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Releases: amcharts/amcharts4


23 Oct 13:25
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[4.10.9] - 2020-10-23


  • Export: API functions like getCSV, getSVG, getJSON, getExcel will not error out if no opeionts or format identifier is passed in.


  • Better invalidation of charts with am4core.options.queue = true enabled.
  • A slice in PieSeries remained enlarged (as hovered) after subsequent taps on it on a touch device.
  • In some rare cases, on mobile devices a JS error could be invoked when disposing series/axes.
  • Vertical ValueAxis was not auto-zooming in some cases.


19 Oct 14:00
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[4.10.8] - 2020-10-19


  • New Tooltip property ignoreBounds (default false). If set to true, will not try to contain tooltips within the boundaries of the chart.


  • Export: Invoking export's getSVG() method without passing in options as a second parameter was resulting in error.
  • Series' actual value was not being properly updated in all cases when used with gropuDataItem adapter.
  • Series with with extremely small value range could result in an SO.
  • Resetting data to an empty data set on an XYSeries witth bullets and a data grouping enabled, could result in bullets being left on the screen.


10 Oct 08:50
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[4.10.7] - 2020-10-10


  • numberFormatter inheritance was broken for XYSeries elements like bullets since last version.
  • Chart with a CategoryAxis and XYCursor was erroring when number-based categories were used in data.


09 Oct 07:41
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[4.10.6] - 2020-10-09


  • SVG export options now support scale, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, and maxHeight.
  • New ExportMenu property: element (a reference to menu's top element).


  • readerTitle and readerDescription were not being properly populated with data on Map objects.
  • Setting includeRangesInMinMax = true on ValueAxis in some cases was messing up the chart.
  • Export: Printing via iframe in IE11 was distorting the chart aspect ratio.
  • Export: Exporting in IE11 was leaving behind a stray <canvas> element afterwards.
  • Auto-zoom on ValueAxis was not working properly with multiple series with incomplete data.


02 Oct 12:57
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[4.10.5] - 2020-10-02


  • Inline curly-bracket data placeholders now support dot-separated data context names as literal strings, e.g. "".
  • A bunch of dependencies were updated to latest versions.


  • Toggling rtl value on an existing Label was (still) not working properly.
  • showSystemTooltip was being ignored since last version (4.10.4).
  • chart.cursor.snapToSeries was not causing cursor to snap in wrong place if groupData was enabled.
  • Bullet tooltip was being hidden even if it had to stay when cursor moved out of the plot area.


22 Sep 13:18
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[4.10.4] - 2020-09-22


  • Accessibility: ExportMenu top item has now role menubar rather than menu.
  • Accessibility: ExportMenu will now set aria-expanded attributes for selected menu items/branches.


  • Enabling groupData was causing some series not to appear in some cases (since 4.10.3).
  • Toggling a legend item was adding a hidden element outside chart container area, which was sometimes causing scrollbars to appear on the web page.
  • Toggling rtl value on an existing Label was not working properly.
  • Accessibility: setting rederTitle or itemReaderTitle was not setting aria-label but rather adding <desc> tag and aria-describedby attirubute. It now will use aria-label for readerTitle and <desc> for readerDescription.
  • Accessibility: there was no way to override hard-coded role of the slices or columns in series.
  • Accessibility: navigating ExportMenu with arrow keys will not scroll web page anymore.


19 Sep 17:23
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[4.10.3] - 2020-09-19


  • RangeSelector plugin: a new event periodselected added to DateAxisRangeSelector.
  • DateFormatter now supports quarter format (code: "q").


  • More prompt translations to Indonesian locale (id_ID).


  • JSON config: Some axis' title property was being overwritten if it wasn't last option in the properties list.
  • SliceGrouper plugin was sometimes not functioning properly when used with options.queue = true.
  • Scrollable legend was not resetting back to top if its height changed.
  • TreeMap with binaryTree algorithm was producing a JS error if no initial data was set on chart.
  • If data grouping on DateAxis was enabled and there were more than one series in the chart, the second and other series were rendered with data ungrouped in the background before rendering them correctly and thiswas causing performance issues.
  • Vertical CurvedColumnSeries with non-inversed CategoryAxis were not positioned properly.


08 Sep 06:59
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[4.10.2] - 2020-09-08


  • Some SankeyDiagram charts were broken after last release.
  • 4.10.0 caused some bullet adapters to kick in earlier which in turn was resulting in critical errors if those adapters relied on dataItem to be present without checking.


07 Sep 15:08
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[4.10.1] - 2020-09-07


  • New DateAxis property: timezone. Allows setting timezone to recalculate data in, e.g. "Australia/Sydney". Make sure not to set this on both axis and date formatter.
  • New DateFormatter property: timezone. Allows setting timezone to recalculate date objects to before applying the format, e.g. "Australia/Sydney".
  • New global option: am4core.options.disableHoverOnTransform ("never" (default), "touch", always)). Allows disabling all hover activity when some element is being dragged or resized. More info.


  • Now SankeyLink that points "backwards" will be applied "backwards" state (if created) so you can style it differently than regular links.


  • Accessibility: data placeholder population was not working on bullets if Animated theme was not enabled.
  • Tapping on a chart with Cursor was triggering an on-screen keyboard on some mobiles devices.
  • Some TypeScript warnings were fixed.
  • A chart with DateAxis and groupData = true could result a JS error if a series had bullets and a lots of data points.
  • In a chart with DateAxis and groupData = true, if a series was hidden when zoomed-in, then zoomed-out, and then unhidden, the related ValueAxis was not updating it's min/max to available value range.
  • In some cases a heat rule could result in infinity value which would lead to drawing errors.
  • Errors when cloning a RadarChart from a template fixed.
  • SankeyDiagram used to produce stack owerflow error if data contained backward links. Now it will correctly draw a link.


01 Sep 13:51
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[4.10.0] - 2020-09-01


  • New LineSeries property: smoothing ("bezier" (default), "monotoneX", and "monotoneY") - indicates algorithm to use for smoothing the lines. Monotone algos are better suited for irregularly-spaced data. More info.
  • ForcedDirectedTree: new property zoomable (default: false). If set to true, the chart will be zoomable/draggable using mouse, touch, or API. More information.
  • ForcedDirectedTree: zoom related properties added. mouseWheelBehavior ("zoom", "none") - controls what happens when mouse wheel is used over chart; zoomStep (default: 2) - step to increase zoom level my each zoom in; zoomOutButton - an instance of button which is shown when chart is zoomed in.
  • ForcedDirectedTree: new zoom-related methods: zoomToPoint(point, level, center) and zoomToDataItem(dataItem, level, center);
  • New global function: am4core.createDeferred(callback, scope, ...parameters). Can be used to create multiple charts in a truly safe daisy-chain (next chart starts to be instantiated only when previous triggers a ready event). Returns a Promise with chart instance. More information;
  • New global option: am4core.options.deferredDelay (default 100). Specifies time-gap in milliseconds between deferred chart instantiations.


  • Added date ordinal translations for Chinese locales.


  • Accessibility: readerTitle was not being properly populated with data on Label.
  • Accessibility: readerDescription was not being populated with data.
  • Now works with Angular Universal SSR. Please refer to our Angular doc for instructions on how to structure your app for SSR to work properly.
  • When MapChart was panned with inertia and a polygon with zoomToObject() hit event was clicked when the map was still moving, the map was zooming into a wrong position.