some py4web app at
Python script generates web2py app from html-css-templates
- install web2py,
- create new web2py myapp,
- download script: wget
- cd myapp/static && mkdir template && cd template,
- download html-css-template to myapp/static/template,
- run the script from template dir (if template is zipped, the script unzips the template),
- at every run the script delete myapp/databases/*,
- its python-2.7 scipt
some test applications (for admin dashboards) are in the applications directory,
for test apps url/myapp/myadd use [email protected] xyz12345
- tabw2p - generates web2py app from tables descriptions in yaml files
- create empty dir && cd empty dir
- run tabw2p, look-change yaml files
- run tabw2p again