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My Arch Linux environment configuration



  • Rename repos to nix
  • Split this configuration into branch for each environment
  • Check for security issues, mutt and others. Encrypt credentials locally
  • Document some configurations, bash, neovim ... or refer to notes?
  • Clean fonts, add wallpapers, icons and sounds and doc
  • Udev
    • Rules to restrict auto mounting of only my USB sticks (serials)
    • Auto switch alsa when plug/unplug headphone


An Arch Linux environment running.


This configuration is based on branching the master for each of my environment. I do so I can keep my hardware, monitors setup and window manager configuration separate but all based on the same configurations.

For an existing environment

Switch to the branch containing the corresponding configuration and run the file.

For a new environment

Create a new branch


You can choose what configuration packages to install by editing config-packages.txt

See pacman-packages.txt to view all the required required packages.


Create a local configuration by editing the /config/xrandr/.xrandr file.

Windows manager

  • i3 Multimedia Keys Configure workspaces and monitors associations in /.config/i3/config

FIXME: Workspaces configuration include not working!

  • Polybar

Configure system paths and hardware in /.config/polybar/hardware.ini

Finally run the script.


The configuration is split like this:

  • bin contains all the executable and will be symlinked into $XDG_BIN_HOME see: ...
  • config contains all the configuration files. Will default to XDG_CONFIG_HOME or HOME.
  • data contains resources like: dictionaries, icons, sounds used by programs. programs.


Base environment

  • Bash (Shell)
  • Git (Version control)
  • Irssi (IRC client)
  • Mutt (Email client)
  • Neovim (Text editor)
  • Newsboat (News feed client)
  • Pacman (ArchLinux package manager)
  • Ranger (File)
  • Surf (Browser)
  • Sxiv (Image viewer)
  • Tmux (Terminal multiplexing)
  • Urxvt (Terminal emulator)
  • Vim (Text editor)
  • Xterm (Terminal emulator)
  • Zathura (PDF viewer)
  • Zsh (Shell)

Graphic environment

  • Dmenu-patched (Menu)
  • Dunst (Notification)
  • GTK (GUIs)
  • Polybar (Status bar)
  • i3 (Window manager)


  • Sc (Spreadsheet calculator)
  • Htop (System monitoring)
  • Alsa (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
  • Bat (Cat like)
  • Cloc (Count line of code)
  • Colorpicker (A color picker! :))
  • Cups (Printer) TODO: Need config
  • FFmpeg (Video tools)
  • Freerdp (Remote desktop)
  • Fzf
  • Jq
  • Mpv (Video player)
  • Nitrogen (Desktop background)
  • Nmcli (Network manager)
  • Pandoc (Markup converter)
  • Pcmanfm (File manager)
  • Screenkey (On-Screen Keyboard)
  • Scrot (Screenshot)
  • Ueberzug (Image preview, I use it for Ranger)
  • Xdotool (X11 automation; keyboard, mouse, windows)
  • Xev (X events)
  • Xinit
  • Xmodmap (Keymaps and pointer button mappings in Xorg)
  • Xprop (Window and font properties in an X server)
  • Xrdb (Xresource database manager)
  • Xscreensaver
  • Zenity (GTK UIS)

Additional software

  • Aseprite (Pixel graphics editor)
  • Galculator (Calculator)
  • Gimp (Image manipulation program)
  • Inkscape (Vector graphics editor)
  • Kdenlive (Video editing)
  • Postman (API testing)
  • Remmina (Remote desktop)
  • VScode (Source code editor)


See my Neovim configuration.

  • Android SDK
  • Clang (C, C++)
  • Composer
  • Dart
  • Docker
  • Flutter
  • GO
  • NPM
  • Perl
  • Ruby
  • Yarn
  • SQL sqlite3, sqlitebrowser, sqldiff


Data and media used by programs and configurations. They will be symlinked in XDG_DATA_HOME.

  • Dict

The spelling dictionaries I use in Neovim or Vim.

  • Fonts

Fonts used in Xresources, GTK, i3 and Polybar.

Updates Xresources references

  • Icons

The icons used for the notification system.

  • Mime

The mime/type associations I use.

  • Sounds

Sounds used for the notification system and scripts.

  • Wallpapers

A little collection of wallpapers I like.
