Verifier is a Java library responsible for performing FPGA attestation. It is able to retrieve measurements (evidence) from the FPGA device and compare it with reference integrity manifest (RIM). It also retrieves and validates signature and chain of certificates to confirm authenticity and integrity of the measurements.
Reference Integrity Manifest can be:
- generated using Quartus and stored in Glenpass JSON RIM (.rim) format
- generated and signed by FW build system in CoRIM (.corim) format
CoRIM can be published on Intel Distribution Point, so Verifier could get it as an input parameter to the verifier for comparison with measurements received from the device.
Workload is a sample application that triggers Verifier's interface.
During attestation, communication is done via Hard Processor System (HPS), thus a listening TCP server called FCS Server must be enabled on HPS.
After FCS Server is up and running, note down the #HOST# (hostname or ip address of HPS) and #PORT# (of FCS Server).
Verifier supports Intel® Stratix10®, Intel® Agilex™ and Intel® eASIC™ N5X devices.
Verifier support PSG-SIGMA protocol for Intel® Stratix10® devices and TCG DICE with DMTF SPDM protocol for Intel® Agilex™ and Intel® eASIC™ N5X devices using libspdm library.
Java 17
FCS Server should be up and running on HPS, with TCP traffic enabled
Configure network for outgoing communication on port 443 (HTTPS) and TCP communication to #HOST#:#PORT# of the FCS Server
Prepare Product Owner Root Signing Key (
), chain (root.qky
) andquartus_sign
tool must be available to be used during initialization step. Below links to official Quartus Prime user guide: -
(Recommended) Set up Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Provider of your choice (Gemalto Luna SA HSM, nCipher etc.) (Default) Alternatively, built-in BouncyCastle (link and repository) library can be used with no additional configuration
Generate Reference Integrity Manifest (RIM) file for your board design using
toolquartus_pfg -c "my_design.rbf" stratix10.rim
Download and build latest version of OpenSSL as described in OpenSSL docs, e.g.:
- Download and unpack OpenSSL 3.1.1
- Run OpenSSL build
./config shared -L-fPIC -L-g -L-O0 -fPIC -g -O0 make -j $(nproc) --silent
Download and build libspdm
- Clone the sources (version 3.0.0 should be used)
- Update cmocka submodule
- Create build dir and enter it
- Run cmake. openssl_root_dir variable should be a path to openssl dir from previous step. e.g. /home/user/build/openssl
- Run make. The build will fail on unit tests. This is expected with custom OpenSSL. The libraries will be built and should be present in libspdm/build/lib
git clone cd libspdm/ git fetch --all --tags git checkout tags/3.0.0 -b 3.0.0 git submodule update --init -- unit_test/cmockalib/cmocka mkdir build cd build cmake -DARCH=x64 -DTOOLCHAIN=GCC -DTARGET=Release -DCRYPTO=openssl -DENABLE_BINARY_BUILD=1 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-I${openssl_root_dir}/include -DLIBSPDM_MAX_CERT_CHAIN_BLOCK_LEN=15000 -DLIBSPDM_MAX_CERT_CHAIN_SIZE=18000 -DLIBSPDM_MAX_MEASUREMENT_RECORD_SIZE=15000" -DCOMPILED_LIBCRYPTO_PATH=${openssl_root_dir}/libcrypto.a -DCOMPILED_LIBSSL_PATH=${openssl_root_dir}/libssl.a .. make copy_sample_key make
Build SPDM Wrapper
- Copy openssl and libspdm directories to "dependencies" dir inside spdm_wrapper dir. You can provide custom dependencies directory by calling Cmake in the next step with
spdm_wrapper/ ├─ dependencies/ │ ├─ libspdm/ │ │ ├─ include/ │ │ ├─ build/ │ │ │ ├─ lib/ │ │ │ │ ├─ lib*.a │ ├─ openssl/ │ │ ├─ include/ │ │ ├─ libcrypto.a │ │ ├─ libssl.a
You can also use a different folder structure with custom paths to
directories for libspdm and openssl. In such case use cmake variables:-DLIBSPDM_LIB_DIR=<path_to_libspdm_lib> -DOPENSSL_LIB_DIR=<path_to_openssl_lib> -DLIBSPDM_INCLUDE_DIR=<path_to_libspdm_include> -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path_to_openssl_include>
- Run build
mkdir -p build/Release cd build/Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../.. make
- Download and build latest version of OpenSSL as described in openssl/NOTES.WIN, e.g.:
- Download and unpack OpenSSL 1.1.1t
- Run OpenSSL build
perl.exe configure VC-WIN64A no-asm nmake
- Download and build [libspdm] (
- Build process is similar as in Linux. Only the cmake command is different:
cmake -DARCH=x64 -DTOOLCHAIN=VS2019 -DTARGET=Release -DCRYPTO=openssl -DENABLE_BINARY_BUILD=1 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-I${openssl_root_dir}/include" -DCOMPILED_LIBCRYPTO_PATH=${openssl_root_dir}/libcrypto_static.lib -DCOMPILED_LIBSSL_PATH=${openssl_root_dir}/libssl_static.lib ..
