Rails Translation Manager (RTM) provides validation for locale files, and exposes several rake tasks which can be used to manage your translations. It can only be used on Rails apps.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rails_translation_manager'
After a bundle install
, this will make a number of rake tasks available to your application.
See the Rake command reference below.
You will now also be able to run tests against your locale files to ensure that they are valid. Create a test file as follows.
class LocalesValidationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test "should validate all locale files" do
checker = RailsTranslationManager::LocaleChecker.new("config/locales/*.yml")
assert checker.validate_locales
RSpec.describe "locales files" do
it "should meet all locale validation requirements" do
checker = RailsTranslationManager::LocaleChecker.new("config/locales/*/*.yml")
expect(checker.validate_locales).to be_truthy
To run the test suite just run bundle exec rake
from within the
RTM uses i18n-tasks under the hood. For advanced tasks, refer to the i18n-tasks documentation: