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Thrust 2.1.0

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1805: Add default constructors to transform_output_iterator and transform_input_output_iterator. Thanks to Mark Harris (@harrism) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1836: Enable constructions of vectors from std::initializer_list.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1768: Fix type conversion warning in the thrust::complex utilities. Thanks to Zishi Wu (@zishiwu123) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1809: Fix some warnings about usage of __host__ functions in __device__ code.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1825: Fix Thrust's CMake install rules. Thanks to Robert Maynard (@robertmaynard) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1827: Fix thrust::reduce_by_key when using non-default-initializable iterators.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1832: Fix bug in device-side CDP thrust::reduce when using a large number of inputs.

Other Enhancements

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1815: Update Thrust's libcu++ git submodule to version 1.8.1.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1841: Fix invalid code in execution policy documentation example. Thanks to Raphaël Frantz (@Eren121) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1848: Improve error messages when attempting to launch a kernel on a device that is not supported by compiled PTX versions. Thanks to Zahra Khatami (@zkhatami) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1855: Remove usage of deprecated CUDA error codes.

Thrust 2.0.1

Other Enhancements

  • Disable CDP parallelization of device-side invocations of Thrust algorithms on SM90+. The removal of device-side synchronization support in recent architectures makes Thrust's fork-join model unimplementable on device, so a serial implementation will be used instead. Host-side invocations of Thrust algorithms are not affected.

Thrust 2.0.0


The Thrust 2.0.0 major release adds a dependency on libcu++ and contains several breaking changes. These include new diagnostics when inspecting device-only lambdas from the host, removal of the cub symlink in the Thrust repository root, and removal of the deprecated THRUST_*_BACKEND macros. It also includes several minor bugfixes and cleanups.

Breaking Changes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1605: Add libcu++ dependency.
    • A suitable version of libcu++ is provided through the ${THRUST_ROOT}/dependencies/libcudacxx/ submodule.
    • Non-cmake users may need to add the libcu++ include path to their builds (-I ${THRUST_ROOT}/dependencies/libcudacxx/include/).
    • The Thrust CMake packages have been updated to add this include path.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1605: The following macros are no longer defined by default. They can be re-enabled by defining THRUST_PROVIDE_LEGACY_ARCH_MACROS. These will be removed completely in a future release.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1661: Thrust's CUDA Runtime support macros have been updated to support NV_IF_TARGET. They are now defined consistently across all host/device compilation passes. This should not affect most usages of these macros, but may require changes for some edge cases.
    • THRUST_RUNTIME_FUNCTION: Execution space annotations for functions that invoke CUDA Runtime APIs.
      • Old behavior:
        • RDC enabled: Defined to __host__ __device__
        • RDC not enabled:
          • NVCC host pass: Defined to __host__ __device__
          • NVCC device pass: Defined to __host__
      • New behavior:
        • RDC enabled: Defined to __host__ __device__
        • RDC not enabled: Defined to __host__
    • __THRUST_HAS_CUDART__: No change in behavior, but no longer used in Thrust. Provided for legacy support only. Legacy behavior:
      • RDC enabled: Defined to 1.
      • RDC not enabled:
        • NVCC host pass: Defined to 1.
        • NVCC device pass: Defined to 0.
    • THRUST_RDC_ENABLED: New macro, may be combined with NV_IF_TARGET to replace most usages of __THRUST_HAS_CUDART__. Behavior:
      • RDC enabled: Macro is defined.
      • RDC not enabled: Macro is not defined.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1701: Remove the cub symlink from the root of the Thrust repository.
    • This symlink caused issues in certain build environments (e.g. NVIDIA/thrust#1328).
    • Builds that relied on this symlink will need to add the full CUB include path (-I ${THRUST_ROOT}/dependencies/cub).
    • CMake builds that use the Thrust packages via CPM, add_subdirectory, or find_package are not affected.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1760: A compile-time error is now emitted when a __device__ -only lambda's return type is queried from host code (requires libcu++ ≥ 1.9.0).
    • Due to limitations in the CUDA programming model, the result of this query is unreliable, and will silently return an incorrect result. This leads to difficult to debug errors.
    • When using libcu++ 1.9.0, an error will be emitted with information about work-arounds:
      • Use a named function object with a __device__-only implementation of operator().
      • Use a __host__ __device__ lambda.
      • Use cuda::proclaim_return_type (Added in libcu++ 1.9.0)
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1761: Removed support for deprecated THRUST_DEVICE_BACKEND and THRUST_HOST_BACKEND macros. The THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM and THRUST_HOST_SYSTEM macros should be used instead.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1605: Fix some execution space warnings in the allocator library.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1683: Fix bug in iterator_category_to_traversal metafunctions.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1715: Add missing __thrust_exec_check_disable__ annotation to thrust::make_zip_function. Thanks to @mfbalin for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1722: Remove CUDA-specific error handler from code that may be executed on non-CUDA backends. Thanks to @dkolsen-pgi for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1756: Fix copy_if for output iterators that don't support copy assignment. Thanks for @mfbalin for this contribution.

Other Enhancements

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1605: Removed special case code for unsupported CUDA architectures.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1605: Replace several usages of __CUDA_ARCH__ with <nv/target> to handle host/device code divergence.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1752: Remove a leftover merge conflict from a documentation file. Thanks to @tabedzki for this contribution.

Thrust 1.17.2


Thrust 1.17.2 is a minor bugfix release that provides an updated version of CUB.

Thrust 1.17.1


Thrust 1.17.1 is a minor bugfix release that provides an updated version of CUB.

Thrust 1.17.0


Thrust 1.17.0 is the final minor release of the 1.X series. This release provides GDB pretty-printers for device vectors/references, a new unique_count algorithm, and an easier way to create tagged Thrust iterators. Several documentation fixes are included, which can be found on the new Thrust documentation site at We'll be migrating existing documentation sources to this new location over the next few months.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1586: Add new thrust::make_tagged_iterator convenience function. Thanks to @karthikeyann for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1619: Add unique_count algorithm. Thanks to @upsj for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1631: Add GDB pretty-printers for device vectors/references to scripts/ Thanks to @upsj for this contribution.

Bug Fixes

Other Enhancements

Thrust 1.16.0


Thrust 1.16.0 provides a new “nosync” hint for the CUDA backend, as well as numerous bugfixes and stability improvements.

New thrust::cuda::par_nosync Execution Policy

Most of Thrust's parallel algorithms are fully synchronous and will block the calling CPU thread until all work is completed. This design avoids many pitfalls associated with asynchronous GPU programming, resulting in simpler and less-error prone usage for new CUDA developers. Unfortunately, this improvement in user experience comes at a performance cost that often frustrates more experienced CUDA programmers.

Prior to this release, the only synchronous-to-asynchronous migration path for existing Thrust codebases involved significant refactoring, replacing calls to thrust algorithms with a limited set of future-based thrust::async algorithms or lower-level CUB kernels. The new thrust::cuda::par_nosync execution policy provides a new, less-invasive entry point for asynchronous computation.

par_nosync is a hint to the Thrust execution engine that any non-essential internal synchronizations should be skipped and that an explicit synchronization will be performed by the caller before accessing results.

While some Thrust algorithms require internal synchronization to safely compute their results, many do not. For example, multiple thrust::for_each invocations can be launched without waiting for earlier calls to complete:

// Queue three `for_each` kernels:
thrust::for_each(thrust::cuda::par_nosync, vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), Op{});
thrust::for_each(thrust::cuda::par_nosync, vec2.begin(), vec2.end(), Op{});
thrust::for_each(thrust::cuda::par_nosync, vec3.begin(), vec3.end(), Op{});

// Do other work while kernels execute:

// Must explictly synchronize before accessing `for_each` results:

Thanks to @fkallen for this contribution.

Deprecation Notices

CUDA Dynamic Parallelism Support

A future version of Thrust will remove support for CUDA Dynamic Parallelism (CDP).

This will only affect calls to Thrust algorithms made from CUDA device-side code that currently launches a kernel; such calls will instead execute sequentially on the calling GPU thread instead of launching a device-wide kernel.

Breaking Changes

  • Thrust 1.14.0 included a change that aliased the cub namespace to thrust::cub. This has caused issues with ambiguous namespaces for projects that declare using namespace thrust; from the global namespace. We recommend against this practice.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1572: Removed several unnecessary header includes. Downstream projects may need to update their includes if they were relying on this behavior.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1568: Add thrust::cuda::par_nosync policy. Thanks to @fkallen for this contribution.


  • NVIDIA/thrust#1511: Use CUB's new DeviceMergeSort API and remove Thrust's internal implementation.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1566: Improved performance of thrust::shuffle. Thanks to @djns99 for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1584: Support user-defined CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR values in Thrust's CMake install rules. Thanks to @robertmaynard for this contribution.

Bug Fixes

Thrust 1.15.0


Thrust 1.15.0 provides numerous bugfixes, including non-numeric thrust::sequence support, several MSVC-related compilation fixes, fewer conversion warnings, counting_iterator initialization, and documentation updates.

Deprecation Notices

A future version of Thrust will remove support for CUDA Dynamic Parallelism (CDP).

This will only affect calls to Thrust algorithms made from CUDA device-side code that currently launches a kernel; such calls will instead execute sequentially on the calling GPU thread instead of launching a device-wide kernel.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1507: Allow thrust::sequence to work with non-numeric types. Thanks to Ben Jude (@bjude) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1509: Avoid macro collision when calling max() on MSVC. Thanks to Thomas (@tomintheshell) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1514: Initialize all members in counting_iterator's default constructor.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1518: Fix std::allocator_traits on MSVC + C++17.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1530: Fix several -Wconversion warnings. Thanks to Matt Stack (@matt-stack) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1539: Fixed typo in thrust::for_each documentation. Thanks to Salman (@untamedImpala) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1548: Avoid name collision with B0 macro in termios.h system header. Thanks to Philip Deegan (@PhilipDeegan) for this contribution.

Thrust 1.14.0 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.9)

Thrust 1.14.0 is a major release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.9.

This release adds the ability to wrap the thrust:: namespace in an external namespace, providing a workaround for a variety of shared library linking issues. Thrust also learned to detect when CUB's symbols are in a wrapped namespace and properly import them. To enable this feature, use #define THRUST_CUB_WRAPPED_NAMESPACE foo to wrap both Thrust and CUB in the foo:: namespace. See thrust/detail/config/namespace.h for details and more namespace options.

Several bugfixes are also included: The tuple_size and tuple_element helpers now support cv-qualified types. scan_by_key uses less memory. thrust::iterator_traits is better integrated with std::iterator_traits. See below for more details and references.

