local core = require "core" local command = require "core.command" local config = require "core.config" local keymap = require "core.keymap" config.autoinsert_map = { ["{%s*\n"] = "}", ["%(%s*\n"] = ")", ["%f[[]%[%s*\n"] = "]", ["%[%[%s*\n"] = "]]", ["=%s*\n"] = false, [":%s*\n"] = false, ["^#if.*\n"] = "#endif", ["^#else.*\n"] = "#endif", ["%f[%w]do%s*\n"] = "end", ["%f[%w]then%s*\n"] = "end", ["%f[%w]else%s*\n"] = "end", ["%f[%w]repeat%s*\n"] = "until", ["%f[%w]function.*%)%s*\n"] = "end", ["^%s*<([^/][^%s>]*)[^>]*>%s*\n"] = "", } local function indent_size(doc, line) local text = doc.lines[line] or "" local s, e = text:find("^[\t ]*") return e - s end command.add("core.docview", { ["autoinsert:newline"] = function() command.perform("doc:newline") local doc = core.active_view.doc local line, col = doc:get_selection() local text = doc.lines[line - 1] for ptn, close in pairs(config.autoinsert_map) do local s, _, str = text:find(ptn) if s then if close and col == #doc.lines[line] and indent_size(doc, line + 1) <= indent_size(doc, line - 1) then close = str and close:gsub("$TEXT", str) or close command.perform("doc:newline") core.active_view:on_text_input(close) command.perform("doc:move-to-previous-line") end command.perform("doc:indent") end end end }) keymap.add { ["return"] = { "command:submit", "autoinsert:newline" } }