- Build SPDM Wrapper
- Copy openssl and libspdm directories to "dependencies" dir inside spdm_wrapper dir
You can also use a different folder structure with custom paths tospdm_wrapper/ ├─ dependencies/ │ ├─ libspdm/ │ │ ├─ include/ │ │ ├─ build/ │ │ │ ├─ lib/ │ │ │ │ ├─ *.lib │ ├─ openssl/ │ │ ├─ include/ │ │ ├─ libcrypto_static.lib │ │ ├─ libssl_static.lib
directories for libspdm and openssl. In such case use cmake variables:-DLIBSPDM_LIB_DIR=<path_to_libspdm_lib> -DOPENSSL_LIB_DIR=<path_to_openssl_lib> -DLIBSPDM_INCLUDE_DIR=<path_to_libspdm_include> -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=<path_to_openssl_include>
- Run build
mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T "v141" .. cmake --build . --config Release
Build and deploy project using gradle:
./gradlew clean build deploy
WARNING Task deploy will overwrite the content of out/ directory.
In command line set strong password to security provider in environment variable env: VERIFIER_SECURITY_PROVIDER_PASSWORD
Output libraries are located under out/ directory together with Verifier's config file
Run workload sample application (which is a fat jar already containing the Verifier lib) with basic arguments
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i "" -c HEALTH
The output during first run shall be the instruction how to configure the library with chosen security provider.
Edit the
and use quartus_sign
tool with private key root_private.pem
and chain root_chain.qky
to sign the pubkey and complete the first run process.
WARNING By default BouncyCastle security provider is used. It creates a file in /tmp directory. This /tmp directory might be cleaned after machine reboot. Edit
to change this directory. For enhanced security it is recommended to use a stronger security provider.
This is only one-time operation. Clear the
in case it has to be repeated or a new Signing Key must be created.
After the library with security provider is configured run the workload sample app again, this time providing #HOST# and #PORT# of the FCS Server running on HPS.
The command will verify the connection and return the device id (chip id) of FPGA
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i "host:#HOST#; port:#PORT#" -c HEALTH
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i "host:localhost; port:50001" -c HEALTH
Provide #PUF_TYPE# string identifier and #CONTEXT# (hex string up to 28 bytes)
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i “host:#HOST#; port:#PORT#” -c CREATE --puf-type #PUF_TYPE# --context #CONTEXT#
PUF_TYPE is a string identifier of enum:
CONTEXT is random hex value provided as seed to SDM FW and cached by Verifier, max 28 bytes length
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i “host:localhost; port:50001” -c CREATE --puf-type EFUSE --context 01020304050607080A0B0C0D0E0F0F112233445566778899AABBCC
Provide #PATH# to generated .rim file:
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i “host:#HOST#; port:#PORT#” -c GET --ref-measurement #PATH#
java -jar ./out/workload.jar -i “host:localhost; port:50001” -c GET --ref-measurement ./stratix10.rim
Verifier uses an EC 384 private key which must be protected in a security provider. Security provider is a choice of the user, however it must implement Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) interface.
By default, built-in file-based BouncyCastle library is used.
It creates a file in location specified in
The file is encrypted with the master key specified by user:
- (recommended) either in environment variable env:VERIFIER_SECURITY_PROVIDER_PASSWORD
- or in
Other settings under security-provider-params
are already filled in and are specific to BouncyCastle.
For other providers, user must provide a path to the provider's jar to application classpath and
with values specific for that provider.
Run the below command providing path to provider's jar:
java -cp workload.jar:[PATH_TO_PROVIDER_JAR] ...
java -cp [PATH_TO_PROVIDER_JAR];workload.jar ...
java -cp workload.jar:/opt/libs-ext/OtherSecurityProvider.jar -i "host:localhost; port:50001" -c HEALTH
Verifier can also be integrated in User’s sample workload application.
To do this, invoke a below command providing path to the library jar
file. The Workload from out/ directory is not used in this case.
Verifier API is described in Attestation Software Architecture
Specification (SAS) and interface can be found
in Verifier/src/main/java/com/intel/bkp/verifier/interfaces/
java -cp sample-app.jar:Verifier.jar com.example.SampleApp ...
java -cp "Verifier.jar;sample-app.jar" com.example.SampleApp ...
Verifier iterates over each block of RIM json file and checks whether all expected data is present in response from device, i.e.:
in measurement response for Stratix10,
in measurement response and certificate chain for Agilex.
In case of Stratix10 device, layer 1 measurement (FW CMF descriptor hash) cannot be trusted, therefore it is not parsed from response. Including this measurement block in RIM for S10 will always cause attestation to fail.
Verifier is capable to use CoRIM unsigned files with accept-unsigned-corim
flag set to true
It's possible to use local paths in CoRIM for CoRIM and XCoRIM.
Application logs are presented in the console output and saved to file:
By default INFO
level is set. To change it to more detailed add
parameter --log-level
when running Workload:
java workload.jar (…) --log-level TRACE
All possible options are presented when called without any parameters:
Configuration file
contains parameters that will be parsed by Verifier, not the workload sample app.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default/available options | Example |
GENERAL | ||||
transport-layer-type | YES | Identifier of transport layer | HPS | |
require-iid-uds | NO (Agilex only) | If set to true the Verifier shall retrieve and validate IID UDS chain additionally to regular chain. Otherwise, only regular chain. | true (default), false | |
test-mode-secrets | NO | Option for DICE chain validation for non secure (non real-OWNED) devices. When set to true, TCBInfo verification will pass even if flags field contains a flag set (by default it is not allowed). | true, false (default) | |
accept-unsigned-corim | NO | Accepts unsigned CoRIM/XCoRIM - skip signature verification | false | |
LIB SPDM parameters | ||||
lib-spdm-params.wrapper-library-path | NO | Full path to or libspdm_wrapper.dll | - | /path/to/ or C:\\path\\to\\libspdm_wrapper.dll |
lib-spdm-params.ct-exponent | NO | Shall be exponent of base 2, which is used to calculate SPDM parameter CT. This timing parameter shall be the maximum amount of time the endpoint has to provide any response requiring cryptographic processing, such as the GET_MEASUREMENTS or CHALLENGE request messages. Units: microseconds. Value type: hex integer | 0x0E | 0x12, 0x0E, etc. |
lib-spdm-params.measurements-request-signature | NO | Flag indicating if during GET_MEASUREMENTS request the signature shall be requested and verified with Alias public key. | true (default), false | |
SQLite database | ||||
database-configuration.internal-database | NO | If set to true, in-memory sqlite cache database will be created. If false, sqlite database will be stored in file verifier_core.sqlite in current folder. | true (default), false | |
Verifier Signing Key | ||||
verifier-key-params.verifier-root-qky-chain.single-chain-path | NO | Absolute path to Verifier Signing Key single root certificate chain for Stratix10 in *.qky file (PSG format) - leave empty during first run or if you need rotate Verifier Signing Key. Can be empty if multi-chain-path is set. | - | /path/to/verifier_chain_single.qky or C:\\path\\to\\verifier_chain_single.qky |
