From 9808b310461bd8e69f4e1a6ef59efa00c7a79ede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wuchong Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 17:59:08 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] update --- | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index cc3515270..4973935be 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ [JStorm Chinese introduction]( # Release 2.1.0 + ## New features 1. New system bolt "topology master" was added, which is responsible for collecting task heartbeat info of all tasks and reports to nimbus. Besides task hb info, it also manages the control message dispatch topology. Topology master significantly reduce the read/write tps to zk. 2. Implement new dynamic flow control (backpressue) mechanism. @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ 16. Add topology graph in UI with many interactive features to get key information of topology(such as emit count, tuple lifecycle time, TPS) 17. Add topology and cluster metric in 30 minutes trend graph. 18. add metrics HA. + ## Bug fix 1. Fix the potential deadlock in netty client 2. Fix the re-download problem when assignment is changed. @@ -31,13 +33,16 @@ 7. Fix that fieldGrouping don't support the structure of Object[]. 8. fix the bug that metrics generated in spout/bolt may combine into worker level metric 9. fix the bug that dead worker metrics are still in nimbus cache + ## Changed setting 1. Add parameter topology.enable.metrics: true/false, which can be used to enable or completely disable metrics. 2. worker's default JVM options tuning. + ## Deploy and scripts 1. fix cleandisk cronjob to prevent worker logs from being deleted by mistake # Release 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT + ## New features 1. Redesign Metric/Monitor system, new RollingWindow/Metrics/NettyMetrics, all data will send/recv through thrift 2. Redesign Web-UI, the new Web-UI code is clear and clean @@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ 12. Require jdk7 or higher # Release + ## New Features 1. Batch the tuples whose target task is same, before sending out(task.batch.tuple=true,task.msg.batch.size=4). 2. LocalFirst grouping is updated. If all local tasks are busy, the tasks of outside nodes will be chosen as target task instead of waiting on the busy local task. @@ -65,21 +71,25 @@ 9. Nimbus or Supervisor suicide when the local ip is 10. Add user-define-scheduler example 11. Merge Supervisor's syncSupervisor and syncProcess + ## Bug Fix 1. Improve the GC setting. 2. Fix the bug that task heartbeat might not be updated timely in some scenarioes. 3. Fix the bug that the reconnection operation might be stick for a unexpected period when the connection to remote worker is shutdown and some messages are buffer in netty. 4. Reuse thrift client when submit topology 5. Avoid repeatedly download binary when failed to start worker. + ## Changed setting 1. Change task's heartbeat timeout to 4 minutes 2. Set the netty client thread pool(clientScheduleService) size as 5 + ## Deploy and scripts 1. Improve, avoid delete current directory and /tmp/hsperfdata_admin 2. Add executable attribute for the script under example 3. Add parameter to, which can be used to start supervisor or not. This is useful under virtual # Release 0.9.7 + ## New Features 1. Support dynamic scale-out/scale-in of worker, spout, bolt or acker without stopping the service of topology. 2. When enable cgroup, Support the upper limit control of cpu core usage. Default setting is 3 cpu cores. @@ -92,6 +102,7 @@ 9. Add thrift api getVersion, it will be used check between the client jstorm version and the server jstorm version. 10. Update the metrics' structure to Alimonitor 11. Add exclude-jar parameter into, which avoid class conflict when submit topology + ## Bug Fix 1. Fix the no response problem of supervisor process when subimtting big amout topologys in a short time 2. When submitting two or more topologys at the same time, the later one might be failed. @@ -103,17 +114,20 @@ 8. Fix failed to read ZK monitor znode through zktool 9. Fix exception when enable classload and local mode 10. Fix duplicate log when enable user-defined logback in local mode + ## Changed Setting 1. Set Nimbus jvm memory size as 4G 2. Set hearbeat from supervisor to nimbus timeout from 60s to 180s 3. In order to avoid OOM, set storm.messaging.netty.max.pending as 4 4. Set task queue size as 1024, worker's total send/receive queue size as 2048 + ## Deploy and scripts 1. Add rpm build spec 2. Add deploy files of jstorm for rpm package building 3. Enable the cleandisk cronjob every hour, reserve coredump for only one hour. # Release + ## New features 1. Implement tick tuple 2. Support logback @@ -123,6 +137,7 @@ 6. Support the use of ip and hostname at the same for user defined schedule 7. Support junit test for local mode 8. Enable client command(e.g. jstorm jar) to load self-defined storm.yaml + ## Bug fix 1. Add activate and deactivate api of spout, which are used in nextTuple prepare phase 2. Update the support of multi language @@ -250,6 +265,7 @@ 6. Add log when queue is full # Release 0.9.5 + ## Big feature: 1. Redesign scheduler arithmetic, basing worker not task . @@ -258,6 +274,7 @@ 2. Add target NettyServer log when f1ail to send data by netty # Release + ## Bug fix: 1. Improve speed between tasks who is running in one worker 2. Fix wrong timeout seconds @@ -313,6 +330,7 @@ # Release 0.9.3 + ## New feature 1. Support Aliyun Apsara/Hadoop Yarn @@ -345,6 +363,7 @@ # Release 0.9.2 + ## New feature 1. Support LocalCluster/LocalDrpc mode, support debugging topology under local mode 2. Support CGroups, assigning CPU in hardware level. diff --git a/ b/ index 8033da812..ba3b39bef 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ [JStorm Chinese introduction]( # Release 2.1.0 + ## New features 1. 增加新的topology控制bolt(topology master)。负责topology task心跳和采样信息的收集,并汇总后发给nimbus,以减轻zk读写压力。 2. 增加反压式(backpressure)的动态流控机制。 @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ 16. 增加了拓扑图, 有很多交互功能来直观获取拓扑的一些关键信息(例如Emit, tuple lifecycle time, TPS) 17. 增加了topology和集群metric最近30分钟的趋势图 18. 增加了metrics的高可用(HA) + ## Bug fix 1. Fix Netty Client潜在的死锁风险 2. Fix supervisor在调度有变化时,重复的下载任务jar包 @@ -31,13 +33,16 @@ 7. Fix fieldGrouping方式之前对Object[]数据结构不支持 8. Fix component, task级别的metrics, 在极端情况下可能会合并到worker级别的metric中 9. Fix 当worker已经死了,而它的metrics仍存留在 nimbus cache中 + ## 配置变更 1. 增加配置参数 topology.enable.metrics: true/false, 用来启用或禁用metric 2. 优化 worker 默认的 JVM 配置 + ## 运维和脚本 1. 优化cleandisk.sh脚本, 防止误删worker日志 # Release 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT + ## New features 1. 完全重构采样系统, 使用全新的Rollingwindow和Metric计算方式,尤其是netty采样数据,另外metric 发送和接收将不通过zk 2. 完全重构web-ui @@ -53,6 +58,7 @@ 12. 要求 jdk7 or higher # Release + ## New features 1. 增加Tuple自动batch的支持,以提高TPS以及降低消息处理延迟(task.batch.tuple=true,task.msg.batch.size=4) 2. localFirst在本地节点处理能力跟不上时,自动对外部节点进行扩容 @@ -65,21 +71,25 @@ 9. 启动nimbus/supervisor时, 如果取得的是127.0.0.0地址时, 拒绝启动 10. 增加自定义样例 11. 合并supervisor 的zk同步线程syncSupervisor和worker同步线程syncProcess + ## 配置变更 1. 默认超时心跳时间设置为4分钟 2. 修改netty 线程池clientScheduleService大小为5 + ## Bug fix 1. 优化gc参数,4g以下内存的worker默认4个gc线程,4g以上内存, 按内存大小/1g * 1.5原则设置gc线程数量 2. Fix在bolt处理速度慢时,可能出现的task心跳更新不及时的bug 3. Fix在一些情况下,netty连接重连时的异常等待bug 4. 提交任务时, 避免重复创建thrift client 5. Fix 启动worker失败时,重复下载binary问题 + ## 运维和脚本 1. 优化cleandisk.sh脚本, 防止把当前目录删除和/tmp/hsperfdata_admin/ 2. 增加example下脚本执行权限 3. 添加参数 true/false,可以通过脚本start.sh批量控制启动supervisor或不启动supervisor,默认是启动supervisor # Release 0.9.7 + ## New features 1. 实现topology任务并发动态调整的功能。在任务不下线的情况下,可以动态的对worker,spout, bolt或者ack进行扩容或缩容。rebalance命令被扩展用于支持动态扩容/缩容功能。 2. 当打开资源隔离时,增加worker对cpu核使用上限的控制 @@ -93,11 +103,13 @@ 10. 增加supervisor 心跳检查, 会拒绝分配任务到supervisor心跳超时的supervisor 11. 更新发送到Alimonitor的user defined metrics 数据结构 12. 增加客户端exclude-jar 功能, 当客户端提交任务时,可以通过exclude-jar和classloader来解决jar冲突问题。 + ## 配置变更 1. 修改supervisor到nimbus的心跳 超时时间到180秒 2. 为避免内存outofmemory, 设置storm.messaging.netty.max.pending默认值为4 3. 设置Nimbus 内存至4G 4. 调大队列大小 task 队列大小为1024, 总发送队列和总接收队列为2048 + ## Bug fix 1. 短时间能多次restart worker配置多的任务时,由于Nimbus thrift thread的OOM导致,Supervisor可能出现假死的情况 2. 同时提交任务,后续的任务可能会失败 @@ -110,12 +122,14 @@ 9. 解决 zkTool 读取 monitor的 znode 失败问题 10.解决 本地模式和打开classloader模式下, 出现异常问题 11.解决使用自定义日志logback时, 本地模式下,打印双份日志问题 + ## 运维& 脚本 1. Add rpm build spec 2. Add deploy files of jstorm for rpm package building 3. cronjob改成每小时运行一次, 并且coredump 改成保留1个小时 # Release + ## New features 1. 实现tick tuple 2. 支持logbak @@ -125,6 +139,7 @@ 6. 所有底层使用ip,自定义调度的时候,支持自定义调度中ip和hostname混用 7. 本地模式支持junit test 8. 客户端命令(比如提交jar时)可以指定storm.yaml 配置文件 + ## Bug fix 1. 在spout 的prepare里面增加active动作 2. 多语言支持 @@ -252,6 +267,7 @@ 6. Add log when queue is full # Release 0.9.5 + ## Big feature: 1. Redesign scheduler arithmetic, basing worker not task . @@ -260,6 +276,7 @@ 2. Add target NettyServer log when f1ail to send data by netty # Release + ## Bug fix: 1. Improve speed between tasks who is running in one worker 2. Fix wrong timeout seconds @@ -315,6 +332,7 @@ # Release 0.9.3 + ## New feature 1. Support Aliyun Apsara/Hadoop Yarn @@ -347,6 +365,7 @@ # Release 0.9.2 + ## New feature 1. Support LocalCluster/LocalDrpc mode, support debugging topology under local mode 2. Support CGroups, assigning CPU in hardware level.