Breaking Changes

  • Thrust 1.14.0 included a change that aliased the cub namespace to thrust::cub. This has caused issues with ambiguous namespaces for projects that declare using namespace thrust; from the global namespace. We recommend against this practice.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1464: Add preprocessor hooks that allow thrust:: to be wrapped in an external namespace, and support cases when CUB is wrapped in an external namespace.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1457: Support cv-qualified types in thrust::tuple_size and thrust::tuple_element. Thanks to Jake Hemstad for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1471: Fixed excessive memory allocation in scan_by_key. Thanks to Lilo Huang for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1476: Removed dead code from the expand example. Thanks to Lilo Huang for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1488: Fixed the path to the installed CUB headers in the CMake find_package configuration files.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1491: Fallback to std::iterator_traits when no thrust::iterator_traits specialization exists for an iterator type. Thanks to Divye Gala for this contribution.

Thrust 1.13.1 (CUDA Toolkit 11.5)

Thrust 1.13.1 is a minor release accompanying the CUDA Toolkit 11.5.

This release provides a new hook for embedding the thrust:: namespace inside a custom namespace. This is intended to work around various issues related to linking multiple shared libraries that use Thrust. The existing CUB_NS_PREFIX and CUB_NS_POSTFIX macros already provided this capability for CUB; this update provides a simpler mechanism that is extended to and integrated with Thrust. Simply define THRUST_CUB_WRAPPED_NAMESPACE to a namespace name, and both thrust:: and cub:: will be placed inside the new namespace. Using different wrapped namespaces for each shared library will prevent issues like those reported in NVIDIA/thrust#1401.

New Features

Bug Fixes

Thrust 1.13.0 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.7)

Thrust 1.13.0 is the major release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.7 release. Notable changes include bfloat16 radix sort support (via thrust::sort) and memory handling fixes in the reserve method of Thrust's vectors. The file has been expanded to include instructions for building CUB as a component of Thrust, and API documentation now refers to cppreference instead of SGI's old STL reference.

Breaking Changes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1459: Remove deprecated aliases thrust::host_space_tag and thrust::device_space_tag. Use the equivalent thrust::host_system_tag and thrust::device_system_tag instead.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/cub#306: Add radix-sort support for bfloat16 in thrust::sort. Thanks to Xiang Gao (@zasdfgbnm) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1423: thrust::transform_iterator now supports non-copyable types. Thanks to Jake Hemstad (@jrhemstad) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1459: Introduce a new THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_API macro that disables deprecation warnings on Thrust and CUB APIs.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/cub#277: Fixed sanitizer warnings when thrust::sort calls into cub::DeviceRadixSort. Thanks to Andy Adinets (@canonizer) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1442: Reduce extraneous comparisons in thrust::sort's merge sort implementation.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1447: Fix memory leak and avoid overallocation when calling reserve on Thrust's vector containers. Thanks to Kai Germaschewski (@germasch) for this contribution.

Other Enhancements

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1405: Update links to standard C++ documentations from sgi to cppreference. Thanks to Muhammad Adeel Hussain (@AdeilH) for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1432: Updated build instructions in to include details on building CUB's test suite as part of Thrust.

Thrust 1.12.1 (CUDA Toolkit 11.4)

Thrust 1.12.1 is a trivial patch release that slightly changes the phrasing of a deprecation message.

Thrust 1.12.0 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.3)

Thrust 1.12.0 is the major release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 21.3 and the CUDA Toolkit 11.4. It includes a new thrust::universal_vector, which holds data that is accessible from both host and device. This allows users to easily leverage CUDA's unified memory with Thrust. New asynchronous thrust::async:exclusive_scan and inclusive_scan algorithms have been added, and the synchronous versions of these have been updated to use cub::DeviceScan directly. CUB radix sort for floating point types is now stable when both +0.0 and -0.0 are present in the input. This affects some usages of thrust::sort and thrust::stable_sort. Many compilation warnings and subtle overflow bugs were fixed in the device algorithms, including a long-standing bug that returned invalid temporary storage requirements when num_items was close to (but not exceeding) INT32_MAX. This release deprecates support for Clang < 7.0 and MSVC < 2019 (aka 19.20/16.0/14.20).

Breaking Changes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1372: Deprecate Clang < 7 and MSVC < 2019.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1376: Standardize thrust::scan_by_key functors / accumulator types. This may change the results from scan_by_key when input, output, and initial value types are not the same type.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1251: Add two new thrust::async:: algorithms: inclusive_scan and exclusive_scan.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1334: Add thrust::universal_vector, universal_ptr, and universal_allocator.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1347: Qualify calls to make_reverse_iterator.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1359: Enable stricter warning flags. This fixes several outstanding issues:
    • NVIDIA/cub#221: Overflow in temp_storage_bytes when num_items close to (but not over) INT32_MAX.
    • NVIDIA/cub#228: CUB uses non-standard C++ extensions that break strict compilers.
    • NVIDIA/cub#257: Warning when compiling GridEvenShare with unsigned offsets.
    • NVIDIA/thrust#974: Conversion warnings in thrust::transform_reduce.
    • NVIDIA/thrust#1091: Conversion warnings in thrust::counting_iterator.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1373: Fix compilation error when a standard library type is wrapped in thrust::optional. Thanks to Vukasin Milovanovic for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1388: Fix signbit(double) implementation on MSVC.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1389: Support building Thrust tests without CUDA enabled.

Other Enhancements

Thrust 1.11.0 (CUDA Toolkit 11.3)

Thrust 1.11.0 is a major release providing bugfixes and performance enhancements. It includes a new sort algorithm that provides up to 2x more performance from thrust::sort when used with certain key types and hardware. The new thrust::shuffle algorithm has been tweaked to improve the randomness of the output. Our CMake package and build system continue to see improvements with better add_subdirectory support, installation rules, status messages, and other features that make Thrust easier to use from CMake projects. The release includes several other bugfixes and modernizations, and received updates from 12 contributors.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/cub#204: New implementation for thrust::sort on CUDA when using 32/64-bit numeric keys on Pascal and up (SM60+). This improved radix sort algorithm provides up to 2x more performance. Thanks for Andy Adinets for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1310, NVIDIA/thrust#1312: Various tuple-related APIs have been updated to use variadic templates. Thanks for Andrew Corrigan for these contributions.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1297: Optionally add install rules when included with CMake's add_subdirectory. Thanks to Kai Germaschewski for this contribution.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1309: Fix thrust::shuffle to produce better quality random distributions. Thanks to Rory Mitchell and Daniel Stokes for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1337: Fix compile-time regression in transform_inclusive_scan and transform_exclusive_scan.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1306: Fix binary search middle calculation to avoid overflows. Thanks to Richard Barnes for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1314: Use size_t for the index type parameter in thrust::tuple_element. Thanks to Andrew Corrigan for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1329: Fix runtime error when copying an empty thrust::device_vector in MSVC Debug builds. Thanks to Ben Jude for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1323: Fix and add test for cmake package install rules. Thanks for Keith Kraus and Kai Germaschewski for testing and discussion.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1338: Fix GCC version checks in thrust::detail::is_pod implementation. Thanks to Anatoliy Tomilov for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1289: Partial fixes for Clang 10 as host compiler. Filed an NVCC bug that will be fixed in a future version of the CUDA Toolkit (NVBug 3136307).
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1272: Fix ambiguous iter_swap call when using thrust::partition with STL containers. Thanks to Isaac Deutsch for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1281: Update our bundled FindTBB.cmake module to support latest MSVC.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1298: Use semantic versioning rules for our CMake package's compatibility checks. Thanks to Kai Germaschewski for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1300: Use FindPackageHandleStandardArgs to print standard status messages when our CMake package is found. Thanks to Kai Germaschewski for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1320: Use feature-testing instead of a language dialect check for thrust::remove_cvref. Thanks to Andrew Corrigan for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1319: Suppress GPU deprecation warnings.

Other Enhancements

  • NVIDIA/cub#213: Removed some tuning policies for unsupported hardware (<SM35).
  • References to the old Github repository and branch names were updated.
    • Github's thrust/cub repository is now NVIDIA/cub.
    • Development has moved from the master branch to the main branch.

Thrust 1.10.0 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.9, CUDA Toolkit 11.2)

Thrust 1.10.0 is the major release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.9 release and the CUDA Toolkit 11.2 release. It drops support for C++03, GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017. It also overhauls CMake support. Finally, we now have a Code of Conduct for contributors:

Breaking Changes

  • C++03 is no longer supported.
  • GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017 are no longer supported.
  • C++11 is deprecated. Using this dialect will generate a compile-time warning. These warnings can be suppressed by defining THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT or THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11. Suppression is only a short term solution. We will be dropping support for C++11 in the near future.
  • Asynchronous algorithms now require C++14.
  • CMake < 3.15 is no longer supported.
  • The default branch on GitHub is now called main.
  • Allocator and vector classes have been replaced with alias templates.

New Features

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1159: CMake multi-config support, which allows multiple combinations of host and device systems to be built and tested at once. More details can be found here:
  • CMake refactoring:
    • Added install targets to CMake builds.
    • Added support for CUB tests and examples.
    • Thrust can be added to another CMake project by calling add_subdirectory with the Thrust source root (see NVIDIA/thrust#976). An example can be found here:
    • CMake < 3.15 is no longer supported.
    • Dialects are now configured through target properties. A new THRUST_CPP_DIALECT option has been added for single config mode. Logic that modified CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD and CMAKE_CUDA_STANDARD has been eliminated.
    • Testing related CMake code has been moved to testing/CMakeLists.txt
    • Example related CMake code has been moved to examples/CMakeLists.txt
    • Header testing related CMake code has been moved to cmake/ThrustHeaderTesting.cmake
    • CUDA configuration CMake code has been moved to to cmake/ThrustCUDAConfig.cmake.
    • Now we explicitly include(cmake/*.cmake) files rather than searching CMAKE_MODULE_PATH - we only want to use the ones in the repo.
  • thrust::transform_input_output_iterator, a variant of transform iterator adapter that works as both an input iterator and an output iterator. The given input function is applied after reading from the wrapped iterator while the output function is applied before writing to the wrapped iterator. Thanks to Trevor Smith for this contribution.

