Clarifying questions
- What is the primary (business) objective of the search system?
- What are the specific use cases and scenarios where it will be applied?
- What are the system requirements (such as response time, accuracy, scalability, and integration with existing systems or platforms)?
- What is the expected scale of the system in terms of data and user interactions?
- Is their any data available? What format?
- Can we use video metadata? Yes
- Personalized? not required
- How many languages needs to be supported?
Use case(s) and business goal
- Use case: user enters text query into search box, system shows the most relevant videos
- business goal: increase click through rate, watch time, etc.
- response time, accuracy, scalability (50M DAU)
- budget limitations, hardware limitations, or legal and privacy constraints
Data: sources and availability
- Sources: videos (1B), text
- 10M pairs of <video, text_query>. Videos have metadata (title, description, tags) in text format
ML formulation:
- ML Objective: retrieve videos that are relevant to a text query
- ML I/O: I: text query from a user, O: ranked list of relevant videos on a video sharing platform
- ML category: Visual search + Text Search systems
- Offline
- Precision@k, mAP, Recall@k, MRR
- we choose MRR (avg rank of first relevant element in results) due to the format of our eval data <video, text> pair
- Online
- CTR: problem: doesn't track relevancy, click baits
- video completion rate: partially watched videos might still found relevant by user
- total watch time
- we choose total watch time: good indicator of relevance
Multimodal search (video, text) for video content from text query:
- Visual search system
- Text query -> videos (based on similarity of text and visual content)
- Two tower embedding architecture (video and text_query encoders)
- Textual search system
- search for most similar titles, descs, and tags w/ text query
- we can use Inverted Index (e.g. elastic search) for efficient full text search
- An inverted index is a data structure that maps terms (words) to the documents or locations where they appear, enabling efficient text-based document retrieval, commonly used in search engines.
We use provided annotated data in the format of <video_id, query>.
- Preprocessing unstructured data
- Text pre-processing : normalization, tokenization, token to ids
- Video preprocessing: decode into frames -> sample -> resize -> scale, normalize, color correct
Model Selection
Text encoders:
- Text -> Vector (Embeddings)
- Two approaches:
- Statistical (BoW, TF-IDF)
- ML encoders (word2vec, transformer based e.g. BERT)
- We chose transformer based (BERT).
Video encoders:
- Video-level
- more expensive, but captures temporal understanding
- Example: ViViT (Video Vision Transformer)
- Frame-level (from sample frames and aggregate)
- less expensive (training and serving speed, compute power)
- Example: ViT
- Video-level
Model Training
- contrastive learning (similar to visual search system).
- Visual search from text query
- text -> preprocess -> encoder -> embedding
- videos are indexed by their encoded embeddings
- search: using approximate nearest neighbor search (ANN)
- Textual search
- using Elasticsearch (full text / fuzzy search)
- Fusion
- re-rank based on weighted sum of rel scores
- re-rank using a model
- Re-ranking
- business level logic and policies