diff --git a/trad/en/action-en.json b/trad/en/action-en.json index a8ad3f342..e7481a0dc 100644 --- a/trad/en/action-en.json +++ b/trad/en/action-en.json @@ -2,23 +2,23 @@ "PF2E": { "Actions": { "AdministerFirstAid": { - "Description": "
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is dying or bleeding. If a creature is both dying and bleeding, choose which ailment you're trying to treat before you roll. You can Administer First Aid again to attempt to remedy the other effect.
Éxito If you're trying to stabilize, the creature loses the dying condition (but remains unconscious). If you're trying to stop bleeding, the creature attempts a flat check to end the bleeding.
Fallo crítico If you were trying to stabilize, the creature's dying value increases by 1. If you were trying to stop bleeding, it immediately takes an amount of damage equal to its persistent bleed damage.
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is dying or bleeding. If a creature is both dying and bleeding, choose which ailment you're trying to treat before you roll. You can Administer First Aid again to attempt to remedy the other effect.
Success If you're trying to stabilize, the creature loses the dying condition (but remains unconscious). If you're trying to stop bleeding, the creature attempts a flat check to end the bleeding.
Critical Failure If you were trying to stabilize, the creature's dying value increases by 1. If you were trying to stop bleeding, it immediately takes an amount of damage equal to its persistent bleed damage.
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is dying. Attempt a Medicine check on a creature that has 0 Hit Points and the dying condition. The DC is equal to 5 + that creature's recovery roll DC (typically 15 + its dying value).
Éxito The creature loses the dying condition (but remains unconscious).
Fallo crítico The creature's dying value increases by 1.
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is dying. Attempt a Medicine check on a creature that has 0 Hit Points and the dying condition. The DC is equal to 5 + that creature's recovery roll DC (typically 15 + its dying value).
Success The creature loses the dying condition (but remains unconscious).
Critical Failure The creature's dying value increases by 1.
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is bleeding. Attempt a Medicine check on a creature that is taking persistent bleed damage, giving them a chance to make another flat check to remove the persistent damage. The DC is usually the DC of the effect that caused the bleed.
Éxito The creature attempts a flat check to end the bleeding.
Fallo crítico The creature immediately takes an amount of damage equal to its persistent bleed damage.
You perform first aid on an adjacent creature that is bleeding. Attempt a Medicine check on a creature that is taking persistent bleed damage, giving them a chance to make another flat check to remove the persistent damage. The DC is usually the DC of the effect that caused the bleed.
Success The creature attempts a flat check to end the bleeding.
Critical Failure The creature immediately takes an amount of damage equal to its persistent bleed damage.
You try to help your ally with a task. To use this reaction, you must first prepare to help, usually by using an action during your turn. You must explain to the GM exactly how you're trying to help, and they determine whether you can Aid your ally.
When you use your Aid reaction, attempt a skill check or attack roll of a type decided by the GM. The typical DC is 20, but the GM might adjust this DC for particularly hard or easy tasks. The GM can add any relevant traits to your preparatory action or to your Aid reaction depending on the situation, or even allow you to Aid checks other than skill checks and attack rolls.
Éxito crítico You grant your ally a +2 circumstance bonus to\nthe triggering check. If you're a master with the check you attempted, the bonus is +3, and if you're legendary, it's +4.
Éxito You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering check.
Fallo crítico Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to the triggering check.
You try to help your ally with a task. To use this reaction, you must first prepare to help, usually by using an action during your turn. You must explain to the GM exactly how you're trying to help, and they determine whether you can Aid your ally.
When you use your Aid reaction, attempt a skill check or attack roll of a type decided by the GM. The typical DC is 20, but the GM might adjust this DC for particularly hard or easy tasks. The GM can add any relevant traits to your preparatory action or to your Aid reaction depending on the situation, or even allow you to Aid checks other than skill checks and attack rolls.
Critical Success You grant your ally a +2 circumstance bonus to\nthe triggering check. If you're a master with the check you attempted, the bonus is +3, and if you're legendary, it's +4.
Success You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering check.
Critical Failure Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to the triggering check.
You attempt a Stealth check to avoid notice while traveling at half speed. If you have the Swift Sneak feat, you can move at full Speed rather than half, but you still can't use another exploration activity while you do so. If you have the Legendary Sneak feat, you can move at full Speed and use a second exploration activity. If you're Avoiding Notice at the start of an encounter, you usually roll a Stealth check instead of a Perception check both to determine your initiative and to see if the enemies notice you (based on their Perception DCs, as normal for Sneak, regardless of their initiative check results).
", "Notes": { - "criticalSuccess": "Éxito crítico You're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{undetected} by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it.You move across a narrow surface or uneven ground, attempting an Acrobatics check against its Balance DC. You are flat-footed while on a narrow surface or uneven ground.
Éxito crítico You move up to your Speed.
Éxito You move up to your Speed, treating it as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement).
Fallo You must remain stationary to keep your balance (wasting the action) or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends.
Fallo crítico You fall and your turn ends.
No entrenado tangled roots, uneven cobblestones
Entrenado wooden beam
Experto deep, loose gravel
Maestro tightrope, smooth sheet of ice
Legendario razor's edge, chunks of floor falling in midair
You move across a narrow surface or uneven ground, attempting an Acrobatics check against its Balance DC. You are flat-footed while on a narrow surface or uneven ground.
Critical Success You move up to your Speed.
Success You move up to your Speed, treating it as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement).
Failure You must remain stationary to keep your balance (wasting the action) or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends.
Critical Failure You fall and your turn ends.
Untrained tangled roots, uneven cobblestones
Trained wooden beam
Expert deep, loose gravel
Master tightrope, smooth sheet of ice
Legendary razor's edge, chunks of floor falling in midair
With threats either veiled or overt, you attempt to bully a creature into doing what you want. You must spend at least 1 minute of conversation with a creature you can see and that can either see or sense you. At the end of the conversation, attempt an Intimidation check against the target's Will DC, modified by any circumstances the GM determines. The attitudes referenced in the effects below are summarized in the Changing Attitudes sidebar and described in full in the Conditions Appendix.