Other Enhancements

  • Contributor documentation:
  • Code of Conduct: Thanks to Conor Hoekstra for this contribution.
  • Support for all combinations of host and device systems.
  • C++17 support.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1221: Allocator and vector classes have been replaced with alias templates. Thanks to Michael Francis for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1186: Use placeholder expressions to simplify the definitions of a number of algorithms. Thanks to Michael Francis for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1170: More conforming semantics for scan algorithms:
    • Follow P0571's guidance regarding intermediate types.
      • The accumulator's type is now:
        • The type of the user-supplied initial value (if provided), or
        • The input iterator's value type if no initial value.
    • Follow C++ standard guidance for default binary operator type.
      • Thrust binary/unary functors now specialize a default void template parameter. Types are deduced and forwarded transparently.
      • Updated the scan's default binary operator to the new thrust::plus<> specialization.
    • The thrust::intermediate_type_from_function_and_iterators helper is no longer needed and has been removed.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1255: Always use cudaStreamSynchronize instead of cudaDeviceSynchronize if the execution policy has a stream attached to it. Thanks to Rong Ou for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1201: Tests for correct handling of legacy and per-thread default streams. Thanks to Rong Ou for this contribution.

Bug Fixes

  • NVIDIA/thrust#1260: Fix thrust::transform_inclusive_scan with heterogeneous types. Thanks to Rong Ou for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1258, NVC++ FS #28463: Ensure the CUDA radix sort backend synchronizes before returning; otherwise, copies from temporary storage will race with destruction of said temporary storage.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1264: Evaluate CUDA_CUB_RET_IF_FAIL macro argument only once. Thanks to Jason Lowe for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1262: Add missing <stdexcept> header.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1250: Restore some THRUST_DECLTYPE_RETURNS macros in async test implementations.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1249: Use std::iota in CUDATestDriver::target_devices. Thanks to Michael Francis for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1244: Check for macro collisions with system headers during header testing.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1224: Remove unnecessary SFINAE contexts from asynchronous algorithms.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1190: Make out_of_memory_recovery test trigger faster.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1187: Elminate superfluous iterators specific to the CUDA backend.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1181: Various fixes for GoUDA. Thanks to Andrei Tchouprakov for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1178, NVIDIA/thrust#1229: Use transparent functionals in placeholder expressions, fixing issues with thrust::device_reference and placeholder expressions and thrust::find with asymmetric equality operators.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1153: Switch to placement new instead of assignment to construct items in uninitialized memory. Thanks to Hugh Winkler for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1050: Fix compilation of asynchronous algorithms when RDC is enabled.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1042: Correct return type of thrust::detail::predicate_to_integral from bool to IntegralType. Thanks to Andreas Hehn for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#1009: Avoid returning uninitialized allocators. Thanks to Zhihao Yuan for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#990: Add missing <thrust/system/cuda/memory.h> include to <thrust/system/cuda/detail/malloc_and_free.h>. Thanks to Robert Maynard for this contribution.
  • NVIDIA/thrust#966: Fix spurious MSVC conversion with loss of data warning in sort algorithms. Thanks to Zhihao Yuan for this contribution.
  • Add more metadata to mock specializations for testing iterator in testing/
  • Add missing include to shuffle unit test.
  • Specialize thrust::wrapped_function for void return types because MSVC is not a fan of the pattern return static_cast<void>(expr);.
  • Replace deprecated tbb/tbb_thread.h with <thread>.
  • Fix overcounting of initial value in TBB scans.
  • Use thrust::advance instead of += for generic iterators.
  • Wrap the OMP flags in -Xcompiler for NVCC
  • Extend ASSERT_STATIC_ASSERT skip for the OMP backend.
  • Add missing header caught by tbb.cuda configs.
  • Fix "unsafe API" warnings in examples on MSVC: s/fopen/fstream/
  • Various C++17 fixes.

Thrust 1.9.10-1 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.7, CUDA Toolkit 11.1)

Thrust 1.9.10-1 is the minor release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.7 release and the CUDA Toolkit 11.1 release.

Bug Fixes

  • #1214, NVBug 200619442: Stop using std::allocator APIs deprecated in C++17.
  • #1216, NVBug 200540293: Make thrust::optional work with Clang when used with older libstdc++.
  • #1207, NVBug 200618218: Don't force C++14 with older compilers that don't support it.
  • #1218: Wrap includes of <memory> and <algorithm> to avoid circular inclusion with NVC++.

Thrust 1.9.10 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.5)

Thrust 1.9.10 is the release accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.5 release. It adds CMake support for compilation with NVC++ and a number of minor bug fixes for NVC++. It also adds CMake find_package support, which replaces the broken 3rd-party legacy FindThrust.cmake script. C++03, C++11, GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017 are now deprecated. Starting with the upcoming 1.10.0 release, C++03 support will be dropped entirely.

Breaking Changes

  • #1082: Thrust now checks that it is compatible with the version of CUB found in your include path, generating an error if it is not. If you are using your own version of CUB, it may be too old. It is recommended to simply delete your own version of CUB and use the version of CUB that comes with Thrust.
  • #1089: C++03 and C++11 are deprecated. Using these dialects will generate a compile-time warning. These warnings can be suppressed by defining THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT (to suppress C++03 and C++11 deprecation warnings) or THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP11 (to suppress C++11 deprecation warnings). Suppression is only a short term solution. We will be dropping support for C++03 in the 1.10.0 release and C++11 in the near future.
  • #1089: GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017 are deprecated. Using these compilers will generate a compile-time warning. These warnings can be suppressed by defining THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER. Suppression is only a short term solution. We will be dropping support for these compilers in the near future.

New Features

  • #1130: CMake find_package support. This is significant because there is a legacy FindThrust.cmake script authored by a third party in widespread use in the community which has a bug in how it parses Thrust version numbers which will cause it to incorrectly parse 1.9.10. This script only handles the first digit of each part of the Thrust version number correctly: for example, Thrust 17.17.17 would be interpreted as Thrust 1.1.1701717. You can find directions for using the new CMake find_package support and migrating away from the legacy FindThrust.cmake here
  • #1129: Added thrust::detail::single_device_tls_caching_allocator, a convenient way to get an MR caching allocator for device memory, which is used by NVC++.

Other Enhancements

  • #1129: Refactored RDC handling in CMake to be a global option and not create two targets for each example and test.

Bug Fixes

  • #1129: Fix the legacy thrust::return_temporary_buffer API to support passing a size. This was necessary to enable usage of Thrust caching MR allocators with synchronous Thrust algorithms. This change has allowed NVC++'s C++17 Parallel Algorithms implementation to switch to use Thrust caching MR allocators for device temporary storage, which gives a 2x speedup on large multi-GPU systems such as V100 and A100 DGX where cudaMalloc is very slow.
  • #1128: Respect CUDA_API_PER_THREAD_DEFAULT_STREAM. Thanks to Rong Ou for this contribution.
  • #1131: Fix the one-policy overload of thrust::async::copy to not copy the policy, resolving use-afer-move issues.
  • #1145: When cleaning up type names in unittest::base_class_name, only call std::string::replace if we found the substring we are looking to replace.
  • #1139: Don't use cxx::__demangle in NVC++.
  • #1102: Don't use thrust::detail::normal_distribution_nvcc for Feta because it uses erfcinv, a non-standard function that Feta doesn't have.

Thrust 1.9.9 (CUDA Toolkit 11.0)

Thrust 1.9.9 adds support for NVC++, which uses Thrust to implement GPU-accelerated C++17 Parallel Algorithms. thrust::zip_function and thrust::shuffle were also added. C++03, C++11, GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017 are now deprecated. Starting with the upcoming 1.10.0 release, C++03 support will be dropped entirely. All other deprecated platforms will be dropped in the near future.

Breaking Changes

  • #1082: Thrust now checks that it is compatible with the version of CUB found in your include path, generating an error if it is not. If you are using your own version of CUB, it may be too old. It is recommended to simply delete your own version of CUB and use the version of CUB that comes with Thrust.
  • #1089: C++03 and C++11 are deprecated. Using these dialects will generate a compile-time warning. These warnings can be suppressed by defining THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_DIALECT (to suppress C++03 and C++11 deprecation warnings) or THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_CPP_11 (to suppress C++11 deprecation warnings). Suppression is only a short term solution. We will be dropping support for C++03 in the 1.10.0 release and C++11 in the near future.
  • #1089: GCC < 5, Clang < 6, and MSVC < 2017 are deprecated. Using these compilers will generate a compile-time warning. These warnings can be suppressed by defining THRUST_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_COMPILER. Suppression is only a short term solution. We will be dropping support for these compilers in the near future.

New Features

  • #1086: Support for NVC++ aka "Feta". The most significant change is in how we use __CUDA_ARCH__. Now, there are four macros that must be used:
    • THRUST_IS_DEVICE_CODE, which should be used in an if statement around device-only code.
    • THRUST_INCLUDE_DEVICE_CODE, which should be used in an #if preprocessor directive inside of the if statement mentioned in the prior bullet.
    • THRUST_IS_HOST_CODE, which should be used in an if statement around host-only code.
    • THRUST_INCLUDE_HOST_CODE, which should be used in an #if preprocessor directive inside of the if statement mentioned in the prior bullet.
  • #1085: thrust::shuffle. Thanks to Rory Mitchell for this contribution.
  • #1029: thrust::zip_function, a facility for zipping functions that take N parameters instead of a tuple of N parameters as thrust::zip_iterator does. Thanks to Ben Jude for this contribution.
  • #1068: thrust::system::cuda::managed_memory_pointer, a universal memory strongly typed pointer compatible with the ISO C++ Standard Library.

Other Enhancements

  • #1029: Thrust is now built and tested with NVCC warnings treated as errors.
  • #1029: MSVC C++11 support.
  • #1029: THRUST_DEPRECATED abstraction for generating compile-time deprecation warning messages.
  • #1029: thrust::pointer<T>::pointer_to(reference).
  • #1070: Unit test for thrust::inclusive_scan with a user defined types. Thanks to Conor Hoekstra for this contribution.

Bug Fixes

  • #1088: Allow thrust::replace to take functions that have non-const operator().
  • #1094: Add missing constexpr to par_t constructors. Thanks to Patrick Stotko for this contribution.
  • #1077: Remove __device__ from CUDA MR-based device allocators to fix obscure "host function called from host device function" warning that occurs when you use the new Thrust MR-based allocators.
  • #1029: Remove inconsistently-used THRUST_BEGIN/END_NS macros.
  • #1029: Fix C++ dialect detection on newer MSVC.
  • #1029 Use _Pragma/__pragma instead of #pragma in macros.
  • #1029: Replace raw __cplusplus checks with the appropriate Thrust macros.
  • #1105: Add a missing <math.h> include.
  • #1103: Fix regression of thrust::detail::temporary_allocator with non-CUDA back ends.
  • #1111: Use Thrust's random number engine instead of std::s in device code.
  • #1108: Get rid of a GCC 9 warning about deprecated generation of copy ctors.

