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(393) 0x09. C - Strace

Specializations > System programming & Algorithm > Linux Programming

Project author

Alexandre Gautier

Assignment dates

04-15-2021 to 04-23-2021


Learning more about syscalls and registers, and the use of the ptrace library through cloning behavior of strace.


Provided file(s)

syscalls.h (modified, original here)

Mandatory Tasks

✅ 0. Step #0 - Syscall number

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_0 command [args...]
  • Each time a syscall is intercepted, you must print its number, followed by a new line
  • You don’t have to handle the PATH: command will be a full path to a binary (Ex: /bin/ls and not ls)
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_0

Compiled: make strace_0

✅ 1. Step #1 - Syscall name

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_1 command [args...]
  • Each time a syscall is intercepted, you must print its name, followed by a new line
  • You don’t have to handle the PATH: command will be a full path to a binary (Ex: /bin/ls and not ls)
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_1

Compiled: make strace_1

✅ 2. Step #2 - Return value

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_2 command [args...]
  • Each time a syscall is intercepted, you must print its name and its return value in hexadecimal, followed by a new line
  • You don’t have to handle the PATH: command will be a full path to a binary (Ex: /bin/ls and not ls)
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_2
  • NOTES: It is impossible to retrieve the last system call return value, simply because it doesn’t return. So, just print a ? like strace does.

Compiled: make strace_2

✅ 3. Step #3 - Raw parameters

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_3 command [args...]
  • Each time a syscall is intercepted, you must print its name, its parameters in hexadecimal, and its return value in hexadecimal, followed by a new line (see example)
  • There’s a difficulty: The number of parameters is not the same for all syscalls…
  • You DON’T have to handle varargs:
    • In case of a variadic system call, just print ...
    • Example with the ioctl syscall: ioctl(0x3, 0x1, ...) = 0 (These are random values…)
  • You don’t have to handle the PATH: command will be a full path to a binary (Ex: /bin/ls and not ls)
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_3
  • NOTE: Refer to the previous x86-64_Assembly project to know where to find the arguments

Compiled: make strace_3

Advanced Tasks

✅ 4. Step #4 - Strings

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_4 command [args...]
  • Same as the previous task (Step #3), but you must display char * parameters
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_4

Quick tip: For the first syscall (execve), you have to print the parameters yourself, you cannot retrieve them. Why? Remember how execve works? It “overrides” the process memory with the binary we give it the path to. So, to simplify, ptrace will detect that execve is called, but when it is, the memory of your child process has been overwritten, so it’s impossible to get the parameters.

Compiled: make strace_4

✅ 5. Step #5 - Integers

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_5 command [args...]
  • Same as the previous task (Step #4), but you must display integer parameters and return values. You must handle the following types:
    • int
    • long
    • size_t
    • ssize_t
    • u64
    • uint32_t
    • unsigned int
    • unsigned long
    • pid_t
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_5
  • NOTE: On failure, most syscalls return -1. You might get other values when you retrieve return values. This is simply the negated errno code, so don’t worry about that now.

Compiled: make strace_5

✅ 6. Step #6 - Macros

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_6 command [args...]
  • Same as the previous task (Step #5), plus you must interpret the following macros and flags:
    • NULL
    • All the flags for the mmap, open and access functions
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_6`

Compiled: make strace_6

✅ 7. Step #7 - Buffer

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_7 command [args...]
  • Same as the previous task (Step #6), plus you must interpret the buffers for the read and write functions
    • If the buffer size is greater than 32, you must print only the first 32 characters, followed by ...
    • Non printable characters should be written \OCT where OCT is the ascii code in octal, excepted for the following: \a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f and \r.
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_7

Compiled: make strace_7

✅ 8. Step #8 - Structure

Write a program that executes and traces a given command.

  • Usage: ./strace_8 command [args...]
  • Same as the previous task (Step #7), plus you must interpret the structures for the fstat function
    • You must only print st_mode and st_size, followed by ...
  • Your Makefile must implement a rule strace_8

Compiled: make strace_8