Éxito crítico The target gives you the information you seek or agrees to follow your directives so long as they aren't likely to harm the target in any way. The target continues to comply for an amount of time determined by the GM but not exceeding 1 day, at which point the target becomes unfriendly (if they weren't already unfriendly or hostile). However, the target is too scared of you to retaliate - at least in the short term.
Éxito As critical success, but once the target becomes unfriendly, they might decide to act against you — for example, by reporting you to the authorities or assisting your enemies.
Fallo The target doesn't do what you say, and if they were not already unfriendly or hostile, they become unfriendly.
Fallo crítico The target refuses to comply, becomes hostile if they weren't already, and can't be Coerced by you for at least 1 week.
With threats either veiled or overt, you attempt to bully a creature into doing what you want. You must spend at least 1 minute of conversation with a creature you can see and that can either see or sense you. At the end of the conversation, attempt an Intimidation check against the target's Will DC, modified by any circumstances the GM determines. The attitudes referenced in the effects below are summarized in the Changing Attitudes sidebar and described in full in the Conditions Appendix.
Critical Success The target gives you the information you seek or agrees to follow your directives so long as they aren't likely to harm the target in any way. The target continues to comply for an amount of time determined by the GM but not exceeding 1 day, at which point the target becomes unfriendly (if they weren't already unfriendly or hostile). However, the target is too scared of you to retaliate - at least in the short term.
Success As critical success, but once the target becomes unfriendly, they might decide to act against you — for example, by reporting you to the authorities or assisting your enemies.
Failure The target doesn't do what you say, and if they were not already unfriendly or hostile, they become unfriendly.
Critical Failure The target refuses to comply, becomes hostile if they weren't already, and can't be Coerced by you for at least 1 week.
You issue an order to an animal. Attempt a Nature check against the animal's Will DC. The GM might adjust the DC if the animal has a good attitude toward you, you suggest a course of action it was predisposed toward, or you offer it a treat.
You automatically fail if the animal is hostile or unfriendly to you. If the animal is helpful to you, increase your degree of success by one step. You might be able to Command an Animal more easily with a feat like Ride.
Most animals know the Drop Prone, Leap, Seek, Stand, Stride, and Strike basic actions. If an animal knows an activity, such as a horse's Gallop, you can Command the Animal to perform the activity, but you must spend as many actions on Command an Animal as the activity's number of actions. You can also spend multiple actions to Command the Animal to perform that number of basic actions on its next turn; for instance, you could spend 3 actions to Command an Animal to Stride three times or to Stride twice and then Strike.
Éxito The animal does as you command on its next turn.
Fallo The animal is hesitant or resistant, and it does nothing.
Fallo crítico The animal misbehaves or misunderstands, and it takes some other action determined by the GM.
You issue an order to an animal. Attempt a Nature check against the animal's Will DC. The GM might adjust the DC if the animal has a good attitude toward you, you suggest a course of action it was predisposed toward, or you offer it a treat.
You automatically fail if the animal is hostile or unfriendly to you. If the animal is helpful to you, increase your degree of success by one step. You might be able to Command an Animal more easily with a feat like Ride.
Most animals know the Drop Prone, Leap, Seek, Stand, Stride, and Strike basic actions. If an animal knows an activity, such as a horse's Gallop, you can Command the Animal to perform the activity, but you must spend as many actions on Command an Animal as the activity's number of actions. You can also spend multiple actions to Command the Animal to perform that number of basic actions on its next turn; for instance, you could spend 3 actions to Command an Animal to Stride three times or to Stride twice and then Strike.
Success The animal does as you command on its next turn.
Failure The animal is hesitant or resistant, and it does nothing.
Critical Failure The animal misbehaves or misunderstands, and it takes some other action determined by the GM.
You hide a small object on your person (such as a weapon of light Bulk). When you try to sneak a concealed object past someone who might notice it, the GM rolls your Stealth check and compares it to this passive observer's Perception DC. Once the GM rolls your check for a concealed object, that same result is used no matter how many passive observers you try to sneak it past. If a creature is specifically searching you for an item, it can attempt a Perception check against your Stealth DC (finding the object on success).
You can also conceal an object somewhere other than your person, such as among undergrowth or in a secret compartment within a piece of furniture. In this case, characters Seeking in an area compare their Perception check results to your Stealth DC to determine whether they find the object.
Éxito The object remains undetected.
Fallo The searcher finds the object.
You hide a small object on your person (such as a weapon of light Bulk). When you try to sneak a concealed object past someone who might notice it, the GM rolls your Stealth check and compares it to this passive observer's Perception DC. Once the GM rolls your check for a concealed object, that same result is used no matter how many passive observers you try to sneak it past. If a creature is specifically searching you for an item, it can attempt a Perception check against your Stealth DC (finding the object on success).
You can also conceal an object somewhere other than your person, such as among undergrowth or in a secret compartment within a piece of furniture. In this case, characters Seeking in an area compare their Perception check results to your Stealth DC to determine whether they find the object.
Success The object remains undetected.
Failure The searcher finds the object.
You create a forged document, usually over the course of a day or a week. You must have the proper writing material to create a forgery. When you Create a Forgery, the GM rolls a secret DC 20 Society check. If you succeed, the forgery is of good enough quality that passive observers can't notice the fake. Only those who carefully examine the document and attempt a Perception or Society check against your Society DC can do so.
If the document's handwriting doesn't need to be specific to a person, you need only to have seen a similar document before, and you gain up to a +4 circumstance bonus to your check, as well as to your DC (the GM determines the bonus). To forge a specific person's handwriting, you need a sample of that person's handwriting.
