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Alexey Kozlov edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 27 revisions


Getting help

If you run RAxML-NG executable without parameters, it will show quick usage help:

RAxML-NG v. 0.7.0git BETA released on 31.10.2018 by The Exelixis Lab.
Authors: Alexey Kozlov, Alexandros Stamatakis, Diego Darriba, Tomas Flouri, Benoit Morel.
Latest version:
Questions/problems/suggestions? Please visit:!forum/raxml

WARNING: This is a BETA release, please use at your own risk!

Usage: raxml-ng [OPTIONS]

Commands (mutually exclusive):
  --help                                     display help information
  --version                                  display version information
  --evaluate                                 evaluate the likelihood of a tree (with model+brlen optimization)
  --search                                   ML tree search.
  --bootstrap                                bootstrapping
  --all                                      all-in-one (ML search + bootstrapping).
  --support                                  compute bipartition support for a given reference tree (e.g., best ML tree)
                                             and a set of replicate trees (e.g., from a bootstrap analysis)
  --bsconverge                               test for bootstrapping convergence using autoMRE criterion
  --terrace                                  check whether a tree lies on a phylogenetic terrace 
  --check                                    check alignment correctness and remove empty columns/rows
  --parse                                    parse alignment, compress patterns and create binary MSA file
  --start                                    generate parsimony/random starting trees and exit
  --loglh                                    compute the likelihood of a fixed tree (no model/brlen optimization)

Input and output options:

More comprehensive documentation is available in GitHub wiki. Further information and benchmarks can be found in biorxiv preprint and in Chapter 4 of Alexey's PhD thesis.

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the above sources, or if you think you found a bug, please contact us via RAxML google group.

  • Please use search function before posting, since many questions have been answered before.
  • Please use google group and not personal e-mail for asking questions about RAxML-NG. This will save everybody's time: you might get help sooner from other Exelixis lab members or your fellow users. And whoever might encounter the same problem in the future will benefit from the answer.

Tree inference


Tree likelihood evaluation

Advanced commands