NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) archives and distributes Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) version 2.0 products in the LP DAAC Cumulus cloud archive as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COG). the data prep script is a command line-executable Python script that allows users to submit inputs for their desired spatial (GeoJSON, Shapefile, bounding box) region of interest (ROI), time period of interest, and the specific desired product(s) and bands/layers within the HLS products. The script also includes options for cloud screening observations by a user-defined threshold, quality filtering, applying the scale factor to the data, and users can pick between three output file format options (COG, NC4, ZARR). The inputs provided by the user are submitted into NASA's Common Metadata Repository SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (CMR-STAC) API endpoint. The script returns a list of links to the HLS observations that intersect the user's input parameters. From there, the cloud-native observations are accessed, clipped to the spatial ROI, [optionally] quality filtered (see section on quality filtering below), [optionally] scaled, and exported in the desired output file format. Each request includes the accompanying metadata, browse, and quality (Fmask) files. If NetCDF-4 or ZARR are selected as the output file format, observations will be stacked into files grouped by HLS tile. This script does not support resampling or reprojection.
Daily 30 meter (m) global HLS Sentinel-2 Multi-spectral Instrument Surface Reflectance - HLSS30.002
Daily 30 meter (m) global HLS Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager Surface Reflectance - HLSL30.002
Note: On November 2021, this data prep script is updated to processes Version 2.0 daily 30 meter (m) global HLS Sentinel-2 Multi-spectral Instrument Surface Reflectance (HLSS30) data and Version 2.0 daily 30 m global HLS Landsat 8 OLI Surface Reflectance (HLSL30) data.
This tutorial has been tested on Windows and MacOS using the specifications identified below.
- Python Version 3.7
If exporting tonc4
Note: This data prep script relies on the CMR-STAC API, which will continue to evolve in order to align with the STAC spec over time. As these changes are released, we will update this script as necessary. If you are encountering an issue with the script, please check out the and make sure that you have copied/cloned/downloaded the latest release of this script.
To get started, copy/clone/download the HLS-SuPER-Script repo. You will need all three of the python scripts downloaded to the same directory on your OS (,,
It is recommended to use Conda, an environment manager, to set up a compatible Python environment. Download Conda for your OS here. Once you have Conda installed, follow the instructions below to successfully setup a Python environment on Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
Using your preferred command line interface (command prompt, terminal, cmder, etc.) type the following to create a compatible python environment:
> conda create -n hls -c conda-forge --yes python=3.9 gdal rasterio=1.2 shapely geopandas pyproj requests xarray netcdf4 zarr
> conda activate hls
Note: If you are having trouble activating your environment, or loading specific packages once you have activated your environment? Try the following:
conda update conda
orconda update --all
If you prefer to not install Conda, the same setup and dependencies can be achieved by using another package manager such as pip and the requirements.txt file.
Additional information on setting up and managing Conda environments.
If you continue to have trouble getting a compatible Python environment set up? Contact LP DAAC User Services.
Netrc files contain remote username/passwords that can only be accessed by the user of that OS (stored in home directory). Here we use a netrc file to store NASA Earthdata Login credentials. If a netrc file is not found when the script is executed, you will be prompted for your NASA Earthdata Login username and password by the script, and a netrc file will be created in your home directory. If you prefer to manually create your own netrc file, download the .netrc file template, add your credentials, and save to your home directory. A NASA Earthdata Login Account is required to download HLS data.
Once you have set up your environment and it has been activated, navigate to the directory containing the downloaded or cloned repo (with,, and At a minimum, the script requires a region of interest (roi).
> python -roi <insert geojson, shapefile, or bounding box coordinates here> -dir <insert directory to save the output files to>
Note: The script will first use the inputs provided to find all intersecting HLS files and export the links to a text file. The user will then be prompted with the number of intersecting files and asked if they would like to continue downloading and processing all of the files (y/n). If your request returns hundreds of files for a large area, you may want to consider breaking the request into smaller requests by submitting multiple requests with different spatial/temporal/band subsets.
