All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update Lambda for Wisdom API blog post
- [README] General README clean-up
- [powershell/Search-ContactFlows/] Downloads and searches Amazon Connect contact flows for a specified String
- [go/go.mod] Dependency Updates
- [javascript/programmatically-create-task-example] Updating dependencies to address CVE-1321
- [tools/CCPLogParser] Updating dependencies to address CVE-1321
- [tools/CCPLogParser] Updating dependencies to address CVE-2021-3803
- [tools/CCPLogParser] update dependencies
- [powershell/wisdom-content-upload] - Developed by Rob Pittfield.
- [tools/CCPConnectivityTestTools] - retired
- [javascript/customAgentDesktop-AzureSSO] - retired
- [tools/CCPLogParser] update dependencies
- [javascript/programmatically-create-task-example] update dependencies
- Check Time Left snippet added - PR#35
- [tools/ConnectCloudwatchDashboard/index.js] - Update code
- [tools/ConnectCloudwatchDashboard/stack.yaml] - Update code and dependancies
- [javascript/customAgentDesktop-AzureSSO/webApp] - update dependencies
- [tools/CCPLogParser] update dependencies
- [javascript/programmatically-create-task-example] update dependencies
- [javascript/programmatically-create-task-example] add gitignore
- [AmazonConnectWisdom] Added Readme file
- [AmazonConnectWisdom] Added Lambda snippet and sample file
- [AmazonConnectDrawio] formatting updates from PR#42
- [AmazonConnectRegExPatterns] formatting updates from PR#42
- [ConnectCloudwatchDashboard] - update dependencies
- Connect Cloudwatch Dashboard