Releases: alexcroox/jira-timer-menubar
Releases · alexcroox/jira-timer-menubar
Fix for auto worklog refresh
Fixed render process logs not appearing in log file
Auto fetch worklogs on window show (60 second throttle)
Enable copy/paste/cut/select all support for inputs
Note This update will trigger an error on install. Restarting the app will resolve the issue, and the bug is fixed in this version for the next update!
- You can now toggle app launch at login via settings
- Fetch more worklogs from individual issues when calculating totals
Keyboard navigation for search results (Up/Down/Enter)
Button style change to closer match Atlassian UI
Use dynamic keychain service for development/production
Settings button UX tweak (thanks @dandubz)
Check for updates button on settings page now has feedback (thanks @dandubz)
Code signed with Apple developer certificate
Fetch up to 200 updated tasks in the week
Only fetch updated tasks that have > 0m logged against them
Removal of linux snap image support (builds take too long)
On blur of time edit input remove input
Show worklog totals even when updating
Fix for code signing issue
Fix for quick worklog fetching overwriting older worklog history
Fix for linux app icon
Support for linux snap releases
Addded manual check for updates in settings
v1.0.0 release!
Fix for auto updater race condition
Auto launch on login
New dark and mysterious app icon
Switch to keytar-prebuild so we can build for linux on macOS