> python -roi LA_County.geojson
> python -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -roi '-122.8,42.1,-120.5,43.1'
Note: The bounding box is a comma-separated string of LL-Lon, LL-Lat, UR-Lon, UR-Lat. Also, if the first value in your bounding box is negative, you MUST use single quotations around the bounding box string. If you are using MacOS, you may need to use double quotes followed by single quotes ("'-122.8,42.1,-120.5,43.1'")
To see the full set of command line arguments and how to use them, type the following in the command prompt:
> python -h
usage: [-h] -roi ROI [-dir DIR] [-start START] [-end END]
[-prod {HLSS30,HLSL30,both}] [-bands BANDS] [-cc CC]
[-qf {True,False}] [-scale {True,False}]
[-of {COG,NC4,ZARR}]
(Required) Region of Interest (ROI) for spatial subset. Valid inputs are: (1) a geojson or shapefile (absolute path to file required if not in same directory as this script), or (2) bounding box coordinates: 'LowerLeft_lon,LowerLeft_lat,UpperRight_lon,UpperRight_lat' NOTE: Negative coordinates MUST be
written in single quotation marks '-120,43,-118,48'.
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48'
Directory to save output HLS files to. (default: <directory that the script is executed from>)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\
Start date for time period of interest: valid format is mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 10/20/2020). (default: 04/03/2014)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020
Start date for time period of interest: valid format is mm/dd/yyyy (e.g. 10/24/2020). (default: 12/17/2020)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020
Desired product(s) to be subset and processed. (default: both)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both
Desired layers to be processed. Valid inputs are ALL, COASTAL-AEROSOL, BLUE, GREEN, RED, RED-EDGE1, RED-EDGE2, RED-EDGE3, NIR1, SWIR1, SWIR2, CIRRUS, TIR1, TIR2, WATER-VAPOR, FMASK. To request multiple layers, provide them in comma separated format with no spaces. Unsure of the names for your bands?--check out the README which contains a table of all bands and band names. (default: ALL)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both -bands RED,GREEN,BLUE,NIR1
Maximum cloud cover (percent) allowed for returned observations (e.g. 35). Valid range: 0 to 100 (integers only) (default: 100)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both -bands RED,GREEN,BLUE,NIR1 -cc 50`
Flag to quality filter before exporting output files (see section below for quality filtering performed). (default: True)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both -bands RED,GREEN,BLUE,NIR1 -cc 50 -qf True
Flag to apply scale factor to layers before exporting output files. (default: True)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both -bands RED,GREEN,BLUE,NIR1 -cc 50 -qf True -scale False
Define the desired output file format (default: COG)
> python -roi '-120,43,-118,48' -dir C:\Users\HLS\ -start 06/02/2020 -end 10/24/2020 -prod both -bands RED,GREEN,BLUE,NIR1 -cc 50 -qf True -scale False -of NC4
If quality filtering is set to True (default), the following quality filtering will be used:
- Cloud == 0 (No Cloud)
- Cloud shadow == 0 (No Cloud shadow)
meaning that any pixel that does not meet the criteria outlined above will be removed and set to _FillValue
in the output files.
The quality table for the HLS Fmask
can be found in section 6.4 of the HLS V2.0 User Guide.
If you do not want the data to be quality filtered, set argument qf
to False
Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) is the default output file format. If NetCDF-4 (NC4) or ZARR store (ZARR) are selected by the user as the output file format, the script will export a single NC4/ZARR file for each HLS tile returned by the query, in the source HLS projection. Zarr is a file format that stores data in chunked, compressed N-dimensional arrays. Read more about Zarr at:
The standard format for HLS S30 V2.0 and HLS L30 V2.0 filenames is as follows:
ex: HLS.S30.T17SLU.2020117T160901.v2.0.B8A.tif
HLS.S30/HLS.L30: Product Short Name
T17SLU: MGRS Tile ID (T+5-digits)
2020117T160901: Julian Date and Time of Acquisition (YYYYDDDTHHMMSS)
v2.0: Product Version
B8A/B05: Spectral Band
.tif: Data Format (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF)
For additional information on HLS naming conventions, be sure to check out the HLS Overview Page.
If you selected COG as the output file format, the output file name will simply include .subset.tif at the end of the filename:
If you selected nc4 or Zarr as the output file format, the following naming convention will be used:
ex: HLS.T17SLU.10_24_2020.11_10_2020.subset.nc4
HLS.[MGRS Tile ID].[date of first observation in output file].[date of last observation in output file].subset.zarr/nc4
Email: [email protected]
Voice: +1-866-573-3222
Organization: Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
Date last modified: 11-26-2021
¹KBR, Inc., contractor to the U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. Work performed under USGS contract G15PD00467 for LP DAAC².
²LP DAAC Work performed under NASA contract NNG14HH33I.