diff --git a/src/CommandLineParser.cpp b/src/CommandLineParser.cpp
index 798249c0..5e5a5665 100644
--- a/src/CommandLineParser.cpp
+++ b/src/CommandLineParser.cpp
@@ -916,15 +916,15 @@ void CommandLineParser::print_help()
             "General options:\n"
             "  --seed         VALUE                       seed for pseudo-random number generator (default: current time)\n"
             "  --pat-comp     on | off                    alignment pattern compression (default: ON)\n"
-            "  --tip-inner    on | off                    tip-inner case optimization (default: ON)\n"
+            "  --tip-inner    on | off                    tip-inner case optimization (default: OFF)\n"
             "  --site-repeats on | off                    use site repeats optimization, 10%-60% faster than tip-inner (default: ON)\n" <<
             "  --threads      VALUE                       number of parallel threads to use (default: " << sysutil_get_cpu_cores() << ")\n" <<
             "  --simd         none | sse3 | avx | avx2    vector instruction set to use (default: auto-detect).\n"
-            "  --rate-scalers on | off                    use individual CLV scalers for each rate category (default: OFF)\n"
-            "  --force                                    disable all safety checks (please think twice!)\n"
+            "  --rate-scalers on | off                    use individual CLV scalers for each rate category (default: ON for >2000 taxa)\n"
+            "  --force        [ <CHECKS> ]                disable safety checks (please think twice!)\n"
             "Model options:\n"
-            "  --model        <name>+G[n]+<Freqs> | FILE  model specification OR partition file (default: GTR+G4)\n"
+            "  --model        <name>+G[n]+<Freqs> | FILE  model specification OR partition file\n"
             "  --brlen        linked | scaled | unlinked  branch length linkage between partitions (default: scaled)\n"
             "  --blmin        VALUE                       minimum branch length (default: 1e-6)\n"
             "  --blmax        VALUE                       maximum branch length (default: 100)\n"
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 72437483..52d69dae 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -99,8 +99,7 @@ void print_banner()
               "Sarah Lutteropp, Ben Bettisworth." << endl;
   LOG_INFO << "Latest version: https://github.com/amkozlov/raxml-ng" << endl;
   LOG_INFO << "Questions/problems/suggestions? "
-              "Please visit: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/raxml" << endl;
-  LOG_INFO << endl << "WARNING: This is a BETA release, please use at your own risk!" << endl << endl;
+              "Please visit: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/raxml" << endl << endl;
 void init_part_info(RaxmlInstance& instance)
diff --git a/src/version.h b/src/version.h
index 8b1a732b..a2e10098 100644
--- a/src/version.h
+++ b/src/version.h
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-#define RAXML_VERSION "0.8.1git BETA"
-#define RAXML_DATE "23.04.2019"
+#define RAXML_VERSION "0.9.0"
+#define RAXML_DATE "20.05.2019"