In other words, for every 6 images generated, 1 will have the Gray background and 5 will have the Haunted Mansion background.
- Optional Layers
If you want a layer to be optional, add a "_" suffix to the folder like so:
Then after running 'nftool traits dump', you can change the chance of a trait not beign selected in the generated yaml file, under the "optional_weight" property.
nftool traits dump [flags]
nftool traits dump \
--layers ./layers \
--out ./out/config.yaml
--layers string path to where all the layer folders are
--out string output path to the config, should have a .yaml extension
Generate a collection from a config file or a folder with the structured layers.
nftool traits make [flags]
nftool traits make \
--amount 10 \
--config ./config.yaml \
--out ./collection.json
--amount int the amount of items you want to generate
--config string path the configuration yaml file
--out string output path to the collection, should have a .json extension
Merge multiple attributes files in one, ignoring collisions
nftool traits merge [flags]
nftool traits merge \
--file ./collection_1.json \
--file ./collection_2.json \
--out ./collection_merged.json
--file stringArray list of collection json files to be merged
--out string path to save the new collection json
shuffle a collection json
nftool traits shuffle [flags]
nftool traits shuffle --path ./collection.json
--path string path to the collection json
Print the version number of nftool
nftool version