If your check result was below 20, the forgery has some obvious signs of being a fake, so the GM compares your result to each passive observer's Perception DC or Society DC, whichever is higher, using the success or failure results below. Once the GM rolls your check for a document, that same result is used against all passive observers' DCs no matter how many creatures passively observe that document.
An observer who was fooled on a passive glance can still choose to closely scrutinize the documents on the lookout for a forgery, using different techniques and analysis methods beyond the surface elements you successfully forged with your original check. In that case, the observer can attempt a Perception or Society check against your Society DC (if they succeed, they know your document is a forgery).
Éxito The observer does not detect the forgery.
Fallo The observer knows your document is a forgery.
You create a forged document, usually over the course of a day or a week. You must have the proper writing material to create a forgery. When you Create a Forgery, the GM rolls a secret DC 20 Society check. If you succeed, the forgery is of good enough quality that passive observers can't notice the fake. Only those who carefully examine the document and attempt a Perception or Society check against your Society DC can do so.
If the document's handwriting doesn't need to be specific to a person, you need only to have seen a similar document before, and you gain up to a +4 circumstance bonus to your check, as well as to your DC (the GM determines the bonus). To forge a specific person's handwriting, you need a sample of that person's handwriting.
If your check result was below 20, the forgery has some obvious signs of being a fake, so the GM compares your result to each passive observer's Perception DC or Society DC, whichever is higher, using the success or failure results below. Once the GM rolls your check for a document, that same result is used against all passive observers' DCs no matter how many creatures passively observe that document.
An observer who was fooled on a passive glance can still choose to closely scrutinize the documents on the lookout for a forgery, using different techniques and analysis methods beyond the surface elements you successfully forged with your original check. In that case, the observer can attempt a Perception or Society check against your Society DC (if they succeed, they know your document is a forgery).
Success The observer does not detect the forgery.
Failure The observer knows your document is a forgery.
An observer who was fooled on a passive glance can still choose to closely scrutinize the documents on the lookout for a forgery, using different techniques and analysis methods beyond the surface elements you successfully forged with your original check. In that case, the observer can attempt a @Check[type:perception|dc:{societyDC}] or @Check[type:society|dc:{societyDC}] check against your Society DC (if they succeed, they know your document is a forgery).
", "FailureGmNote": "The forgery has some obvious signs of being a fake, so the GM compares the result of {total} to each passive observer's Perception DC or Society DC, whichever is higher, using the success or failure results below. The same result is used against all passive observers' DCs no matter how many creatures passively observe that document.
", @@ -188,21 +188,21 @@ }, "ForgedDocumentCreatedNotification": "A forged document has been added to {name}'s inventory.", "Notes": { - "criticalFailure": "Fallo The observer knows your document is a forgery.", - "criticalSuccess": "Éxito The observer does not detect the forgery.", - "failure": "Fallo The observer knows your document is a forgery.", - "success": "Éxito The observer does not detect the forgery." + "criticalFailure": "Failure The observer knows your document is a forgery.", + "criticalSuccess": "Success The observer does not detect the forgery.", + "failure": "Failure The observer knows your document is a forgery.", + "success": "Success The observer does not detect the forgery." }, "Title": "Create Forgery", "UnspecificHandwriting": "Unspecific Handwriting" }, "DecipherWriting": { - "Description": "You attempt to decipher complicated writing or literature on an obscure topic. This usually takes 1 minute per page of text, but might take longer (typically an hour per page for decrypting ciphers or the like). The text must be in a language you can read, though the GM might allow you to attempt to decipher text written in an unfamiliar language using Society instead.
The DC is determined by the GM based on the state or complexity of the document. The GM might have you roll one check for a short text or a check for each section of a larger text.
Éxito crítico You understand the true meaning of the text.
Éxito You understand the true meaning of the text. If it was a coded document, you know the general meaning but might not have a word-for-word translation.
Fallo You can't understand the text and take a –2 circumstance penalty to further checks to decipher it.
Fallo crítico You believe you understand the text on that page, but you have in fact misconstrued its message.
Entrenado entry-level philosophy treatise
Experto complex code, such as a cipher
Maestro spymaster's code or advanced research notes
Legendario esoteric planar text written in metaphor by an ancient celestial
You attempt to decipher complicated writing or literature on an obscure topic. This usually takes 1 minute per page of text, but might take longer (typically an hour per page for decrypting ciphers or the like). The text must be in a language you can read, though the GM might allow you to attempt to decipher text written in an unfamiliar language using Society instead.
The DC is determined by the GM based on the state or complexity of the document. The GM might have you roll one check for a short text or a check for each section of a larger text.
Critical Success You understand the true meaning of the text.
Success You understand the true meaning of the text. If it was a coded document, you know the general meaning but might not have a word-for-word translation.
Failure You can't understand the text and take a –2 circumstance penalty to further checks to decipher it.
Critical Failure You believe you understand the text on that page, but you have in fact misconstrued its message.
Trained entry-level philosophy treatise
Expert complex code, such as a cipher
Master spymaster's code or advanced research notes
Legendary esoteric planar text written in metaphor by an ancient celestial
With a sudden shout, a well-timed taunt, or a cutting put-down, you can shake an enemy's resolve. Choose a creature within 30 feet of you who you're aware of. Attempt an Intimidation check against that target's Will DC. If the target does not understand the language you are speaking, you're not speaking a language, or they can't hear you, you take a –4 circumstance penalty to the check. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your attempts to Demoralize it for 10 minutes.
Éxito crítico The target becomes frightened 2.
Éxito The target becomes frightened 1.
With a sudden shout, a well-timed taunt, or a cutting put-down, you can shake an enemy's resolve. Choose a creature within 30 feet of you who you're aware of. Attempt an Intimidation check against that target's Will DC. If the target does not understand the language you are speaking, you're not speaking a language, or they can't hear you, you take a –4 circumstance penalty to the check. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your attempts to Demoralize it for 10 minutes.
Critical Success The target becomes frightened 2.
Success The target becomes frightened 1.
This action allows you to disarm a trap or another complex device. Often, a device requires numerous successes before becoming disabled, depending on its construction and complexity. Thieves' tools are helpful and sometimes even required to Disable a Device, as determined by the GM, and sometimes a device requires a higher proficiency rank in Thievery to disable it.
Your Thievery check result determines how much progress you make.
Éxito crítico You disable the device, or you achieve two successes toward disabling a complex device. You leave no trace of your tampering, and you can rearm the device later, if that type of device can be rearmed.
Éxito You disable the device, or you achieve one success toward disabling a complex device.
Fallo crítico You trigger the device.
This action allows you to disarm a trap or another complex device. Often, a device requires numerous successes before becoming disabled, depending on its construction and complexity. Thieves' tools are helpful and sometimes even required to Disable a Device, as determined by the GM, and sometimes a device requires a higher proficiency rank in Thievery to disable it.
Your Thievery check result determines how much progress you make.
Critical Success You disable the device, or you achieve two successes toward disabling a complex device. You leave no trace of your tampering, and you can rearm the device later, if that type of device can be rearmed.
Success You disable the device, or you achieve one success toward disabling a complex device.
Critical Failure You trigger the device.
You attempt to escape from being grabbed, immobilized, or restrained. Choose one creature, object, spell effect, hazard, or other impediment imposing any of those conditions on you. Attempt a check using your unarmed attack modifier against the DC of the effect. This is typically the Athletics DC of a creature grabbing you, the Thievery DC of a creature who tied you up, the spell DC for a spell effect, or the listed Escape DC of an object, hazard, or other impediment. You can attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check instead of using your attack modifier if you choose (but this action still has the attack trait).
Éxito crítico You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target. You can then Stride up to 5 feet.
Éxito You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target.
Fallo crítico You don't get free, and you can't attempt to Escape again until your next turn.
You attempt to escape from being grabbed, immobilized, or restrained. Choose one creature, object, spell effect, hazard, or other impediment imposing any of those conditions on you. Attempt a check using your unarmed attack modifier against the DC of the effect. This is typically the Athletics DC of a creature grabbing you, the Thievery DC of a creature who tied you up, the spell DC for a spell effect, or the listed Escape DC of an object, hazard, or other impediment. You can attempt an Acrobatics or Athletics check instead of using your attack modifier if you choose (but this action still has the attack trait).
Critical Success You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target. You can then Stride up to 5 feet.
Success You get free and remove the grabbed, immobilized, and restrained conditions imposed by your chosen target.
Critical Failure You don't get free, and you can't attempt to Escape again until your next turn.
You huddle behind cover or greater cover or deeper into concealment to become hidden, rather than observed. The GM rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature you're observed by but that you have cover or greater cover against or are concealed from. You gain the circumstance bonus from cover or greater cover to your check.
Éxitostrong> If the creature could see you, you're now hidden from it instead of observed. If you were hidden from or undetected by the creature, you retain that condition.
If you successfully become hidden to a creature but then cease to have cover or greater cover against it or be concealed from it, you become observed again. You cease being hidden if you do anything except Hide, Sneak, or Step. If you attempt to Strike a creature, the creature remains flat-footed against that attack, and you then become observed. If you do anything else, you become observed just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise. The GM might allow you to perform a particularly unobtrusive action without being noticed, possibly requiring another Stealth check.
If a creature uses Seek to make you observed by it, you must successfully Hide to become hidden from it again.
", + "Description": "You huddle behind cover or greater cover or deeper into concealment to become hidden, rather than observed. The GM rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature you're observed by but that you have cover or greater cover against or are concealed from. You gain the circumstance bonus from cover or greater cover to your check.
Successstrong> If the creature could see you, you're now hidden from it instead of observed. If you were hidden from or undetected by the creature, you retain that condition.
If you successfully become hidden to a creature but then cease to have cover or greater cover against it or be concealed from it, you become observed again. You cease being hidden if you do anything except Hide, Sneak, or Step. If you attempt to Strike a creature, the creature remains flat-footed against that attack, and you then become observed. If you do anything else, you become observed just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise. The GM might allow you to perform a particularly unobtrusive action without being noticed, possibly requiring another Stealth check.
If a creature uses Seek to make you observed by it, you must successfully Hide to become hidden from it again.
", "Notes": { - "success": "Éxito If the creature could see you, you're now @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition." + "success": "Success If the creature could see you, you're now @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from it instead of observed. If you were @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} by the creature, you retain that condition." }, "Title": "Hide" }, "HighJump": { "Notes": { - "criticalFailure": "Fallo crítico You don't @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} at all, and instead you fall @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} in your space.", - "criticalSuccess": "Éxito crítico Increase the maximum vertical distance to 8 feet, or increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet and maximum horizontal distance to 10 feet.", - "failure": "Fallo You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.", - "success": "Éxito Increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet." + "criticalFailure": "Critical Failure You don't @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} at all, and instead you fall @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone} in your space.", + "criticalSuccess": "Critical Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 8 feet, or increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet and maximum horizontal distance to 10 feet.", + "failure": "Failure You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.", + "success": "Success Increase the maximum vertical distance to 5 feet." }, "Title": "High Jump" }, "Impersonate": { "Notes": { - "criticalFailure": "Fallo crítico The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be, and it recognizes you if it would know you without a disguise.", - "failure": "Fallo The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be.", - "success": "Éxito You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes." + "criticalFailure": "Critical Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be, and it recognizes you if it would know you without a disguise.", + "failure": "Failure The creature can tell you're not who you claim to be.", + "success": "Success You trick the creature into thinking you're the person you're disguised as. You might have to attempt a new check if your behavior changes." }, "Title": "Impersonate" }, @@ -377,50 +377,50 @@ }, "Lie": { "Notes": { - "failure": "Fallo The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future.", - "success": "Éxito The target believes your lie." + "failure": "Failure The target doesn't believe your lie and gains a +4 circumstance bonus against your attempts to Lie for the duration of your conversation. The target is also more likely to be suspicious of you in the future.", + "success": "Success The target believes your lie." }, "Title": "Lie" }, "LongJump": { "Notes": { - "criticalFailure": "Fallo crítico You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally, but then fall and land @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.", - "failure": "Fallo You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.", - "success": "Éxito Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance." + "criticalFailure": "Critical Failure You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally, but then fall and land @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}.", + "failure": "Failure You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} normally.", + "success": "Success Increase the maximum horizontal distance you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} to the desired distance." }, "Title": "Long Jump" }, "MakeAnImpression": { "Notes": { - "criticalFailure": "Fallo crítico The target's attitude toward you decreases by one step.", - "criticalSuccess": "Éxito crítico The target's attitude toward you improves by two steps.", - "success": "Éxito The target's attitude toward you improves by one step." + "criticalFailure": "Critical Failure The target's attitude toward you decreases by one step.", + "criticalSuccess": "Critical Success The target's attitude toward you improves by two steps.", + "success": "Success The target's attitude toward you improves by one step." }, "Title": "Make an Impression" }, "ManeuverInFlight": { - "Description": "You try a difficult maneuver while flying. Attempt an Acrobatics check. The GM determines what maneuvers are possible, but they rarely allow you to move farther than your fly Speed.
Éxito You succeed at the maneuver.
Fallo Your maneuver fails. The GM chooses if you simply can't move or if some other detrimental effect happens. The outcome should be appropriate for the maneuver you attempted (for instance, being blown off course if you were trying to fly against a strong wind).
Fallo crítico As failure, but the consequence is more dire.
Entrenado steep ascent or descent
Experto fly against the wind, hover midair
Maestro reverse direction
Legendario fly through gale force winds
You try a difficult maneuver while flying. Attempt an Acrobatics check. The GM determines what maneuvers are possible, but they rarely allow you to move farther than your fly Speed.
Success You succeed at the maneuver.
Failure Your maneuver fails. The GM chooses if you simply can't move or if some other detrimental effect happens. The outcome should be appropriate for the maneuver you attempted (for instance, being blown off course if you were trying to fly against a strong wind).
Critical Failure As failure, but the consequence is more dire.
Trained steep ascent or descent
Expert fly against the wind, hover midair
Master reverse direction
Legendary fly through gale force winds
Palming a small, unattended object without being noticed requires you to roll a single Thievery check against the Perception DCs of all creatures who are currently observing you. You take the object whether or not you successfully conceal that you did so. You can typically only Palm Objects of negligible Bulk, though the GM might determine otherwise depending on the situation.
Éxito The creature does not notice you Palming the Object.
Fallo The creature notices you Palming the Object, and the GM determines the creature's response.
Palming a small, unattended object without being noticed requires you to roll a single Thievery check against the Perception DCs of all creatures who are currently observing you. You take the object whether or not you successfully conceal that you did so. You can typically only Palm Objects of negligible Bulk, though the GM might determine otherwise depending on the situation.
Success The creature does not notice you Palming the Object.
Failure The creature notices you Palming the Object, and the GM determines the creature's response.
Opening a lock without a key is very similar to Disabling a Device, but the DC of the check is determined by the complexity and construction of the lock you are attempting to pick. Locks of higher qualities might require multiple successes to unlock, since otherwise even an unskilled burglar could easily crack the lock by attempting the check until they rolled a natural 20. If you lack the proper tools, the GM might let you used improvised picks, which are treated as shoddy tools, depending on the specifics of the lock.
Éxito crítico You unlock the lock, or you achieve two successes toward opening a complex lock. You leave no trace of your tampering.
Éxito You open the lock, or you achieve one success toward opening a complex lock.
Fallo crítico You break your tools. Fixing them requires using Crafting to Repair them or else swapping in replacement picks (costing 3 sp, or 3 gp for infiltrator thieves' tools).
Opening a lock without a key is very similar to Disabling a Device, but the DC of the check is determined by the complexity and construction of the lock you are attempting to pick. Locks of higher qualities might require multiple successes to unlock, since otherwise even an unskilled burglar could easily crack the lock by attempting the check until they rolled a natural 20. If you lack the proper tools, the GM might let you used improvised picks, which are treated as shoddy tools, depending on the specifics of the lock.
Critical Success You unlock the lock, or you achieve two successes toward opening a complex lock. You leave no trace of your tampering.
Success You open the lock, or you achieve one success toward opening a complex lock.
Critical Failure You break your tools. Fixing them requires using Crafting to Repair them or else swapping in replacement picks (costing 3 sp, or 3 gp for infiltrator thieves' tools).
You scan an area for signs of creatures or objects. If you're looking for creatures, choose an area you're scanning. If precision is necessary, the GM can have you select a 30-foot cone or a 15-foot burst within line of sight. You might take a penalty if you choose an area that's far away.
If you're using Seek to search for objects (including secret doors and hazards), you search up to a 10-foot square adjacent to you. The GM might determine you need to Seek as an activity, taking more actions or even minutes or hours if you're searching a particularly cluttered area.
The GM attempts a single secret Perception check for you and compares the result to the Stealth DCs of any undetected or hidden creatures in the area or the DC to detect each object in the area (as determined by the GM or by someone Concealing the Object). A creature you detect might remain hidden, rather than becoming observed, if you're using an imprecise sense or if an effect (such as invisibility) prevents the subject from being observed.
Éxito crítico If you were searching for creatures, any undetected or hidden creature you critically succeeded against becomes observed by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location.
Éxito If you were searching for creatures, any undetected creature you succeeded against becomes hidden from you instead of undetected, and any hidden creature you succeeded against becomes observed by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location or get a clue to its whereabouts, as determined by the GM.
