diff --git a/src/pages/2024/index.mdx b/src/pages/2024/index.mdx
index ca1ad4e25..57acb1dbc 100644
--- a/src/pages/2024/index.mdx
+++ b/src/pages/2024/index.mdx
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ import alessia from './alessia.jpg'
import quiches from './quiche.jpg'
import breatherads from './subwayads.jpg'
import montreal from './mtl.jpg'
+import berlincat from './berlincat.jpg'
+import osnow from './osnow.jpg'
+import oands from './oands.jpg'
export const meta = {
author: 'Alessia Bellisario',
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ export default (props) =>
2024 was a year of two beautiful babies born to two of my best friends: congratulations to their proud, wonderful parents, Robin and Mark and Véro and Geoff ♥️
-It was also the year I became an American citizen, my two younger siblings graduated from law school, I rounded out the first decade of my career as a software engineer and O turned 3. We also discovered apartment swapping this year! We did two, one with M in Montreal and the other with a family of Js from Berlin, two big highlights.
+It was also the year I became an American citizen, my two younger siblings graduated from law school, I rounded out the first decade of my career as a software engineer and O turned 3. We also discovered apartment swapping this year: we did two, one with M in Montreal and the other with a family of Js from Berlin, two big highlights.
Let's start at the beginning.
@@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ Let's start at the beginning.
I came to the U.S. from Canada on a three year [dual intent](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-are-dual-intent-visas.html) work visa, an L1-B, in early 2017. I was working at a Canadian startup with a New York office and quite literally hit the ground running: I remember dashing out to pick up my new social security card emblazoned with the words `VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION` followed by a new SIM card in Chinatown on one of my first mornings.
-In my first few weeks I attended a University of Toronto alumni event at a hotel by Central Park. I don't know what I was expecting: it was a ballroom full of Canadians drinking cocktails, discussing which visas they were on.
+In my first few weeks I attended a University of Toronto alumni event at a hotel by Central Park. I don't know what I was expecting: it was a ballroom full of Canadians drinking cocktails discussing which visas they were on.
-When I had raised my hand for this opportunity, I wasn't thinking long-term: it seemed like a new and interesting challenge, one that would be **fun**. But once I arrived, I realized the three year clock on my visa was already ticking. I had to start lobbying my employer to sponsor my green card application if I had any interest in buying myself more time. I also met Carla soon after arriving and didn't want this new and clearly very special relationship cut short.
+When I raised my hand for this opportunity, I wasn't thinking long-term: it seemed like a new and interesting challenge, one that would be **fun**. But once I arrived, I realized the three year clock on my visa was already ticking. I had to start lobbying my employer to sponsor my green card application if I had any interest in buying myself more time. I also met Carla soon after arriving and didn't want this new and clearly very special relationship cut short.
Thus began one of the most challenging periods of my life as I embarked on the journey from [nonresident alien](https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-aliens) to lawful permanent resident, and finally citizen in February of this year.
@@ -60,19 +63,19 @@ There's a lot more to say here and maybe I'll write about it in greater detail o
-For almost four years, I obsessively read immigration forums and shared application timelines with fellow travelers through the broken system that is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I felt totally powerless and dealt with depression and anxiety for the first time.
+For four years, I obsessively read immigration forums and shared application timelines with fellow travelers through the broken system that is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I felt totally powerless and dealt with depression and anxiety for the first time.
-The people I could relate to most during this period were my grandparents. Speaking with them gave me comfort: they had immigrated to Canada from Italy in the 1950s with other close relatives ending up in the U.S., and they knew about the travel restrictions and missed life events that were part and parcel of this experience.
+The people I found it easiest to talk to during this period were my grandparents, three of whom I'm very fortune to still be able to call. Speaking with them gave me comfort: they had immigrated to Canada from Italy in the 1950s with other close relatives ending up in the U.S., and they knew about the travel restrictions and missed life events that were part and parcel of this experience.
-I'm relieved I—a Canadian with a degree, though crucially not one relevant to the field I wound up in—can finally put down my bags, but so many people are stuck with _far_ longer waits or without any path to legal status. The scale of human suffering caused by this system is mind numbing. It urgently needs to change.
+I'm happy I—a Canadian with a degree, though crucially not one relevant to the field I wound up in—can finally put down my bags, but so many people are stuck with _far_ longer waits or without any path to legal status. The scale of human suffering caused by this system is mind numbing. It urgently needs to change.
The last thing I'll add, in case it helps someone in the future, is how critical it is to consult a lawyer. But this is important: NOT the one your employer hires to work on your application. ___That is the company's lawyer.___ The best advice I received was from attorney [Jonathan Langer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanlanger); if you're ever in need of a U.S. immigration consult, I can't recommend him highly enough.
@@ -93,9 +96,9 @@ I assumed I'd be going to their grad ceremonies, but my brother informed me that
I thought he was joking. He was not. So I accepted my fate and hung around in pajamas watching everyone get ready...
-Well, those who know the Bellisarios know that math is ___not___ our strong suit and that day it was my saving grace: Luca had counted wrong! I had a ticket after all!! And about 10 minutes to get ready.
+Well, those who know the Bellisarios know that math is ___not___ our strong suit. Lo and behold, Luca had counted wrong! I had a ticket after all!! And about ten minutes to get ready.
-I remembered my camera and got to snap some photos like this one of our 96 year old grandfather, Aldo, beaming with pride:
+I remembered my camera and snapped some photos like this one of our 96 year old grandfather, Aldo, beaming with pride:
-It has been such a distinct pleasure working with everyone at Apollo and the wider open source communities I've gotten to spend time with, and I've learned so many things from this experience I'll carry forward in my career. The future is incredibly bright for Apollo and the GraphQL community writ large.
+It has been such a pleasure working with everyone at Apollo and the wider open source communities I've gotten to spend time with, and I've learned so many things from this experience I'll carry forward in my career. The future is incredibly bright for Apollo and the GraphQL community writ large.
## Tudum
One last bit of news: today is my first day as a Senior Software Engineer at [Netflix](https://netflix.com)! I'll be working on the XD Design Engineering team building the Design Platform API with some incredible colleagues, and I couldn't be more excited about it.
+ Taking a stroll through Riverside Park, February 2024
+## Quarter century complete
-- April or November: Cape Cod visit
-- August: Orlando turns 3; Germany!!!
+From my family to yours, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year. ♥️
diff --git a/src/pages/2024/IMG_5492.jpg b/src/pages/2024/liberty.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/2024/IMG_5492.jpg
rename to src/pages/2024/liberty.jpg
diff --git a/src/pages/2024/IMG_5159.jpg b/src/pages/2024/osnow.jpg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/pages/2024/IMG_5159.jpg
rename to src/pages/2024/osnow.jpg