verifier-key-params.verifier-root-qky-chain.multi-chain-path | NO | Absolute path to Verifier Signing Key certificate chain for Agilex in *.qky file (PSG format) - leave empty during first run or if you need rotate Verifier Signing Key. Can be empty if single-chain-path is set. | - | /path/to/verifier_chain_multi.qky or C:\\path\\to\\verifier_chain_multi.qky |
verifier-key-params.key-name | NO | Verifier Signing Key alias used for identifying security object in Security Provider - leave empty during first run or if you need rotate Verifier Signing Key. | - | ced20836-8a55-49d5-862a-510296142a99 |
Certificate Distribution Point | ||||
distribution-point.main-path | YES | Path to certificate distribution point | - | |
distribution-point.attestation-cert-base-path | YES | Path to certs directory on distribution point | - | content/IPCS/certs/ |
distribution-point.trusted-root-hash | NO | Comma-separated list of SHA256 fingerprints of trusted root certificates for Stratix10 and Agilex. To calculate, run: openssl x509 -in s10_root.cer -noout -fingerprint -sha256 and openssl x509 -in dice_root.cer -noout -fingerprint -sha256 , respectively. |
- | 99B174476980A65FC581F499F60295B9DACA5E7DBAEEC25ECF3988049EC9ED5F, 35E08599DD52CB7533764DEE65C915BBAFD0E35E6252BCCD77F3A694390F618B | | NO | Parameter to set proxy host if required. | - | proxy[.]company[.]com |
distribution-point.proxy.port | NO | Parameter to set proxy port if required. | - | 911 |
Security provider | All settings are specific to used security provider. | ||| | YES | Security Provider name registered in system / available in Java classpath. | - | BC |
security-provider-params.provider.file-based | YES | Set true if Security Provider is file based (eg.BouncyCastle), set false if HSM based (Luna, nCipher etc.) | - | true, false |
security-provider-params.provider.class-name | YES | Security Provider canonical class name. | - | org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider | | YES | Name for keystore used to store data. | - | uber | | NO | Password for keystore. For security, it is advised to set password with environment variable: VERIFIER_SECURITY_PROVIDER_PASSWORD | - | | | YES | Keystore location. E.g., for BouncyCastle it is path to keystore file. For Gemalto Luna it would be slot number or partition name. | - | /path/to/bc-keystore-verifier.jks or C:\\path\\to\\bc-keystore-verifier.jks | | YES | Class name for EC key. | - | EC | | YES | P-384 elliptic curve identifier. | - | secp256r1 | | YES | P-256 elliptic curve identifier. | - | secp384r1 | | YES | SHA384 with ECDSA signature algorithm identifier. | - | SHA384withECDSA |
Truststore | Truststore used to establish mTLS | - | ||
truststore.location | NO | Path to file-based truststore. | - | /tmp/verifier-nonprod.p12 |
truststore.password | NO | Password to file-based truststore. | - | donotchange |
truststore.type | NO | Truststore type. | - | PKCS12 |
Workload application possible return codes:
Command | Integer | Error code | Description |
HEALTH | 0 -1 |
Health check success Health check failed |
CREATE | 0 -1 |
Operation successful Internal error occurred |
GET | 0 -1 1 |
Attestation passed Internal error occurred Attestation failed |
During first run or when Verifier Signing Key needs to be rotated, clear the verifier-key-params.key-name
In next run, a new key will be created, follow the instruction in the log to complete the process.
Additionally, you may clear the verifier-key-params.verifier-root-qky-chain.single-chain-path
and verifier-key-params.verifier-root-qky-chain.multi-chain-path
parameters. If not cleared, during next run the existing files in those locations will be backed up with a new name:
Version | Date | Release note |
23.3 | 10/05/2023 | Support for CoRIM and Design CoRIM |
previous versions | Both Sigma-based and SPDM-based device attestation. Communication with device through both Hard Processor System and System Console. Comparison between measurements from FPGA and reference integrity manifest (RIM). RIM certificate chain validation and signature verification. |