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More details on input shapes? #112

Answered by lostella
iamchrisearle asked this question in Q&A
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@iamchrisearle here's a detail on the three options:

  1. a 1D tensor: this is only really useful if you have a single time series that you want to predict. The only tensor axis is time.
  2. a list of 1D tensors: similar to the case 1, tensors in the list are individual univariate time series, their only axis being time. The difference from the previous case is that all time series will be predicted in parallel. So if you have several time series you need to predict, providing it as a list is usually better (faster). Note that doing so will increase the memory consumption, so there's a limit (which is machine dependant) to how big such a "batch" can be.
  3. a left-padded 2D tensor with batch as the f…

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Answer selected by lostella
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This discussion was converted from issue #106 on June 12, 2024 16:16.