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The snapshot tests primarily validate compatibility of Fluidframework with older snapshot format, i.e., snapshots that were generated by older versions of Fluidframework runtime work correctly with the current version. Examples of some of the tests:

  • Load older snapshots with current version of container and validate the load is successful.
  • Load older snapshots with current version of container, take new snapshots and validate the snapshots are in the current snapshot format.
  • Messages generated by an older container are replayed to a container running current version. At some intervals during replay, snapshots are taken and validated that they are correct.

A list of old snapshots are stored in FluidFrameworkTestData repo which is a submodule of Fluidframework repo under the content folder. The sub-folders under snapshotTestContent represent snapshots generated by a container with content that helps validate compatibility of different functionalities. For example, SharedMatrixDeletes has snapshots that where delete operations were performed on the SharedMatrix DDS and it validates the compatibility of this functionality.

For each of these sub-folders, snapshots with older versions are stored under src_snapshots and snapshots with current (or latest) version are stored under current_snapshots.

Note that the snapshots under src_snapshots are stored under folders whose name represent the runtime version that generated these snapshots. Every time the snapshot format changes, the current snapshot are moved to src_snapshots under the current runtime version number and the new snapshots are stored in current_snapshots.

For example, snapshots under /SharedMatrixDeletes/src_snapshots/0.58.1000 were generated by runtime version 0.58.1000. Now, lets say that the snapshot format changes in runtime version X.0.0. The snapshots under /SharedMatrixDeletes/current_snapshots will move to /SharedMatrixDeletes/src_snapshots/X.0.0 and the new snapshots will be stored in the current_snapshots folder.

Syncing snapshot tests content

The snapshots are stored in the FluidFrameworkTestData which is a submodule of Fluidframework repo. Run the following command to download / sync the snapshots:

git submodule update --init --recursive

This will pull all the content down to enable running the snapshot tests. The content will be under the content subdirectory.

You can run the tests by running the following command:

npm run test

Submit changes to test content

For submitting changes to the snapshot test content, follow these steps:

  • Submitting the changes to the test content:
    • Sync the content for the snapshot tests as mentioned here.
    • Go to the content subdirectory, create a new branch and update the snapshot content. Ideally, you should not update the content manually but follow one of these:
    • Create a commit and push the new branch.
    • Create a PR against main branch in the FluidFrameworkTestData repo. Ensure the build passes, get the changes approved and merge the PR.
    • Checkout main branch of FluidFrameworkTestData repo, i.e., in the content/ folder and run git pull to ensure it has your new changes.
  • Updating FluidFramework repo to point to the new content:
    • Go to the FluidFramework repo root. Now you can run git submodule update --init --recursive in repo root to sync your changes with the newly updated test repo.
    • git status should show changes under packages/test/snapshots/content. For example:
    D:\FluidFramework>git status
    On branch updateTestSnapshots
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/updateTestSnapshots'.
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   packages/test/snapshots/content (new commits)
    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
    • Commit these changes to a new branch in the FluidFramework repo. Since the main branch of the FluidFrameworkTestData repo was updated, the submodule commit hash needs to be updated to reflect that.
    • Create a PR against main, get the changes approved and merge the PR. FluidFramework repo will now point to the new test contents.

Adding new snapshots to the repo

To add new reference snapshots to the repo for a document, follow tests steps:

  • Use the fetch-tool tool to fetch and save the snapshots and ops for the document.
  • Create a folder for the new snapshots under snapshotTestContent.
  • Add the message.json file from the output of the fetch-tool to the new folder.
  • Create a sub-folder called base_snapshot. From the output of the fetch-tool, add the contents of the oldest snapshot (except tree-original.json and decoded folder).
    • The downloaded snapshots are in folders whose names are in format <number>-<versionId>. The oldest snapshot is in a folder that starts with the highest number.
    • Following is an example output of fetch-tool:
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          .
      08/02/2021  01:19 PM    <DIR>          ..
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          0-bB8gBAAAHAAAA
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          1-bBwAAAAAHAAAA
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               680 info.json
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM           641,806 messages.json
                  2 File(s)        642,486 bytes
                  4 Dir(s)  243,849,199,616 bytes free
      There are two snapshots in folders 0-bB8gBAAAHAAAA and 1-bBwAAAAAHAAAA. The oldest snapshot folder is 1-bBwAAAAAHAAAA whose contents are:
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          .
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          ..
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM                40 0-bARBrcuSOLdT_lXwAHWYYa4cJ
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM                74 1-bARAWgNwwMAtEWFX6f8eXjarD
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               146 3-bARC8xAwm8aYZEMbE2vbPYiTA
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               104 4-bARDE9u7Ztbm4_xyTBb9dmJKd
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               242 5-bARBgXKoar1aPt2TC8hgpvFzw
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               130 6-bARBTxqdFc58itZIePNAhBxVd
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM                83 7-bARCBnzMy4FNE7kexVfsvTEs0
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               183 8-bARCZTcvC68fmXTMjacLU6Tct
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM               351 9-bARBk1cbwDcU8wOEeGmmuJxxh
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM    <DIR>          decoded
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM             2,231 tree-original.json
      07/26/2021  05:28 PM             2,308 tree.json
                  27 File(s)          9,229 bytes
                  3 Dir(s)  243,653,701,632 bytes free
      Copy everything in this folder except tree-original.json and decode to the base_snapshot directory created above.
  • Scrub the newly added files of PII manually by replacing your id, your name, your email, and any other PII.
    • A shortcut you can use is right-click and Find in Folder....
    • Feel free to use any replaced names, emails, and ids already in the files.
    • There is a tool in packages\drivers\debugger\src\sanitize.ts that can be applied to one file at a time.
  • Run the following from the packages\test\snapshots directory:
    npm run test:new
    This will generate the snapshots for this based on the current version of the runtime. These new snapshots will be under current_snapshots directory.
  • Run the tests to validate that all the tests pass with the new snapshots.
  • Submit the changes by following the steps here.

Updating existing snapshots in the repo

Whenever the snapshot format changes in the runtime, the existing snapshots in the repo needs to be updated by following these steps:

  • Run the following from the packages\test\snapshots directory:
    npm run test:update
    This will save the current snapshots in the src_snapshots\<current_snapshots_version> directory. It will then update the current snapshots under the current_snapshots directory to the new format.
  • However, there is a chance that not all the snapshots will be updated. You will see this as a failure in the Azure build, which will indicate which files contain snapshots that were not updated. The failures might have to do with the same property/value and is likely present in all the files within that subdirectory. To solve this, do the following:
    • Note the files in which the snapshot tests were failing and manually update them to reflect the expected assertion.
    • Commit your changes in a new branch and push your changes.
    • Ensure the CI test stages in the Azure build pipeline passes.
      • To do this, temporarily change the branch in the .gitmodules file to point to the new branch in FluidFrameworkTestData you just pushed.
      • Navigate to the root folder of the FluidFramework repo and run npm run ci:test.
  • Run the tests to validate that all the tests pass with the new snapshots.
    • Don't forget to always stay updated with main and reinstall and build if necessary.
  • Submit the changes by following the steps here.