Helping PHP Database Class - Easy to use
- create some test database at localhost with name of "test" or something else
- create one table with basic 1-2 columns
- open Database.php and set the credentails i.e. server,user,pass,db_name
- open Example.php and replace $test = new Table("test"); this line with your table name in database
- in Example.php also replace $r['name'] OR $row->name with your column name in the table
- Now run the file
- Please explore the Database.php file, it has proper commented code for you to understand. There are basic functions which can be used to manupulate with all database functionalities.
- The proper documentation of this class will be soon uploaded.
- Please give your feedback to improve this class, as i have intended to make this class for everyday devs. Whom needs to use database queries anywhere in php with ease and no hasssle. This will save a lot of time and with your suggestions will hit the mark real soon.
Thanks, Ali Nawaz Hiraj