Configuring EventFlow to publish events to RabbitMQ
is simple, just install the NuGet package EventFlow.RabbitMQ
and add this to
your EventFlow setup.
var uri = new Uri("amqp://localhost");
var resolver = EventFlowOptions.with
Events are published to a exchange named eventflow
with routing keys in the
following format.
eventflow.domainevent.[Aggregate name].[Event name].[Event version]
Which will be the following for an event named CreateUser
version 1
for the
Note the lowercasing and adding of -
whenever there's a capital letter.
All the above is the default behavior, if you don't like it replace e.g. the
service IRabbitMqMessageFactory
to customize what routing key or exchange to
use. Have a look at how EventFlow has
done its implementation to get started.