Thrust 1.9.8-1 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.3)

Thrust 1.9.8-1 is a variant of 1.9.8 accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.3 release. It contains modifications necessary to serve as the implementation of NVC++'s GPU-accelerated C++17 Parallel Algorithms when using the CUDA Toolkit 11.0 release.

Thrust 1.9.8 (CUDA Toolkit 11.0 Early Access)

Thrust 1.9.8, which is included in the CUDA Toolkit 11.0 release, removes Thrust's internal derivative of CUB, upstreams all relevant changes too CUB, and adds CUB as a Git submodule. It will now be necessary to do git clone --recursive when checking out Thrust, and to update the CUB submodule when pulling in new Thrust changes. Additionally, CUB is now included as a first class citizen in the CUDA toolkit. Thrust 1.9.8 also fixes bugs preventing most Thrust algorithms from working with more than 2^31-1 elements. Now, thrust::reduce, thrust::*_scan, and related algorithms (aka most of Thrust) work with large element counts.

Breaking Changes

  • Thrust will now use the version of CUB in your include path instead of its own internal copy. If you are using your own version of CUB, it may be older and incompatible with Thrust. It is recommended to simply delete your own version of CUB and use the version of CUB that comes with Thrust.

Other Enhancements

  • Refactor Thrust and CUB to support 64-bit indices in most algorithms. In most cases, Thrust now selects between kernels that use 32-bit indices and 64-bit indices at runtime depending on the size of the input. This means large element counts work, but small element counts do not have to pay for the register usage of 64-bit indices if they are not needed. Now, thrust::reduce, thrust::*_scan, and related algorithms (aka most of Thrust) work with more than 2^31-1 elements. Notably, thrust::sort is still limited to less than 2^31-1 elements.
  • CUB is now a submodule and the internal copy of CUB has been removed.
  • #1051: Stop specifying the __launch_bounds__ minimum blocks parameter because it messes up register allocation and increases register pressure, and we don't actually know at compile time how many blocks we will use (aside from single tile kernels).

Bug Fixes

  • #1020: After making a CUDA API call, always clear the global CUDA error state by calling cudaGetLastError.
  • #1021: Avoid calling destroy in the destructor of a Thrust vector if the vector is empty.
  • #1046: Actually throw thrust::bad_alloc when thrust::system::cuda::malloc fails instead of just constructing a temporary and doing nothing with it.
  • Add missing copy constructor or copy assignment operator to all classes that GCC 9's -Wdeprecated-copy complains about
  • Add missing move operations to thrust::system::cuda::vector.
  • #1015: Check that the backend is CUDA before using CUDA-specifics in thrust::detail::temporary_allocator. Thanks to Hugh Winkler for this contribution.
  • #1055: More correctly detect the presence of aligned/sized new/delete.
  • #1043: Fix ill-formed specialization of thrust::system::is_error_code_enum for thrust::event_errc. Thanks to Toru Niina for this contribution.
  • #1027: Add tests for thrust::tuple_for_each and thrust::tuple_subset. Thanks to Ben Jude for this contribution.
  • #1027: Use correct macro in thrust::tuple_for_each. Thanks to Ben Jude for this contribution.
  • #1026: Use correct MSVC version formatting in CMake. Thanks to Ben Jude for this contribution.
  • Workaround an NVCC issue with type aliases with template template arguments containing a parameter pack.
  • Remove unused functions from the CUDA backend which call slow CUDA attribute query APIs.
  • Correct typo in thrust::transform documentation. Thanks to Eden Yefet for this contribution.

Known Issues

  • thrust::sort remains limited to 2^31-1 elements for now.

Thrust 1.9.7-1 (CUDA Toolkit 10.2 for Tegra)

Thrust 1.9.7-1 is a minor release accompanying the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 release for Tegra. It is nearly identical to 1.9.7.

Bug Fixes

  • Remove support for GCC's broken nodiscard-like attribute.

Thrust 1.9.7 (CUDA Toolkit 10.2)

Thrust 1.9.7 is a minor release accompanying the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 release. Unfortunately, although the version and patch numbers are identical, one bug fix present in Thrust 1.9.7 (NVBug 2646034: Fix incorrect dependency handling for stream acquisition in thrust::future) was not included in the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 preview release for AArch64 SBSA. The tag cuda-10.2aarch64sbsa contains the exact version of Thrust present in the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 preview release for AArch64 SBSA.

Bug Fixes

  • #967, NVBug 2448170: Fix the CUDA backend thrust::for_each so that it supports large input sizes with 64-bit indices.
  • NVBug 2646034: Fix incorrect dependency handling for stream acquisition in thrust::future.
    • Not present in the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 preview release for AArch64 SBSA.
  • #968, NVBug 2612102: Fix the thrust::mr::polymorphic_adaptor to actually use its template parameter.

Thrust 1.9.6-1 (NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.3)

Thrust 1.9.6-1 is a variant of 1.9.6 accompanying the NVIDIA HPC SDK 20.3 release. It contains modifications necessary to serve as the implementation of NVC++'s GPU-accelerated C++17 Parallel Algorithms when using the CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 2 release.

Thrust 1.9.6 (CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 2)

Thrust 1.9.6 is a minor release accompanying the CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 2 release.

Bug Fixes

  • NVBug 2509847: Inconsistent alignment of thrust::complex
  • NVBug 2586774: Compilation failure with Clang + older libstdc++ that doesn't have std::is_trivially_copyable
  • NVBug 200488234: CUDA header files contain Unicode characters which leads compiling errors on Windows
  • #949, #973, NVBug 2422333, NVBug 2522259, NVBug 2528822: thrust::detail::aligned_reinterpret_cast must be annotated with __host__ __device__.
  • NVBug 2599629: Missing include in the OpenMP sort implementation
  • NVBug 200513211: Truncation warning in test code under VC142

Thrust 1.9.5 (CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 1)

Thrust 1.9.5 is a minor release accompanying the CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 1 release.

Bug Fixes

  • NVBug 2502854: Fixed assignment of thrust::device_vector<thrust::complex<T>> between host and device.

Thrust 1.9.4 (CUDA Toolkit 10.1)

Thrust 1.9.4 adds asynchronous interfaces for parallel algorithms, a new allocator system including caching allocators and unified memory support, as well as a variety of other enhancements, mostly related to C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20 support. The new asynchronous algorithms in the thrust::async namespace return thrust::event or thrust::future objects, which can be waited upon to synchronize with the completion of the parallel operation.

Breaking Changes

Synchronous Thrust algorithms now block until all of their operations have completed. Use the new asynchronous Thrust algorithms for non-blocking behavior.

