All notable changes to holidays
will be documented in this file.
- Added Dominican Republic holidays by @KiritoXD01 in spatie#57
- Added pint package by @thecaliskan in spatie#149
- Polish holidays by @srsbiz in spatie#154
- Add Support for Liechtenstein by @Martin-Welte in spatie#33
- test: update liechtenstein snapshot by @Martin-Welte in spatie#164
- Added Haiti holidays by @ivanmercedes in spatie#148
- Add Romanian Holidays by @florinp in spatie#27
- Add Guatemala holidays by @ejchiroy in spatie#106
- Add holidays for Luxembourg by @UrbinCedric in spatie#165
- Add holidays for South Africa by @pierredup in spatie#30
- Add Peru holidays by @dlopez525 in spatie#54
- Update Dutch holidays by @ndijkstra in spatie#67
- Added historical data for Czechia by @inDeev in spatie#159
- Add Greece holidays by @lowv-developer in spatie#114
- Add 🇽🇰Kosovo🇽🇰 Holidays by @AvdylKrasniqi in spatie#151
- Feature/add panama holidays by @amitsamtani in spatie#147
- Add Norway Holidays by @Tor2r in spatie#105
- Add Lithuanian holidays by @eimantaaas in spatie#163
- Add Canadian Holidays by @thinkstylestudio in spatie#41
- Add Turkmenistan Holidays by @kakajansh in spatie#96
- @KiritoXD01 made their first contribution in spatie#57
- @thecaliskan made their first contribution in spatie#149
- @srsbiz made their first contribution in spatie#154
- @Martin-Welte made their first contribution in spatie#33
- @ivanmercedes made their first contribution in spatie#148
- @florinp made their first contribution in spatie#27
- @ejchiroy made their first contribution in spatie#106
- @UrbinCedric made their first contribution in spatie#165
- @pierredup made their first contribution in spatie#30
- @dlopez525 made their first contribution in spatie#54
- @ndijkstra made their first contribution in spatie#67
- @inDeev made their first contribution in spatie#159
- @lowv-developer made their first contribution in spatie#114
- @AvdylKrasniqi made their first contribution in spatie#151
- @amitsamtani made their first contribution in spatie#147
- @Tor2r made their first contribution in spatie#105
- @eimantaaas made their first contribution in spatie#163
- @thinkstylestudio made their first contribution in spatie#41
- @kakajansh made their first contribution in spatie#96
Full Changelog:
- Fix incorrect usage in README by @cybernerdie in spatie#16
- Add Andorra Holidays by @BurtDS in spatie#36
- Add documentation on how to contribute by @Nielsvanpach in spatie#73
- Danish holidays by @RootAccessPlease in spatie#5
- Introducing Basic Playground by @devajmeireles in spatie#28
- fix: Oudjaarsdag is not a public holiday by @RickDBCN in spatie#64
- Adds support for Portuguese Holidays by @lamelas in spatie#9
- Added Zambian Holidays by @chandachewe10 in spatie#83
- Add Italian holidays by @mauricius in spatie#24
- Add French holidays by @levrailoup in spatie#15
- Add Czech holidays by @vrerabek in spatie#22
- Update Brazil.php by @juliofagundes in spatie#101
- Added Uganda Public Holidays and Unit Tests by @Crawford30 in spatie#126
- Support for Venezuelan holidays by @ricardomartos in spatie#125
- Add Macedonian holidays by @object505 in spatie#119
- Adding Nicaragua Holidays by @calonzolg in spatie#92
- add Philippine national holidays by @kndrckjvr in spatie#25
- Adding Full Mexican Holidays by @davsaniuv in spatie#23
- Add support for Irish public holidays by @marchanlon in spatie#44
- Add support for Croatian public holidays by @mcbuckets in spatie#45
- Bolivian holidays by @rats4final in spatie#40
- Add Estonian holidays by @hulkur in spatie#47
- Update by @eltociear in spatie#134
- Public Holidays for Malawi by @Crawford30 in spatie#133
- Add Bangladesh holidays by @arifszn in spatie#21
- Adding Full Mandatory Mexican holidays by @dantes4ur in spatie#20
- mexico fixes by @Nielsvanpach in spatie#140
- @cybernerdie made their first contribution in spatie#16
- @BurtDS made their first contribution in spatie#36
- @Nielsvanpach made their first contribution in spatie#73
- @RootAccessPlease made their first contribution in spatie#5
- @RickDBCN made their first contribution in spatie#64
- @lamelas made their first contribution in spatie#9
- @chandachewe10 made their first contribution in spatie#83
- @mauricius made their first contribution in spatie#24
- @levrailoup made their first contribution in spatie#15
- @vrerabek made their first contribution in spatie#22
- @juliofagundes made their first contribution in spatie#101
- @Crawford30 made their first contribution in spatie#126
- @ricardomartos made their first contribution in spatie#125
- @object505 made their first contribution in spatie#119
- @calonzolg made their first contribution in spatie#92
- @kndrckjvr made their first contribution in spatie#25
- @davsaniuv made their first contribution in spatie#23
- @marchanlon made their first contribution in spatie#44
- @mcbuckets made their first contribution in spatie#45
- @rats4final made their first contribution in spatie#40
- @hulkur made their first contribution in spatie#47
- @eltociear made their first contribution in spatie#134
- @arifszn made their first contribution in spatie#21
- @dantes4ur made their first contribution in spatie#20
Full Changelog:
- Add holidays for Austria @felixfrey in spatie#6
- Add holidays for Brazil by @devajmeireles in spatie#13
- Use correct timezone for NL by @dcc-bjorn in spatie#4
- Use more common names for Dutch holidays by @CasEbb in spatie#7
- @dcc-bjorn made their first contribution in spatie#4
- @felixfrey made their first contribution in spatie#6
- @CasEbb made their first contribution in spatie#7
- @devajmeireles made their first contribution in spatie#13
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog:
- experimental release
- Add Hungary to the supported countries by @xHeaven in spatie#3
- @xHeaven made their first contribution in spatie#3
Full Changelog: