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Releases: aluminum-ice/pwnagotchi


30 Aug 07:41
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I got my hands on an RPi2ZW that uses the legacy 43430/1 chipset. With a small tweak, I managed to get my fork of pwnagotchi working on the legacy 43430/1 as well as the newer 43430/2 chipset. And I merged a PR to implement thread pooling to handle another source of crashes I've observed.

  • c28188d Thread Pooling for Plugin Event Callbacks in Pwnagotchi (Thank you LegendEvent for the PR)
  • 107af9a Ensure wlan0 is brought down after mon0 is brought up to prevent crashes with the RPi2ZW that use 43430/1


14 Aug 07:13
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  • 803e66c Delete brcmfmac43430-sdio.raspberrypi,model-zero-w.clm_blob to avoid RPiZW firmware crashes
  • 5073856 Update pwnlib to fix not booting into AUTO mode


30 Jul 22:32
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  • Added support for the RPi3B+ and RPi4 via firmware patch bcm43455c0/7_45_206


29 Jul 04:07
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  • Added nexmon firmware patch bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46 in an attempt to support RPiZ2Ws that use the RPi3 wifi chip (see RPi-Distro/firmware-nonfree#23 for further information)
  • Deleted firmware blob files that can cause firmware crashes (/lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.clm_blob, /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-b.clm_blob)

I do not have any RPiZ2W with the legacy wifi chips (both of mine use the newer wifi chip) so I am not directly able to test if this resolves the problem. So... caveat emptor.


27 Jul 02:13
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I do not have any RPiZ2W with the legacy wifi chips (both of mine use the newer wifi chip) so I am not directly able to test if this resolves the problem. So... caveat emptor.


25 Jul 18:51
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🔥 Deauthentication Attacks Now Work on (ONLY) the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with the newer wifi chip 🔥

  • Removed all dependency on Kali-Pi 💥 🎉
    pwnagotchi is now completely old stable Buster lite... no more janky inconsistent user and kernel spaces that caused more problems then it solved
  • Upgraded to Old Buster Lite 2023-05-03
  • Upgraded to Go v1.20.6
  • Fixed subtle bugs in pwnlib and bettercap-launcher that caused firmware crashes (e.g., checking if mon0 is up, bringing down wlan0, turning off power saving, changing how the status of a device is checked)
  • Recompiled nexmon from source only for the Pi Zero 2 W and patched the chip firmware (a real pain in the ass given the nexmon Makefile convoluted structure)
  • Installed aircrack-ng as part of the base image

Given the complete removal of Kali-Pi and that deauthentication attacks now work again, bumped this up to v1.7.x

This will NOT work on RPiZ2W have use the older wifi chip (e.g., 43430 vs 43436).

I did not install the nexmon firmware and driver for other Raspberry Pis so its almost certain this image will not work on Raspberry Pi 3/4 or the original Pi Zero W. I may... at my discretion and time permitting... recompile nexmon for other Raspberry Pis and patch their chip firmware. I only use the Pi Zero 2 W so it was not a priority for me. If you're in a hurry, you can install my image, clone nexmon and do the compiling and patching yourself.

I want to acknowledge the invaluable help I received from DrSchottky in resolving the problem with deauthentication attacks and the firmware crashes that the packet injections were causing. I would not have been able to fix this without his (her?) help.


16 Mar 06:55
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  • Upgraded to Old Stable Buster Lite 2023-02-22
  • Upgraded to Go-lang v1.20.2
  • Added the pwnlog alias to .bashrc
  • Created /usr/local/share/pwnagotchi/custom-plugins/ directory to store custom plug-ins and updated config.toml to point to it
  • Installed hannadiamond/pwnagotchi-plugins to the custom plug-in directory to include default support for the Waveshare UPS hat

You will have to create the necessary entries to your config.toml to enable the Waveshare UPS hat plugin.

Only tested on a Pi Zero 2 W, which is what I use. No idea if this version works on a Pi Zero W. I've collected close to 3,000 WiFi handshakes.


29 Dec 01:54
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This release has been tested in a pi zero 2W and bettercap is no longer blind to Access Points (AP). It has numerous enhancements over the most recent release from evilsocket. These include all of DrSchottky's and llamasoft's commits (see the v1.6.0 release notes) as well as the following:

  • Updated to oldstable 2022-09-22 Buster (lite) (2022-09-22-raspios-buster-armhf-lite)
  • 1ae386e Updated golang to 1.19.4
  • 1ae386e Installed bettercap v2.32 from source (using go v1.19.4)
  • 3323b7f Added useful screen configuration in /home/pi/.screenrc
  • 293adb1 Added a comment to to explain how to create requirements.txt using pip-compile (but manually created requirements.txt due to issue with using tensorflow v1)
  • 9ae7dfc Added Ansible task to delete papirus source content & directory to save some space
  • 21e641a Fixed bug in the Ansible task to correctly configure dphys-swapfile to use a swap size of 512M (versus the default 100M)
  • Added the packages bison, flex, qpdf, libgmp3-dev and texinfo in case they are necessary in the future


27 Dec 20:13
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This second beta includes the following changes:

  • Updated golang to 1.19.4
  • Installed bettercap v2.32 from source (using go v1.19.4)

See the prior release for the changes included in the first beta. This version still has the problem that bettercap does not see any Access Points (APs). Still working on figuring that out...


25 Dec 22:59
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This beta version boots (very fast) on my Raspberry Pi Zero 2W every time but bettercap does not find any Access Points (APs). If anyone can help me troubleshoot why, I'd appreciate it. My working hypothesis is that I need to recompile nexmon, which I mostly can up till the point where you make the firmware patch for bcm43436b0.

  • Added useful screen configuration in /home/pi/.screenrc
  • Added a comment to to explain how to create requirements.txt using pip-compile (but manually created requirements.txt due to issue with using tensorflow v1)
  • Added Ansible task to delete papirus source content & directory to save some space
  • Fixed but in the Ansible task to correctly configure dphys-swapfile to use a swap size of 512M (versus the default 100M)
  • Reduced the Packer target_image_size to 5368709120 from 7442450944 in an attempt to reduce the file image size below 2GB (the larger target_image_size is needed when including the nexmon source to recompile nexmon)
  • Removed the packages bison, flex, qpdf, libgmp3-dev and texinfo to further reduce the image size (these are needed when compiling nexmon from source)