You scan an area for signs of creatures or objects. If you're looking for creatures, choose an area you're scanning. If precision is necessary, the GM can have you select a 30-foot cone or a 15-foot burst within line of sight. You might take a penalty if you choose an area that's far away.
If you're using Seek to search for objects (including secret doors and hazards), you search up to a 10-foot square adjacent to you. The GM might determine you need to Seek as an activity, taking more actions or even minutes or hours if you're searching a particularly cluttered area.
The GM attempts a single secret Perception check for you and compares the result to the Stealth DCs of any undetected or hidden creatures in the area or the DC to detect each object in the area (as determined by the GM or by someone Concealing the Object). A creature you detect might remain hidden, rather than becoming observed, if you're using an imprecise sense or if an effect (such as invisibility) prevents the subject from being observed.
Critical Success If you were searching for creatures, any undetected or hidden creature you critically succeeded against becomes observed by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location.
Success If you were searching for creatures, any undetected creature you succeeded against becomes hidden from you instead of undetected, and any hidden creature you succeeded against becomes observed by you. If you were searching for an object, you learn its location or get a clue to its whereabouts, as determined by the GM.
Using the stars, the position of the sun, traits of the geography or flora, or the behavior of fauna, you can stay oriented in the wild. Typically, you attempt a Survival check only once per day, but some environments or changes might necessitate rolling more often. The GM determines the DC and how long this activity takes (usually just a minute or so). More unusual locales or those you're unfamiliar with might require you to have a minimum proficiency rank to Sense Direction. Without a compass, you take a –2 item penalty to checks to Sense Direction.
Éxito crítico You get an excellent sense of where you are. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.
Éxito You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions.
No entrenado determine a cardinal direction using the sun
Entrenado find an overgrown path in a forest
Experto navigate a hedge maze
Maestro navigate a byzantine labyrinth or relatively featureless desert
Legendario navigate an ever-changing dream realm
Using the stars, the position of the sun, traits of the geography or flora, or the behavior of fauna, you can stay oriented in the wild. Typically, you attempt a Survival check only once per day, but some environments or changes might necessitate rolling more often. The GM determines the DC and how long this activity takes (usually just a minute or so). More unusual locales or those you're unfamiliar with might require you to have a minimum proficiency rank to Sense Direction. Without a compass, you take a –2 item penalty to checks to Sense Direction.
Critical Success You get an excellent sense of where you are. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.
Success You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions.
Untrained determine a cardinal direction using the sun
Trained find an overgrown path in a forest
Expert navigate a hedge maze
Master navigate a byzantine labyrinth or relatively featureless desert
Legendary navigate an ever-changing dream realm
You try to tell whether a creature's behavior is abnormal. Choose one creature, and assess it for odd body language, signs of nervousness, and other indicators that it might be trying to deceive someone. The GM attempts a single secret Perception check for you and compares the result to the Deception DC of the creature, the DC of a spell affecting the creature's mental state, or another appropriate DC determined by the GM. You typically can't try to Sense the Motive of the same creature again until the situation changes significantly.
Éxito crítico You determine the creature's true intentions and get a solid idea of any mental magic affecting it.
Éxito You can tell whether the creature is behaving normally, but you don't know its exact intentions or what magic might be affecting it.
Fallo You detect what a deceptive creature wants you to believe. If they're not being deceptive, you believe they're behaving normally.
Fallo crítico You get a false sense of the creature's intentions.
You try to tell whether a creature's behavior is abnormal. Choose one creature, and assess it for odd body language, signs of nervousness, and other indicators that it might be trying to deceive someone. The GM attempts a single secret Perception check for you and compares the result to the Deception DC of the creature, the DC of a spell affecting the creature's mental state, or another appropriate DC determined by the GM. You typically can't try to Sense the Motive of the same creature again until the situation changes significantly.
Critical Success You determine the creature's true intentions and get a solid idea of any mental magic affecting it.
Success You can tell whether the creature is behaving normally, but you don't know its exact intentions or what magic might be affecting it.
Failure You detect what a deceptive creature wants you to believe. If they're not being deceptive, you believe they're behaving normally.
Critical Failure You get a false sense of the creature's intentions.
You can attempt to move to another place while becoming or staying undetected. Stride up to half your Speed. (You can use Sneak while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type; you must move at half that Speed.)
If you're undetected by a creature and it's impossible for that creature to observe you (for a typical creature, this includes when you're invisible, the observer is blinded, or you're in darkness and the creature can't see in darkness), for any critical failure you roll on a check to Sneak, you get a failure instead. You also continue to be undetected if you lose cover or greater cover against or are no longer concealed from such a creature.
At the end of your movement, the GM rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature you were hidden from or undetected by at the start of your movement. If you have cover or greater cover from the creature throughout your Stride, you gain the +2 circumstance bonus from cover (or +4 from greater cover) to your Stealth check. Because you're moving, the bonus increase from Taking Cover doesn't apply. You don't get to roll against a creature if, at the end of your movement, you neither are concealed from it nor have cover or greater cover against it. You automatically become observed by such a creature.
Éxito You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it. You become observed as soon as you do anything other than Hide, Sneak, or Step. If you attempt to Strike a creature, the creature remains flat-footed against that attack, and you then become observed. If you do anything else, you become observed just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise. The GM might allow you to perform a particularly unobtrusive action without being noticed, possibly requiring another Stealth check. If you speak or make a deliberate loud noise, you become hidden instead of undetected. If a creature uses Seek and you become hidden to it as a result, you must Sneak if you want to become undetected by that creature again.
Fallo A telltale sound or other sign gives your position away, though you still remain unseen. You’re hidden from the creature throughout your movement and remain so.
Fallo crítico You're spotted! You're observed by the creature throughout your movement and remain so. If you're invisible and were hidden from the creature, instead of being observed you're hidden throughout your movement and remain so.
