Object Oriented Parking Garage - Pair programming
Create a parking garage class to get more familiar with Object Oriented Programming(OOP). This project would usually be a pair programming project. However, for the size our class we will have groups of 2-3. This means, that one person(The driver) will code the project while the other people(The navigators)will brainstorm and guide to a working solution. Each of you should share/switch these roles every 30mins-1hr (-- Or you may elect to switch "drivers" after creating specific methods of the class).
The Initial Driver needs to Make sure to: download the files below, create a local folder for the project, create a github repository, commit the inital files, share the link
Both navigators should then: fork the code, clone it and begin.
The current driver MUST share their screen so the navigators can help brainstorm to a working solution.
When code has been updated, you will need to pull down the changes.
Here's an article on doing so -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3903817/pull-new-updates-from-original-github-repository-into-forked-github-repository
By the end of this project each group should be able to:
Explain and/or demostrate using Git and Github for collaboration
Explain and/or demostrate creating classes
Explain and/or demostrate creating class methods
Explain and/or demostrate class instantiation
When the project is completed, commit the final changes, sync all pull requests, and each member should submit their respective GitHub links(though the code in each should be the same)