- nvim: - UFO: use different chars for markers of the folding regions
- nvim: - termdebug: store breakpoints in between sessions
- nvim: - termdebug: show variables/stack when paused
- nvim: - configure indent_blankline - issue with IblHighlight?!
- nvim: - fold lua comments
- nvim: - color lua doc comments
- nvim: - handle the case where tabs settings is different then what I wan
- nvim: - UFO: disable automatic fold-all on save
- nnn: - perform grep on folder/
- nvim: - lsp-config: how to start a server using async (using a command and not on a file open action)
- nvim: - read through lsp/lsp-config code -> what does it provide?
- nvim: - how to search for symbols in workspace (functions, global, definitions, implementations, classes, etc)
- nvim: - how to search for files in lsp workspace (not the whole codebase)
- nvim: - start autocompletion of paths on custom commmands in any document