- Clarifying questions
- What is the primary (business) objective of the visual search system?
- What are the specific use cases and scenarios where it will be applied?
- What are the system requirements (such as response time, accuracy, scalability, and integration with existing systems or platforms)?
- How will users interact with the system? (click, like, share, etc)? Click only
- What types of visual content will the system search through (images, videos, etc.)? Images only
- Are there any specific industries or domains where this system will be deployed (e.g., fashion, e-commerce, art, industrial inspection)?
- What is the expected scale of the system in terms of data and user interactions?
- Personalized? not required
- Can we use metadata? In general yes, here let's not.
- Can we assume the platform provides images which are safe? Yes
- Use case(s) and business goal
- Use case: allowing users to search for visually similar items, given a query image by the user
- business goal: enhance user experience, increase click through rate, conversion rates, etc (depends on use case)
- Requirements
- response time, accuracy, scalability (billions of images)
- Constraints
- budget limitations, hardware limitations, or legal and privacy constraints
- Data: sources and availability
- sources of visual data: user-generated, product catalogs, or public image databases?
- Available?
- Assumptions
- ML formulation:
- ML Objective: retrieve images that are similar to query image in terms of visual content
- ML I/O: I: a query image, and O: a ranked list of most similar images to the query image
- ML category: Ranking problem (rank a collection of items based on their relevance to a query)
- Offline metrics
- Recall@k
- Precision@k
- mAP
- nDCG
- Online metrics
- Time spent on images
- High level architecture
- Representation learning:
- transform input data into representations (embeddings) - similar images are close in their embedding space
- use distance between embeddings as a similarity measure between images
- Representation learning:
- Data Sources
- User profile
- Images
- image file
- metadata
- User-image interactions: impressions, clicks:
- Context
- Data storage
- ML Data types
- Labelling
- Feature selection
- User profile : User_id, username, age, gender, location (city, country), lang, timezone
- Image metadata: ID, user ID, tags, upload date, ...
- User-image interactions: impressions, clicks:
- user id, Query img id, returned img id, interaction type (click, impression), time, location
- Feature representation
- Representation learning (embedding)
- Feature preprocessing
- common feature preprocessing for images:
- Resize (e.g. 224x224), Scale (0-1), normalize (mean 0, var 1), color mode (RGB, CMYK)
- common feature preprocessing for images:
- Model selection
- we choose NN because of
- unstructured data (images, text) -> NN good at it
- embeddings needed
- Architecture type:
- CNN based e.g. ResNet
- Transformer based (ViT)
- Example: Image -> Convolutional layers -> FC layers -> embedding vector
- we choose NN because of
- Model Training
- contrastive learning -> used for image representation learning
- train to distinguish similar and dissimilar items (images)
- contrastive learning -> used for image representation learning
- Dataset
- each data point: query img, positive sample (similar to q), n - 1 neg samples (dissimilar)
- query img : randomly choose
- neg samples: randomly choose
- positive samples: human judge, interactions (e.g. click) as a proxy, artificial image generated from q (self supervision)
- human: expensive, time consuming
- interactions: noisy and sparse
- artificial: augment (e.g. rotate) and use as a positive sample (similar to simCLR or MoCo) - data distribution differs in reality
- each data point: query img, positive sample (similar to q), n - 1 neg samples (dissimilar)
- Loss Function: contrastive loss
- contrastive loss:
- works on pairs (Eq, Ei)
- calculate distance: b/w pairs -> softmax -> cross entropy <- Labels
- contrastive loss:
- Model eval and HP tuning
- Iterations
Prediction pipeline
- Embedding generation service
- image -> preprocess -> embedding gen (ML model) -> img embedding
- NN search service
- retrieve the most similar images from embedding space
- Exact: O(N.D)
- Approximate(ANN) - sublinear e.g. O(D.logN)
- Tree based ANN (e.g. R-trees, Kd-trees)
- partition space into two (or more) at each non-leaf node,
- only search the partition for query q
- Locality Sensitive Hashing LSH
- using hash functions to group points into buckets (close points into same buckets)
- Clustering based
- Tree based ANN (e.g. R-trees, Kd-trees)
- We use ANN using an existing library like Faiss (Facebook)
- retrieve the most similar images from embedding space
- Re-ranking service
- business level logic and policies (e.g. filter inappropriate or private items, deduplicate, etc)
- Embedding generation service
Indexing pipeline
- Indexing service: indexes images by their embeddings
- keep the table updated for new images
- increases memory usage -> use optimization (vector / product quantization)
- A/B Test
- Deployment and release
- Scaling (SW and ML systems)
- Monitoring
- Updates