New Features

  • thrust::event and thrust::future<T>, uniquely-owned asynchronous handles consisting of a state (ready or not ready), content (some value; for thrust::future only), and an optional set of objects that should be destroyed only when the future's value is ready and has been consumed.
    • The design is loosely based on C++11's std::future.
    • They can be .wait'd on, and the value of a future can be waited on and retrieved with .get or .extract.
    • Multiple thrust::events and thrust::futures can be combined with thrust::when_all.
    • thrust::futures can be converted to thrust::events.
    • Currently, these primitives are only implemented for the CUDA backend and are C++11 only.
  • New asynchronous algorithms that return thrust::event/thrust::futures, implemented as C++20 range style customization points:
    • thrust::async::reduce.
    • thrust::async::reduce_into, which takes a target location to store the reduction result into.
    • thrust::async::copy, including a two-policy overload that allows explicit cross system copies which execution policy properties can be attached to.
    • thrust::async::transform.
    • thrust::async::for_each.
    • thrust::async::stable_sort.
    • thrust::async::sort.
    • By default the asynchronous algorithms use the new caching allocators. Deallocation of temporary storage is deferred until the destruction of the returned thrust::future. The content of thrust::futures is stored in either device or universal memory and transferred to the host only upon request to prevent unnecessary data migration.
    • Asynchronous algorithms are currently only implemented for the CUDA system and are C++11 only.
  • exec.after(f, g, ...), a new execution policy method that takes a set of thrust::event/thrust::futures and returns an execution policy that operations on that execution policy should depend upon.
  • New logic and mindset for the type requirements for cross-system sequence copies (currently only used by thrust::async::copy), based on:
    • thrust::is_contiguous_iterator and THRUST_PROCLAIM_CONTIGUOUS_ITERATOR for detecting/indicating that an iterator points to contiguous storage.
    • thrust::is_trivially_relocatable and THRUST_PROCLAIM_TRIVIALLY_RELOCATABLE for detecting/indicating that a type is memcpyable (based on principles from P1144).
    • The new approach reduces buffering, increases performance, and increases correctness.
    • The fast path is now enabled when copying CUDA __half and vector types with thrust::async::copy.
  • All Thrust synchronous algorithms for the CUDA backend now actually synchronize. Previously, any algorithm that did not allocate temporary storage (counterexample: thrust::sort) and did not have a computation-dependent result (counterexample: thrust::reduce) would actually be launched asynchronously. Additionally, synchronous algorithms that allocated temporary storage would become asynchronous if a custom allocator was supplied that did not synchronize on allocation/deallocation, unlike cudaMalloc/cudaFree. So, now thrust::for_each, thrust::transform, thrust::sort, etc are truly synchronous. In some cases this may be a performance regression; if you need asynchrony, use the new asynchronous algorithms.
  • Thrust's allocator framework has been rewritten. It now uses a memory resource system, similar to C++17's std::pmr but supporting static polymorphism. Memory resources are objects that allocate untyped storage and allocators are cheap handles to memory resources in this new model. The new facilities live in <thrust/mr/*>.
    • thrust::mr::memory_resource<Pointer>, the memory resource base class, which takes a (possibly tagged) pointer to void type as a parameter.
    • thrust::mr::allocator<T, MemoryResource>, an allocator backed by a memory resource object.
    • thrust::mr::polymorphic_adaptor_resource<Pointer>, a type-erased memory resource adaptor.
    • thrust::mr::polymorphic_allocator<T>, a C++17-style polymorphic allocator backed by a type-erased memory resource object.
    • New tunable C++17-style caching memory resources, thrust::mr::(disjoint_)?(un)?synchronized_pool_resource, designed to cache both small object allocations and large repetitive temporary allocations. The disjoint variants use separate storage for management of the pool, which is necessary if the memory being allocated cannot be accessed on the host (e.g. device memory).
    • System-specific allocators were rewritten to use the new memory resource framework.
    • New thrust::device_memory_resource for allocating device memory.
    • New thrust::universal_memory_resource for allocating memory that can be accessed from both the host and device (e.g. cudaMallocManaged).
    • New thrust::universal_host_pinned_memory_resource for allocating memory that can be accessed from the host and the device but always resides in host memory (e.g. cudaMallocHost).
    • thrust::get_per_device_resource and thrust::per_device_allocator, which lazily create and retrieve a per-device singleton memory resource.
    • Rebinding mechanisms (rebind_traits and rebind_alloc) for thrust::allocator_traits.
    • thrust::device_make_unique, a factory function for creating a std::unique_ptr to a newly allocated object in device memory.
    • <thrust/detail/memory_algorithms>, a C++11 implementation of the C++17 uninitialized memory algorithms.
    • thrust::allocate_unique and friends, based on the proposed C++23 std::allocate_unique.
  • New type traits and metaprogramming facilities. Type traits are slowly being migrated out of thrust::detail:: and <thrust/detail/*>; their new home will be thrust:: and <thrust/type_traits/*>.
    • thrust::is_execution_policy.
    • thrust::is_operator_less_or_greater_function_object, which detects thrust::less, thrust::greater, std::less, and std::greater.
    • thrust::is_operator_plus_function_object``, which detects thrust::plusandstd::plus`.
    • thrust::remove_cvref(_t)?, a C++11 implementation of C++20's thrust::remove_cvref(_t)?.
    • thrust::void_t, and various other new type traits.
    • thrust::integer_sequence and friends, a C++11 implementation of C++20's std::integer_sequence
    • thrust::conjunction, thrust::disjunction, and thrust::disjunction, a C++11 implementation of C++17's logical metafunctions.
    • Some Thrust type traits (such as thrust::is_constructible) have been redefined in terms of C++11's type traits when they are available.
  • <thrust/detail/tuple_algorithms.h>, new std::tuple algorithms:
    • thrust::tuple_transform.
    • thrust::tuple_for_each.
    • thrust::tuple_subset.
  • Miscellaneous new std::-like facilities:
    • thrust::optional, a C++11 implementation of C++17's std::optional.
    • thrust::addressof, an implementation of C++11's std::addressof.
    • thrust::next and thrust::prev, an implementation of C++11's std::next and std::prev.
    • thrust::square, a <functional> style unary function object that multiplies its argument by itself.
    • <thrust/limits.h> and thrust::numeric_limits, a customized version of <limits> and std::numeric_limits.
  • <thrust/detail/preprocessor.h>, new general purpose preprocessor facilities:
    • THRUST_PP_CAT[2-5], concatenates two to five tokens.
    • THRUST_PP_EXPAND(_ARGS)?, performs double expansion.
    • THRUST_PP_ARITY and THRUST_PP_DISPATCH, tools for macro overloading.
    • THRUST_PP_BOOL, boolean conversion.
    • THRUST_PP_INC and THRUST_PP_DEC, increment/decrement.
    • THRUST_PP_HEAD, a variadic macro that expands to the first argument.
    • THRUST_PP_TAIL, a variadic macro that expands to all its arguments after the first.
    • THRUST_PP_IIF, bitwise conditional.
    • THRUST_PP_COMMA_IF, and THRUST_PP_HAS_COMMA, facilities for adding and detecting comma tokens.
    • THRUST_PP_IS_VARIADIC_NULLARY, returns true if called with a nullary __VA_ARGS__.
    • THRUST_CURRENT_FUNCTION, expands to the name of the current function.
  • New C++11 compatibility macros:
    • THRUST_NODISCARD, expands to [[nodiscard]] when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_CONSTEXPR, expands to constexpr when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_OVERRIDE, expands to override when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_DEFAULT, expands to = default; when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_NOEXCEPT, expands to noexcept when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_FINAL, expands to final when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
    • THRUST_INLINE_CONSTANT, expands to inline constexpr when available and the best equivalent otherwise.
  • <thrust/detail/type_deduction.h>, new C++11-only type deduction helpers:
    • THRUST_DECLTYPE_RETURNS*, expand to function definitions with suitable conditional noexcept qualifiers and trailing return types.
    • THRUST_FWD(x), expands to ::std::forward<decltype(x)>(x).
    • THRUST_MVCAP, expands to a lambda move capture.
    • THRUST_RETOF, expands to a decltype computing the return type of an invocable.
  • New CMake build system.

New Examples

  • mr_basic demonstrates how to use the new memory resource allocator system.

Other Enhancements

  • Tagged pointer enhancements:
    • New thrust::pointer_traits specialization for void const*.
    • nullptr support to Thrust tagged pointers.
    • New explicit operator bool for Thrust tagged pointers when using C++11 for std::unique_ptr interoperability.
    • Added thrust::reinterpret_pointer_cast and thrust::static_pointer_cast for casting Thrust tagged pointers.
  • Iterator enhancements:
    • thrust::iterator_system is now SFINAE friendly.
    • Removed cv qualifiers from iterator types when using thrust::iterator_system.
  • Static assert enhancements:
    • New THRUST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG, takes an optional string constant to be used as the error message when possible.
    • Update THRUST_STATIC_ASSERT(_MSG) to use C++11's static_assert when it's available.
    • Introduce a way to test for static assertions.
  • Testing enhancements:
    • Additional scalar and sequence types, including non-builtin types and vectors with unified memory allocators, have been added to the list of types used by generic unit tests.
    • The generation of random input data has been improved to increase the range of values used and catch more corner cases.
    • New unittest::truncate_to_max_representable utility for avoiding the generation of ranges that cannot be represented by the underlying element type in generic unit test code.
    • The test driver now synchronizes with CUDA devices and check for errors after each test, when switching devices, and after each raw kernel launch.
    • The warningtester uber header is now compiled with NVCC to avoid needing to disable CUDA-specific code with the preprocessor.
    • Fixed the unit test framework's ASSERT_* to print chars as ints.
    • New DECLARE_INTEGRAL_VARIABLE_UNITTEST test declaration macro.
    • thrust::system_error in the CUDA backend now print out its cudaError_t enumerator in addition to the diagnostic message.
    • Stopped using conditionally signed types like char.

Bug Fixes

  • #897, NVBug 2062242: Fix compilation error when using __device__ lambdas with thrust::reduce on MSVC.
  • #908, NVBug 2089386: Static assert that thrust::generate/thrust::fill isn't operating on const iterators.
  • #919 Fix compilation failure with thrust::zip_iterator and thrust::complex.
  • #924, NVBug 2096679, NVBug 2315990: Fix dispatch for the CUDA backend's thrust::reduce to use two functions (one with the pragma for disabling exec checks, one with THRUST_RUNTIME_FUNCTION) instead of one. This fixes a regression with device compilation that started in CUDA Toolkit 9.2.
  • #928, NVBug 2341455: Add missing __host__ __device__ annotations to a thrust::complex::operator= to satisfy GoUDA.
  • NVBug 2094642: Make thrust::vector_base::clear not depend on the element type being default constructible.
  • NVBug 2289115: Remove flaky simple_cuda_streams example.
  • NVBug 2328572: Add missing thrust::device_vector constructor that takes an allocator parameter.
  • NVBug 2455740: Update the range_view example to not use device-side launch.
  • NVBug 2455943: Ensure that sized unit tests that use thrust::counting_iterator perform proper truncation.
  • NVBug 2455952: Refactor questionable thrust::copy_if unit tests.

Thrust 1.9.3 (CUDA Toolkit 10.0)

Thrust 1.9.3 unifies and integrates CUDA Thrust and GitHub Thrust.

Bug Fixes

  • #725, #850, #855, #859, #860: Unify the thrust::iter_swap interface and fix thrust::device_reference swapping.
  • NVBug 2004663: Add a data method to thrust::detail::temporary_array and refactor temporary memory allocation in the CUDA backend to be exception and leak safe.
  • #886, #894, #914: Various documentation typo fixes.
  • #724: Provide NVVMIR_LIBRARY_DIR environment variable to NVCC.
  • #878: Optimize thrust::min/max_element to only use thrust::detail::get_iterator_value for non-numeric types.
  • #899: Make thrust::cuda::experimental::pinned_allocator's comparison operators const.
  • NVBug 2092152: Remove all includes of <cuda.h>.
  • #911: Fix default comparator element type for thrust::merge_by_key.


  • Thanks to Andrew Corrigan for contributing fixes for swapping interfaces.
  • Thanks to Francisco Facioni for contributing optimizations for thrust::min/max_element.

Thrust 1.9.2 (CUDA Toolkit 9.2)

Thrust 1.9.2 brings a variety of performance enhancements, bug fixes and test improvements. CUB 1.7.5 was integrated, enhancing the performance of thrust::sort on small data types and thrust::reduce. Changes were applied to complex to optimize memory access. Thrust now compiles with compiler warnings enabled and treated as errors. Additionally, the unit test suite and framework was enhanced to increase coverage.

Breaking Changes

  • The fallback_allocator example was removed, as it was buggy and difficult to support.

New Features

  • <thrust/detail/alignment.h>, utilities for memory alignment:
    • thrust::aligned_reinterpret_cast.
    • thrust::aligned_storage_size, which computes the amount of storage needed for an object of a particular size and alignment.
    • thrust::alignment_of, a C++03 implementation of C++11's std::alignment_of.
    • thrust::aligned_storage, a C++03 implementation of C++11's std::aligned_storage.
    • thrust::max_align_t, a C++03 implementation of C++11's std::max_align_t.

Bug Fixes

  • NVBug 200385527, NVBug 200385119, NVBug 200385113, NVBug 200349350, NVBug 2058778: Various compiler warning issues.
  • NVBug 200355591: thrust::reduce performance issues.
  • NVBug 2053727: Fixed an ADL bug that caused user-supplied allocate to be overlooked but deallocate to be called with GCC <= 4.3.
  • NVBug 1777043: Fixed thrust::complex to work with thrust::sequence.

Thrust 1.9.1-2 (CUDA Toolkit 9.1)

Thrust 1.9.1-2 integrates version 1.7.4 of CUB and introduces a new CUDA backend for thrust::reduce based on CUB.

Bug Fixes

  • NVBug 1965743: Remove unnecessary static qualifiers.
  • NVBug 1940974: Fix regression causing a compilation error when using thrust::merge_by_key with thrust::constant_iterators.
  • NVBug 1904217: Allow callables that take non-const refs to be used with thrust::reduce and thrust::*_scan.

Thrust 1.9.0-5 (CUDA Toolkit 9.0)

Thrust 1.9.0-5 replaces the original CUDA backend (bulk) with a new one written using CUB, a high performance CUDA collectives library. This brings a substantial performance improvement to the CUDA backend across the board.

Breaking Changes

  • Any code depending on CUDA backend implementation details will likely be broken.

New Features

  • New CUDA backend based on CUB which delivers substantially higher performance.
  • thrust::transform_output_iterator, a fancy iterator that applies a function to the output before storing the result.

New Examples

  • transform_output_iterator demonstrates use of the new fancy iterator thrust::transform_output_iterator.

Other Enhancements

  • When C++11 is enabled, functors do not have to inherit from thrust::(unary|binary)_function anymore to be used with thrust::transform_iterator.
  • Added C++11 only move constructors and move assignment operators for thrust::detail::vector_base-based classes, e.g. thrust::host_vector, thrust::device_vector, and friends.

Bug Fixes

  • sin(thrust::complex<double>) no longer has precision loss to float.


  • Thanks to Manuel Schiller for contributing a C++11 based enhancement regarding the deduction of functor return types, improving the performance of thrust::unique and implementing thrust::transform_output_iterator.
  • Thanks to Thibault Notargiacomo for the implementation of move semantics for the thrust::vector_base-based classes.
  • Thanks to Duane Merrill for developing CUB and helping to integrate it into Thrust's backend.

Thrust 1.8.3 (CUDA Toolkit 8.0)

Thrust 1.8.3 is a small bug fix release.

New Examples

  • range_view demonstrates the use of a view (a non-owning wrapper for an iterator range with a container-like interface).

Bug Fixes

  • thrust::(min|max|minmax)_element can now accept raw device pointers when an explicit device execution policy is used.
  • thrust::clear operations on vector types no longer requires the element type to have a default constructor.

Thrust 1.8.2 (CUDA Toolkit 7.5)

Thrust 1.8.2 is a small bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid warnings and errors concerning user functions called from __host__ __device__ functions.
  • #632: Fix an error in thrust::set_intersection_by_key with the CUDA backend.
  • #651: thrust::copy between host and device now accepts execution policies with streams attached, i.e. thrust::::cuda::par.on(stream).
  • #664: thrust::for_each and algorithms based on it no longer ignore streams attached to execution policys.

Known Issues

  • #628: thrust::reduce_by_key for the CUDA backend fails for Compute Capability 5.0 devices.

Thrust 1.8.1 (CUDA Toolkit 7.0)

Thrust 1.8.1 is a small bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • #615, #620: Fixed thrust::for_each and thrust::reduce to no longer fail on large inputs.

Known Issues

  • #628: thrust::reduce_by_key for the CUDA backend fails for Compute Capability 5.0 devices.

Thrust 1.8.0

Thrust 1.8.0 introduces support for algorithm invocation from CUDA device code, support for CUDA streams, and algorithm performance improvements. Users may now invoke Thrust algorithms from CUDA device code, providing a parallel algorithms library to CUDA programmers authoring custom kernels, as well as allowing Thrust programmers to nest their algorithm calls within functors. The thrust::seq execution policy allows users to require sequential algorithm execution in the calling thread and makes a sequential algorithms library available to individual CUDA threads. The .on(stream) syntax allows users to request a CUDA stream for kernels launched during algorithm execution. Finally, new CUDA algorithm implementations provide substantial performance improvements.

New Features

  • Algorithms in CUDA Device Code:
    • Thrust algorithms may now be invoked from CUDA __device__ and __host__ device functions. Algorithms invoked in this manner must be invoked with an execution policy as the first parameter. The following execution policies are supported in CUDA device code:
      • thrust::seq
      • thrust::cuda::par
    • Device-side algorithm execution may not be parallelized unless CUDA Dynamic Parallelism is available.
  • Execution Policies:
    • CUDA Streams
      • The thrust::cuda::par.on(stream) syntax allows users to request that CUDA kernels launched during algorithm execution should occur on a given stream.
      • Algorithms executed with a CUDA stream in this manner may still synchronize with other streams when allocating temporary storage or returning results to the CPU.
    • thrust::seq, which allows users to require that an algorithm execute sequentially in the calling thread.
  • thrust::complex, a complex number data type.

New Examples

  • simple_cuda_streams demonstrates how to request a CUDA stream during algorithm execution.
  • async_reduce demonstrates ways to achieve algorithm invocations which are asynchronous with the calling thread.

Other Enhancements

  • CUDA sort performance for user-defined types is 300% faster on Tesla K20c for large problem sizes.
  • CUDA merge performance is 200% faster on Tesla K20c for large problem sizes.
  • CUDA sort performance for primitive types is 50% faster on Tesla K20c for large problem sizes.
  • CUDA reduce_by_key performance is 25% faster on Tesla K20c for large problem sizes.
  • CUDA scan performance is 15% faster on Tesla K20c for large problem sizes.
  • fallback_allocator example is simpler.

Bug Fixes

  • #364: Iterators with unrelated system tags may be used with algorithms invoked with an execution policy
  • #371: Do not redefine __CUDA_ARCH__.
  • #379: Fix crash when dereferencing transform_iterator on the host.
  • #391: Avoid use of uppercase variable names.
  • #392: Fix thrust::copy between cusp::complex and std::complex.
  • #396: Program compiled with gcc < 4.3 hangs during comparison sort.
  • #406: example checks device for unified addressing support.
  • #417: Avoid using std::less<T> in binary search algorithms.
  • #418: Avoid various warnings.
  • #443: Including version.h no longer configures default systems.
  • #578: NVCC produces warnings when sequential algorithms are used with CPU systems.

Known Issues

  • When invoked with primitive data types, thrust::sort, thrust::sort_by_key, thrust::stable_sort, & thrust::stable_sort_by_key may
  • Sometimes linking fails when compiling with -rdc=true with NVCC.
  • The CUDA implementation of thrust::reduce_by_key incorrectly outputs the last element in a segment of equivalent keys instead of the first.


  • Thanks to Sean Baxter for contributing faster CUDA reduce, merge, and scan implementations.
  • Thanks to Duane Merrill for contributing a faster CUDA radix sort implementation.
  • Thanks to Filipe Maia for contributing the implementation of thrust::complex.

Thrust 1.7.2 (CUDA Toolkit 6.5)

Thrust 1.7.2 is a minor bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid use of std::min in generic find implementation.

Thrust 1.7.1 (CUDA Toolkit 6.0)

Thrust 1.7.1 is a minor bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Eliminate identifiers in example with leading underscore.
  • Eliminate unused variable warning in CUDA reduce_by_key implementation.
  • Avoid deriving function objects from std::unary_function and std::binary_function.

Thrust 1.7.0 (CUDA Toolkit 5.5)

Thrust 1.7.0 introduces a new interface for controlling algorithm execution as well as several new algorithms and performance improvements. With this new interface, users may directly control how algorithms execute as well as details such as the allocation of temporary storage. Key/value versions of thrust::merge and the set operation algorithms have been added, as well stencil versions of partitioning algorithms. thrust::tabulate has been introduced to tabulate the values of functions taking integers. For 32b types, new CUDA merge and set operations provide 2-15x faster performance while a new CUDA comparison sort provides 1.3-4x faster performance. Finally, a new TBB reduce_by_key implementation provides 80% faster performance.

Breaking Changes

  • Dispatch:
    • Custom user backend systems' tag types must now inherit from the corresponding system's execution_policy template (e.g. thrust::cuda::execution_policy) instead of the tag struct (e.g. thrust::cuda::tag). Otherwise, algorithm specializations will silently go unfound during dispatch. See examples/ and examples/cuda/ for usage examples.
    • thrust::advance and thrust::distance are no longer dispatched based on iterator system type and thus may no longer be customized.
  • Iterators:
    • iterator_facade and iterator_adaptor's Pointer template parameters have been eliminated.
    • iterator_adaptor has been moved into the thrust namespace (previously thrust::experimental::iterator_adaptor).
    • iterator_facade has been moved into the thrust namespace (previously thrust::experimental::iterator_facade).
    • iterator_core_access has been moved into the thrust namespace (previously thrust::experimental::iterator_core_access).
    • All iterators' nested pointer typedef (the type of the result of operator->) is now void instead of a pointer type to indicate that such expressions are currently impossible.
    • Floating point counting_iterators' nested difference_type typedef is now a signed integral type instead of a floating point type.
  • Other:
    • normal_distribution has been moved into the thrust::random namespace (previously thrust::random::experimental::normal_distribution).
    • Placeholder expressions may no longer include the comma operator.

New Features

  • Execution Policies:
    • Users may directly control the dispatch of algorithm invocations with optional execution policy arguments. For example, instead of wrapping raw pointers allocated by cudaMalloc with thrust::device_ptr, the thrust::device execution_policy may be passed as an argument to an algorithm invocation to enable CUDA execution.
    • The following execution policies are supported in this version:
      • thrust::host
      • thrust::device
      • thrust::cpp::par
      • thrust::cuda::par
      • thrust::omp::par
      • thrust::tbb::par
  • Algorithms:
    • thrust::merge_by_key
    • thrust::partition with stencil
    • thrust::partition_copy with stencil
    • thrust::set_difference_by_key
    • thrust::set_intersection_by_key
    • thrust::set_symmetric_difference_by_key
    • thrust::set_union_by_key
    • thrust::stable_partition with stencil
    • thrust::stable_partition_copy with stencil
    • thrust::tabulate
  • Memory Allocation:
    • thrust::malloc
    • thrust::free
    • thrust::get_temporary_buffer
    • thrust::return_temporary_buffer

New Examples

  • uninitialized_vector demonstrates how to use a custom allocator to avoid the automatic initialization of elements in thrust::device_vector.

Other Enhancements

  • Authors of custom backend systems may manipulate arbitrary state during algorithm dispatch by incorporating it into their execution_policy parameter.
  • Users may control the allocation of temporary storage during algorithm execution by passing standard allocators as parameters via execution policies such as thrust::device.
  • THRUST_DEVICE_SYSTEM_CPP has been added as a compile-time target for the device backend.
  • CUDA merge performance is 2-15x faster.
  • CUDA comparison sort performance is 1.3-4x faster.
  • CUDA set operation performance is 1.5-15x faster.
  • TBB reduce_by_key performance is 80% faster.
  • Several algorithms have been parallelized with TBB.
  • Support for user allocators in vectors has been improved.
  • The sparse_vector example is now implemented with merge_by_key instead of sort_by_key.
  • Warnings have been eliminated in various contexts.
  • Warnings about host or device-only functions called from host device functions have been eliminated in various contexts.
  • Documentation about algorithm requirements have been improved.
  • Simplified the minimal_custom_backend example.
  • Simplified the cuda/custom_temporary_allocation example.
  • Simplified the cuda/fallback_allocator example.