You can attempt to move to another place while becoming or staying undetected. Stride up to half your Speed. (You can use Sneak while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type; you must move at half that Speed.)
If you're undetected by a creature and it's impossible for that creature to observe you (for a typical creature, this includes when you're invisible, the observer is blinded, or you're in darkness and the creature can't see in darkness), for any critical failure you roll on a check to Sneak, you get a failure instead. You also continue to be undetected if you lose cover or greater cover against or are no longer concealed from such a creature.
At the end of your movement, the GM rolls your Stealth check in secret and compares the result to the Perception DC of each creature you were hidden from or undetected by at the start of your movement. If you have cover or greater cover from the creature throughout your Stride, you gain the +2 circumstance bonus from cover (or +4 from greater cover) to your Stealth check. Because you're moving, the bonus increase from Taking Cover doesn't apply. You don't get to roll against a creature if, at the end of your movement, you neither are concealed from it nor have cover or greater cover against it. You automatically become observed by such a creature.
Success You're undetected by the creature during your movement and remain undetected by the creature at the end of it. You become observed as soon as you do anything other than Hide, Sneak, or Step. If you attempt to Strike a creature, the creature remains flat-footed against that attack, and you then become observed. If you do anything else, you become observed just before you act unless the GM determines otherwise. The GM might allow you to perform a particularly unobtrusive action without being noticed, possibly requiring another Stealth check. If you speak or make a deliberate loud noise, you become hidden instead of undetected. If a creature uses Seek and you become hidden to it as a result, you must Sneak if you want to become undetected by that creature again.
Failure A telltale sound or other sign gives your position away, though you still remain unseen. You’re hidden from the creature throughout your movement and remain so.
Critical Failure You're spotted! You're observed by the creature throughout your movement and remain so. If you're invisible and were hidden from the creature, instead of being observed you're hidden throughout your movement and remain so.
You contort yourself to squeeze through a space so small you can barely fit through. This action is for exceptionally small spaces; many tight spaces are difficult terrain that you can move through more quickly and without a check.
Éxito crítico You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 10 feet of squeezing.
Éxito You squeeze through in 1 minute per 5 feet.
Fallo crítico You become stuck in the tight space. While you're stuck, you can spend 1 minute attempting another Acrobatics check at the same DC. Any result on that check other than a critical failure causes you to become unstuck.
Entrenado space barely fitting your shoulders
Maestro space barely fitting your head
You contort yourself to squeeze through a space so small you can barely fit through. This action is for exceptionally small spaces; many tight spaces are difficult terrain that you can move through more quickly and without a check.
Critical Success You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 10 feet of squeezing.
Success You squeeze through in 1 minute per 5 feet.
Critical Failure You become stuck in the tight space. While you're stuck, you can spend 1 minute attempting another Acrobatics check at the same DC. Any result on that check other than a critical failure causes you to become unstuck.
Trained space barely fitting your shoulders
Master space barely fitting your head
You try to take a small object from another creature without being noticed. Typically, you can Steal only an object of negligible Bulk, and you automatically fail if the creature who has the object is in combat or on guard.
Attempt a Thievery check to determine if you successfully Steal the object. The DC to Steal is usually the Perception DC of the creature wearing the object. This assumes the object is worn but not closely guarded (like a loosely carried pouch filled with coins, or an object within such a pouch). If the object is in a pocket or similarly protected, you take a –5 penalty to your Thievery check. The GM might increase the DC of your check if the nature of the object makes it harder to steal (such as a very small item in a large pack, or a sheet of parchment mixed in with other documents).
You might also need to compare your Thievery check result against the Perception DCs of observers other than the person wearing the object. The GM may increase the Perception DCs of these observers if they're distracted.
Éxito You steal the item without the bearer noticing, or an observer doesn't see you take or attempt to take the item.
Fallo The item's bearer notices your attempt before you can take the object, or an observer sees you take or attempt to take the item. The GM determines the response of any creature that notices your theft.
You try to take a small object from another creature without being noticed. Typically, you can Steal only an object of negligible Bulk, and you automatically fail if the creature who has the object is in combat or on guard.
Attempt a Thievery check to determine if you successfully Steal the object. The DC to Steal is usually the Perception DC of the creature wearing the object. This assumes the object is worn but not closely guarded (like a loosely carried pouch filled with coins, or an object within such a pouch). If the object is in a pocket or similarly protected, you take a –5 penalty to your Thievery check. The GM might increase the DC of your check if the nature of the object makes it harder to steal (such as a very small item in a large pack, or a sheet of parchment mixed in with other documents).
You might also need to compare your Thievery check result against the Perception DCs of observers other than the person wearing the object. The GM may increase the Perception DCs of these observers if they're distracted.
Success You steal the item without the bearer noticing, or an observer doesn't see you take or attempt to take the item.
Failure The item's bearer notices your attempt before you can take the object, or an observer sees you take or attempt to take the item. The GM determines the response of any creature that notices your theft.
You try to provide food and shelter for yourself, and possibly others as well, with a standard of living depending on your degree of success. The GM determines the DC based on the nature of the place where you're trying to Subsist. You might need a minimum proficiency rank to Subsist in particularly strange environments. Unlike most downtime activities, you can Subsist after 8 hours or less of exploration, but if you do, you take a –5 penalty.
Éxito crítico You either provide a subsistence living for yourself and one additional creature, or you improve your own food and shelter, granting yourself a comfortable living.
Éxito You find enough food and shelter with basic protection from the elements to provide you a subsistence living.
Fallo You're exposed to the elements and don't get enough food, becoming fatigued until you attain sufficient food and shelter.
Fallo crítico You attract trouble, eat something you shouldn't, or otherwise worsen your situation. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to checks to Subsist for 1 week. You don't find any food at all; if you don't have any stored up, you're in danger of starving or dying of thirst if you continue failing.
No entrenado lush forest with calm weather or large city with plentiful resources
Entrenado typical hillside or village
Experto typical mountains or insular hamlet
Maestro typical desert or city under siege
Legendario barren wasteland or city of undead
You try to provide food and shelter for yourself, and possibly others as well, with a standard of living depending on your degree of success. The GM determines the DC based on the nature of the place where you're trying to Subsist. You might need a minimum proficiency rank to Subsist in particularly strange environments. Unlike most downtime activities, you can Subsist after 8 hours or less of exploration, but if you do, you take a –5 penalty.
Critical Success You either provide a subsistence living for yourself and one additional creature, or you improve your own food and shelter, granting yourself a comfortable living.
Success You find enough food and shelter with basic protection from the elements to provide you a subsistence living.
Failure You're exposed to the elements and don't get enough food, becoming fatigued until you attain sufficient food and shelter.
Critical Failure You attract trouble, eat something you shouldn't, or otherwise worsen your situation. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to checks to Subsist for 1 week. You don't find any food at all; if you don't have any stored up, you're in danger of starving or dying of thirst if you continue failing.
Untrained lush forest with calm weather or large city with plentiful resources
Trained typical hillside or village
Expert typical mountains or insular hamlet
Master typical desert or city under siege
Legendary barren wasteland or city of undead
You follow tracks, moving at up to half your travel Speed. After a successful check to Track, you can continue following the tracks at half your Speed without attempting additional checks for up to 1 hour. In some cases, you might Track in an encounter. In this case, Track is a single action and doesn't have the exploration trait, but you might need to roll more often because you're in a tense situation. The GM determines how often you must attempt this check.
You attempt your Survival check when you start Tracking, once every hour you continue tracking, and any time something significant changes in the trail. The GM determines the DCs for such checks, depending on the freshness of the trail, the weather, and the type of ground.
Éxito You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.
Fallo You lose the trail but can try again after a 1-hour delay.
Fallo crítico You lose the trail and can't try again for 24 hours.
No entrenado the path of a large army following a road
Entrenado relatively fresh tracks of a rampaging bear through the plains
Experto a nimble panther's tracks through a jungle, tracks obscured by rainfall
Maestro tracks obscured by winter snow, tracks of a mouse or smaller creature, tracks left on surfaces that can't hold prints like bare rock
Legendario old tracks through a windy desert's sands, tracks obscured by a major blizzard or hurricane
You follow tracks, moving at up to half your travel Speed. After a successful check to Track, you can continue following the tracks at half your Speed without attempting additional checks for up to 1 hour. In some cases, you might Track in an encounter. In this case, Track is a single action and doesn't have the exploration trait, but you might need to roll more often because you're in a tense situation. The GM determines how often you must attempt this check.
You attempt your Survival check when you start Tracking, once every hour you continue tracking, and any time something significant changes in the trail. The GM determines the DCs for such checks, depending on the freshness of the trail, the weather, and the type of ground.
Success You find the trail or continue to follow the one you're already following.
Failure You lose the trail but can try again after a 1-hour delay.
Critical Failure You lose the trail and can't try again for 24 hours.
Untrained the path of a large army following a road
Trained relatively fresh tracks of a rampaging bear through the plains
Expert a nimble panther's tracks through a jungle, tracks obscured by rainfall
Master tracks obscured by winter snow, tracks of a mouse or smaller creature, tracks left on surfaces that can't hold prints like bare rock
Legendary old tracks through a windy desert's sands, tracks obscured by a major blizzard or hurricane
You spend at least 8 hours caring for a diseased creature. Attempt a Medicine check against the disease's DC. After you attempt to Treat a Disease for a creature, you can't try again until after that creature's next save against the disease.
Éxito crítico You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
Éxito You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
Fallo crítico Your efforts cause the creature to take a –2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the disease.
You spend at least 8 hours caring for a diseased creature. Attempt a Medicine check against the disease's DC. After you attempt to Treat a Disease for a creature, you can't try again until after that creature's next save against the disease.
Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the disease.
Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a –2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the disease.
You treat a patient to prevent the spread of poison. Attempt a Medicine check against the poison's DC. After you attempt to Treat a Poison for a creature, you can't try again until after the next time that creature attempts a save against the poison.
Éxito crítico You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
Éxito You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
Fallo crítico Your efforts cause the creature to take a –2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the poison.
You treat a patient to prevent the spread of poison. Attempt a Medicine check against the poison's DC. After you attempt to Treat a Poison for a creature, you can't try again until after the next time that creature attempts a save against the poison.
Critical Success You grant the creature a +4 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
Success You grant the creature a +2 circumstance bonus to its next saving throw against the poison.
Critical Failure Your efforts cause the creature to take a –2 circumstance penalty to its next save against the poison.
You try to knock a creature to the ground. Attempt an Athletics check against the target's Reflex DC.
Éxito crítico The target falls and lands prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Éxito The target falls and lands prone.
Fallo crítico You lose your balance and fall and land prone.
You try to knock a creature to the ground. Attempt an Athletics check against the target's Reflex DC.
Critical Success The target falls and lands prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Success The target falls and lands prone.
Critical Failure You lose your balance and fall and land prone.
You Stride up to your Speed. During this movement, you can try to move through the space of one enemy. Attempt an Acrobatics check against the enemy's Reflex DC as soon as you try to enter its space. You can Tumble Through using Climb, Fly, Swim, or another action instead of Stride in the appropriate environment.
Éxito You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.
Fallo Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in.
You Stride up to your Speed. During this movement, you can try to move through the space of one enemy. Attempt an Acrobatics check against the enemy's Reflex DC as soon as you try to enter its space. You can Tumble Through using Climb, Fly, Swim, or another action instead of Stride in the appropriate environment.
Success You move through the enemy's space, treating the squares in its space as difficult terrain (every 5 feet costs 10 feet of movement). If you don't have enough Speed to move all the way through its space, you get the same effect as a failure.
Failure Your movement ends, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in.