Bug Fixes

  • #248: Fix broken thrust::counting_iterator<float> behavior with OpenMP.
  • #231, #209: Fix set operation failures with CUDA.
  • #187: Fix incorrect occupancy calculation with CUDA.
  • #153: Fix broken multi GPU behavior with CUDA.
  • #142: Eliminate warning produced by thrust::random::taus88 and MSVC 2010.
  • #208: Correctly initialize elements in temporary storage when necessary.
  • #16: Fix compilation error when sorting bool with CUDA.
  • #10: Fix ambiguous overloads of thrust::reinterpret_tag.

Known Issues

  • GCC 4.3 and lower may fail to dispatch thrust::get_temporary_buffer correctly causing infinite recursion in examples such as cuda/custom_temporary_allocation.


  • Thanks to Sean Baxter, Bryan Catanzaro, and Manjunath Kudlur for contributing a faster merge implementation for CUDA.
  • Thanks to Sean Baxter for contributing a faster set operation implementation for CUDA.
  • Thanks to Cliff Woolley for contributing a correct occupancy calculation algorithm.

Thrust 1.6.0

Thrust 1.6.0 provides an interface for customization and extension and a new backend system based on the Threading Building Blocks library. With this new interface, programmers may customize the behavior of specific algorithms as well as control the allocation of temporary storage or invent entirely new backends. These enhancements also allow multiple different backend systems such as CUDA and OpenMP to coexist within a single program. Support for TBB allows Thrust programs to integrate more naturally into applications which may already employ the TBB task scheduler.

Breaking Changes

  • The header <thrust/experimental/cuda/pinned_allocator.h> has been moved to <thrust/system/cuda/experimental/pinned_allocator.h>
  • thrust::experimental::cuda::pinned_allocator has been moved to thrust::cuda::experimental::pinned_allocator
  • thrust::host_space_tag has been renamed thrust::host_system_tag
  • thrust::device_space_tag has been renamed thrust::device_system_tag
  • thrust::any_space_tag has been renamed thrust::any_system_tag
  • thrust::iterator_space has been renamed thrust::iterator_system

New Features

  • Backend Systems
    • Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is now supported
  • Algorithms
    • thrust::for_each_n
    • thrust::raw_reference_cast
  • Types
    • thrust::pointer
    • thrust::reference

New Examples

  • cuda/custom_temporary_allocation
  • cuda/fallback_allocator
  • device_ptr
  • expand
  • minimal_custom_backend
  • raw_reference_cast
  • set_operations

Other Enhancements

  • thrust::for_each now returns the end of the input range similar to most other algorithms.
  • thrust::pair and thrust::tuple have swap functionality.
  • All CUDA algorithms now support large data types.
  • Iterators may be dereferenced in user __device__ or __global__ functions.
  • The safe use of different backend systems is now possible within a single binary

Bug Fixes

  • #469 min_element and max_element algorithms no longer require a const comparison operator

Known Issues

  • NVCC may crash when parsing TBB headers on Windows.

Thrust 1.5.3 (CUDA Toolkit 5.0)

Thrust 1.5.3 is a minor bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid warnings about potential race due to __shared__ non-POD variable

Thrust 1.5.2 (CUDA Toolkit 4.2)

Thrust 1.5.2 is a minor bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed warning about C-style initialization of structures

Thrust 1.5.1 (CUDA Toolkit 4.1)

Thrust 1.5.1 is a minor bug fix release.

Bug Fixes

  • Sorting data referenced by permutation_iterators on CUDA produces invalid results

Thrust 1.5.0

Thrust 1.5.0 provides introduces new programmer productivity and performance enhancements. New functionality for creating anonymous "lambda" functions has been added. A faster host sort provides 2-10x faster performance for sorting arithmetic types on (single-threaded) CPUs. A new OpenMP sort provides 2.5x-3.0x speedup over the host sort using a quad-core CPU. When sorting arithmetic types with the OpenMP backend the combined performance improvement is 5.9x for 32-bit integers and ranges from 3.0x (64-bit types) to 14.2x (8-bit types). A new CUDA reduce_by_key implementation provides 2-3x faster performance.

Breaking Changes

  • device_ptr no longer unsafely converts to device_ptr without an explicit cast. Use the expression device_pointer_cast(static_cast<int*>(void_ptr.get())) to convert, for example, device_ptr to device_ptr.

New Features

  • Algorithms:
    • Stencil-less thrust::transform_if.
  • Lambda placeholders

New Examples

  • lambda

Other Enhancements

  • Host sort is 2-10x faster for arithmetic types
  • OMP sort provides speedup over host sort
  • reduce_by_key is 2-3x faster
  • reduce_by_key no longer requires O(N) temporary storage
  • CUDA scan algorithms are 10-40% faster
  • host_vector and device_vector are now documented
  • out-of-memory exceptions now provide detailed information from CUDART
  • improved histogram example
  • device_reference now has a specialized swap
  • reduce_by_key and scan algorithms are compatible with discard_iterator

Bug Fixes

  • #44: Allow thrust::host_vector to compile when value_type uses __align__.
  • #198: Allow thrust::adjacent_difference to permit safe in-situ operation.
  • #303: Make thrust thread-safe.
  • #313: Avoid race conditions in thrust::device_vector::insert.
  • #314: Avoid unintended ADL invocation when dispatching copy.
  • #365: Fix merge and set operation failures.

Known Issues

  • None


  • Thanks to Manjunath Kudlur for contributing his Carbon library, from which the lambda functionality is derived.
  • Thanks to Jean-Francois Bastien for suggesting a fix for #303.

Thrust 1.4.0 (CUDA Toolkit 4.0)

Thrust 1.4.0 is the first release of Thrust to be included in the CUDA Toolkit. Additionally, it brings many feature and performance improvements. New set theoretic algorithms operating on sorted sequences have been added. Additionally, a new fancy iterator allows discarding redundant or otherwise unnecessary output from algorithms, conserving memory storage and bandwidth.

Breaking Changes

  • Eliminations
    • thrust/is_sorted.h
    • thrust/utility.h
    • thrust/set_intersection.h
    • thrust/experimental/cuda/ogl_interop_allocator.h and the functionality therein
    • thrust::deprecated::copy_when
    • thrust::deprecated::absolute_value
    • thrust::deprecated::copy_when
    • thrust::deprecated::absolute_value
    • thrust::deprecated::copy_when
    • thrust::deprecated::absolute_value
    • thrust::gather and thrust::scatter from host to device and vice versa are no longer supported.
    • Operations which modify the elements of a thrust::device_vector are no longer available from source code compiled without nvcc when the device backend is CUDA. Instead, use the idiom from the cpp_interop example.

New Features

  • Algorithms:

    • thrust::copy_n
    • thrust::merge
    • thrust::set_difference
    • thrust::set_symmetric_difference
    • thrust::set_union
  • Types

    • thrust::discard_iterator
  • Device Support:

    • Compute Capability 2.1 GPUs.

New Examples

  • run_length_decoding

Other Enhancements

  • Compilation warnings are substantially reduced in various contexts.
  • The compilation time of thrust::sort, thrust::stable_sort, thrust::sort_by_key, and thrust::stable_sort_by_key are substantially reduced.
  • A fast sort implementation is used when sorting primitive types with thrust::greater.
  • The performance of thrust::set_intersection is improved.
  • The performance of thrust::fill is improved on SM 1.x devices.
  • A code example is now provided in each algorithm's documentation.
  • thrust::reverse now operates in-place

Bug Fixes

  • #212: thrust::set_intersection works correctly for large input sizes.
  • #275: thrust::counting_iterator and thrust::constant_iterator work correctly with OpenMP as the backend when compiling with optimization.
  • #256: min and max correctly return their first argument as a tie-breaker
  • #248: NDEBUG is interpreted incorrectly

Known Issues

  • NVCC may generate code containing warnings when compiling some Thrust algorithms.
  • When compiling with -arch=sm_1x, some Thrust algorithms may cause NVCC to issue benign pointer advisories.
  • When compiling with -arch=sm_1x and -G, some Thrust algorithms may fail to execute correctly.
  • thrust::inclusive_scan, thrust::exclusive_scan, thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key, and thrust::exclusive_scan_by_key are currently incompatible with thrust::discard_iterator.


  • Thanks to David Tarjan for improving the performance of set_intersection.
  • Thanks to Duane Merrill for continued help with sort.
  • Thanks to Nathan Whitehead for help with CUDA Toolkit integration.

Thrust 1.3.0

Thrust 1.3.0 provides support for CUDA Toolkit 3.2 in addition to many feature and performance enhancements. Performance of the sort and sort_by_key algorithms is improved by as much as 3x in certain situations. The performance of stream compaction algorithms, such as copy_if, is improved by as much as 2x. CUDA errors are now converted to runtime exceptions using the system_error interface. Combined with a debug mode, also new in 1.3, runtime errors can be located with greater precision. Lastly, a few header files have been consolidated or renamed for clarity. See the deprecations section below for additional details.

Breaking Changes

  • Promotions
    • thrust::experimental::inclusive_segmented_scan has been renamed thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key and exposes a different interface
    • thrust::experimental::exclusive_segmented_scan has been renamed thrust::exclusive_scan_by_key and exposes a different interface
    • thrust::experimental::partition_copy has been renamed thrust::partition_copy and exposes a different interface
    • thrust::next::gather has been renamed thrust::gather
    • thrust::next::gather_if has been renamed thrust::gather_if
    • thrust::unique_copy_by_key has been renamed thrust::unique_by_key_copy
  • Deprecations
    • thrust::copy_when has been renamed thrust::deprecated::copy_when
    • thrust::absolute_value has been renamed thrust::deprecated::absolute_value
    • The header thrust/set_intersection.h is now deprecated; use thrust/set_operations.h instead
    • The header thrust/utility.h is now deprecated; use thrust/swap.h instead
    • The header thrust/swap_ranges.h is now deprecated; use thrust/swap.h instead
  • Eliminations
    • thrust::deprecated::gather
    • thrust::deprecated::gather_if
    • thrust/experimental/arch.h and the functions therein
    • thrust/sorting/merge_sort.h
    • thrust/sorting/radix_sort.h
  • NVCC 2.3 is no longer supported

New Features

  • Algorithms:

    • thrust::exclusive_scan_by_key
    • thrust::find
    • thrust::find_if
    • thrust::find_if_not
    • thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key
    • thrust::is_partitioned
    • thrust::is_sorted_until
    • thrust::mismatch
    • thrust::partition_point
    • thrust::reverse
    • thrust::reverse_copy
    • thrust::stable_partition_copy
  • Types:

    • thrust::system_error and related types.
    • thrust::experimental::cuda::ogl_interop_allocator.
    • thrust::bit_and, thrust::bit_or, and thrust::bit_xor.
  • Device Support:

    • GF104-based GPUs.

New Examples


Other Enhancements

  • Performance of thrust::sort and thrust::sort_by_key is substantially improved for primitive key types
  • Performance of thrust::copy_if is substantially improved
  • Performance of thrust::reduce and related reductions is improved
  • THRUST_DEBUG mode added
  • Callers of Thrust functions may detect error conditions by catching thrust::system_error, which derives from std::runtime_error
  • The number of compiler warnings generated by Thrust has been substantially reduced
  • Comparison sort now works correctly for input sizes > 32M
  • min & max usage no longer collides with <windows.h> definitions
  • Compiling against the OpenMP backend no longer requires nvcc
  • Performance of device_vector initialized in .cpp files is substantially improved in common cases
  • Performance of thrust::sort_by_key on the host is substantially improved

Bug Fixes

  • Debug device code now compiles correctly
  • thrust::uninitialized_copy and thrust::uninitialized_fill now dispatch constructors on the device rather than the host

Known Issues

  • #212 set_intersection is known to fail for large input sizes
  • partition_point is known to fail for 64b types with nvcc 3.2


  • Thanks to Duane Merrill for contributing a fast CUDA radix sort implementation
  • Thanks to Erich Elsen for contributing an implementation of find_if
  • Thanks to Andrew Corrigan for contributing changes which allow the OpenMP backend to compile in the absence of nvcc
  • Thanks to Andrew Corrigan, Cliff Wooley, David Coeurjolly, Janick Martinez Esturo, John Bowers, Maxim Naumov, Michael Garland, and Ryuta Suzuki for bug reports
  • Thanks to Cliff Woolley for help with testing

Thrust 1.2.1

Thrust 1.2.1 is a small bug fix release that is compatible with the CUDA Toolkit 3.1 release.

Known Issues

  • thrust::inclusive_scan and thrust::exclusive_scan may fail with very large types.
  • MSVC may fail to compile code using both sort and binary search algorithms.
  • thrust::uninitialized_fill and thrust::uninitialized_copy dispatch constructors on the host rather than the device.
  • #109: Some algorithms may exhibit poor performance with the OpenMP backend with large numbers (>= 6) of CPU threads.
  • thrust::default_random_engine::discard is not accelerated with NVCC 2.3
  • NVCC 3.1 may fail to compile code using types derived from thrust::subtract_with_carry_engine, such as thrust::ranlux24 and thrust::ranlux48.

Thrust 1.2.0

Thrust 1.2.0 introduces support for compilation to multicore CPUs and the Ocelot virtual machine, and several new facilities for pseudo-random number generation. New algorithms such as set intersection and segmented reduction have also been added. Lastly, improvements to the robustness of the CUDA backend ensure correctness across a broad set of (uncommon) use cases.

Breaking Changes

  • thrust::gather's interface was incorrect and has been removed. The old interface is deprecated but will be preserved for Thrust version 1.2 at thrust::deprecated::gather and thrust::deprecated::gather_if. The new interface is provided at thrust::next::gather and thrust::next::gather_if. The new interface will be promoted to thrust:: in Thrust version 1.3. For more details, please refer to this thread.
  • The thrust::sorting namespace has been deprecated in favor of the top-level sorting functions, such as thrust::sort and thrust::sort_by_key.
  • Removed support for thrust::equal between host & device sequences.
  • Removed support for thrust::scatter between host & device sequences.

New Features

  • Algorithms:
    • thrust::reduce_by_key
    • thrust::set_intersection
    • thrust::unique_copy
    • thrust::unique_by_key
    • thrust::unique_copy_by_key
  • Types
  • Random Number Generation:
    • thrust::discard_block_engine
    • thrust::default_random_engine
    • thrust::linear_congruential_engine
    • thrust::linear_feedback_shift_engine
    • thrust::subtract_with_carry_engine
    • thrust::xor_combine_engine
    • thrust::minstd_rand
    • thrust::minstd_rand0
    • thrust::ranlux24
    • thrust::ranlux48
    • thrust::ranlux24_base
    • thrust::ranlux48_base
    • thrust::taus88
    • thrust::uniform_int_distribution
    • thrust::uniform_real_distribution
    • thrust::normal_distribution (experimental)
  • Function Objects:
    • thrust::project1st
    • thrust::project2nd
  • thrust::tie
  • Fancy Iterators:
    • thrust::permutation_iterator
    • thrust::reverse_iterator
  • Vector Functions:
    • operator!=
    • rbegin
    • crbegin
    • rend
    • crend
    • data
    • shrink_to_fit
  • Device Support:
    • Multicore CPUs via OpenMP.
    • Fermi-class GPUs.
    • Ocelot virtual machines.
  • Support for NVCC 3.0.

New Examples

  • cpp_integration
  • histogram
  • mode
  • monte_carlo
  • monte_carlo_disjoint_sequences
  • padded_grid_reduction
  • permutation_iterator
  • row_sum
  • run_length_encoding
  • segmented_scan
  • stream_compaction
  • summary_statistics
  • transform_iterator
  • word_count

Other Enhancements

  • Integer sorting performance is improved when max is large but (max - min) is small and when min is negative
  • Performance of thrust::inclusive_scan and thrust::exclusive_scan is improved by 20-25% for primitive types.

Bug Fixes

  • #8 cause a compiler error if the required compiler is not found rather than a mysterious error at link time
  • #42 device_ptr & device_reference are classes rather than structs, eliminating warnings on certain platforms
  • #46 gather & scatter handle any space iterators correctly
  • #51 thrust::experimental::arch functions gracefully handle unrecognized GPUs
  • #52 avoid collisions with common user macros such as BLOCK_SIZE
  • #62 provide better documentation for device_reference
  • #68 allow built-in CUDA vector types to work with device_vector in pure C++ mode
  • #102 eliminated a race condition in device_vector::erase
  • various compilation warnings eliminated

Known Issues

  • inclusive_scan & exclusive_scan may fail with very large types
  • MSVC may fail to compile code using both sort and binary search algorithms
  • uninitialized_fill & uninitialized_copy dispatch constructors on the host rather than the device
  • #109 some algorithms may exhibit poor performance with the OpenMP backend with large numbers (>= 6) of CPU threads
  • default_random_engine::discard is not accelerated with nvcc 2.3


  • Thanks to Gregory Diamos for contributing a CUDA implementation of set_intersection
  • Thanks to Ryuta Suzuki & Gregory Diamos for rigorously testing Thrust's unit tests and examples against Ocelot
  • Thanks to Tom Bradley for contributing an implementation of normal_distribution
  • Thanks to Joseph Rhoads for contributing the example summary_statistics

Thrust 1.1.1

Thrust 1.1.1 is a small bug fix release that is compatible with the CUDA Toolkit 2.3a release and Mac OSX Snow Leopard.

Thrust 1.1.0

Thrust 1.1.0 introduces fancy iterators, binary search functions, and several specialized reduction functions. Experimental support for segmented scans has also been added.

Breaking Changes

  • thrust::counting_iterator has been moved into the thrust namespace (previously thrust::experimental).

New Features

  • Algorithms:
    • thrust::copy_if
    • thrust::lower_bound
    • thrust::upper_bound
    • thrust::vectorized lower_bound
    • thrust::vectorized upper_bound
    • thrust::equal_range
    • thrust::binary_search
    • thrust::vectorized binary_search
    • thrust::all_of
    • thrust::any_of
    • thrust::none_of
    • thrust::minmax_element
    • thrust::advance
    • thrust::inclusive_segmented_scan (experimental)
    • thrust::exclusive_segmented_scan (experimental)
  • Types:
    • thrust::pair
    • thrust::tuple
    • thrust::device_malloc_allocator
  • Fancy Iterators:
    • thrust::constant_iterator
    • thrust::counting_iterator
    • thrust::transform_iterator
    • thrust::zip_iterator

New Examples

  • Computing the maximum absolute difference between vectors.
  • Computing the bounding box of a two-dimensional point set.
  • Sorting multiple arrays together (lexicographical sorting).
  • Constructing a summed area table.
  • Using thrust::zip_iterator to mimic an array of structs.
  • Using thrust::constant_iterator to increment array values.

Other Enhancements

  • Added pinned memory allocator (experimental).
  • Added more methods to host_vector & device_vector (issue #4).
  • Added variant of remove_if with a stencil argument (issue #29).
  • Scan and reduce use cudaFuncGetAttributes to determine grid size.
  • Exceptions are reported when temporary device arrays cannot be allocated.

Bug Fixes

  • #5: Make vector work for larger data types
  • #9: stable_partition_copy doesn't respect OutputIterator concept semantics
  • #10: scans should return OutputIterator
  • #16: make algorithms work for larger data types
  • #27: Dispatch radix_sort even when comp=less is explicitly provided

Known Issues

  • Using functors with Thrust entry points may not compile on Mac OSX with gcc 4.0.1.
  • thrust::uninitialized_copy and thrust::uninitialized_fill dispatch constructors on the host rather than the device.
  • thrust::inclusive_scan, thrust::inclusive_scan_by_key, thrust::exclusive_scan, and thrust::exclusive_scan_by_key may fail when used with large types with the CUDA Toolkit 3.1.

Thrust 1.0.0

First production release of Thrust.

Breaking Changes

  • Rename top level namespace komrade to thrust.
  • Move thrust::partition_copy & thrust::stable_partition_copy into thrust::experimental namespace until we can easily provide the standard interface.
  • Rename thrust::range to thrust::sequence to avoid collision with Boost.Range.
  • Rename thrust::copy_if to thrust::copy_when due to semantic differences with C++0x std::copy_if.

New Features

  • Add C++0x style cbegin & cend methods to thrust::host_vector and thrust::device_vector.
  • Add thrust::transform_if function.
  • Add stencil versions of thrust::replace_if & thrust::replace_copy_if.
  • Allow counting_iterator to work with thrust::for_each.
  • Allow types with constructors in comparison thrust::sort and thrust::reduce.

Other Enhancements

  • thrust::merge_sort and thrust::stable_merge_sort are now 2x to 5x faster when executed on the parallel device.

Bug Fixes

  • Komrade 6: Workaround an issue where an incremented iterator causes NVCC to crash.
  • Komrade 7: Fix an issue where const_iterators could not be passed to thrust::transform.