By default, this plugin stores signatory data and error logs in the WordPress database.
It can, however, be extended to support external CRMs, databases, and logging mechanisms.
To implement a new destination for signatory data records, you will need to create a new "adapter", which is a two-step process.
Create your adapter class:
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace Your\Namespace;
use Amnesty\Petitions\Adapter;
use Amnesty\Petitions\Exception;
use WP_Post;
class Your_Adapter implements Adapter {
* Record a petition signature
* @param \WP_Post $petition the signatory's petition
* @param array $signature the sanitised signatory data
* @throws \Amnesty\Petitions\Exception
* @return int
public static function record_signature( WP_Post $petition, array $signature = [] ): int {
$crm_petition_id = add_signature_to_crm(
'first_name' => $signature['first_name'],
'last_name' => $signature['last_name'],
'email' => $signature['email'],
'phone' => $signature['phone'],
'petition' => $petition->ID,
if ( ! $crm_petition_id ) {
throw new Exception( 'Failed to record signature in CRM', 'warning' );
return $crm_petition_id;
* Get signatures for a petition
* @param \WP_Post $petition the petition to get signatures for
* @param int $per_page the signatures per page
* @param int $page the page number
* @return array
public static function get_signatures( WP_Post $petition, int $per_page = 10, int $page = 1 ): array {
return get_signatures_from_crm(
'crm_petition_id' => get_post_meta( $petition->ID, 'crm_petition_id', true ),
'page_number' => $page,
'quantity' => $per_page,
* Count recorded signatures for a petition
* @param \WP_Post $petition the petition to count signatures for
* @return int
public static function count_signatures( WP_Post $petition ): int {
return get_signature_count_from_crm(
'crm_petition_id' => get_post_meta( $petition->ID, 'crm_petition_id', true ),
### Step two Register your adapter:
function ( array $adapters = [] ): array {
$adapters['\Your\Namespace\Your_Adapter'] = __( 'Your CRM', 'your-textdomain' );
return $adapters;
If you wish to add new settings specifically for your extension, simply register your settings with CMB2 and with the main plugin.
Saving of settings is handled automatically; you need only register them; they'll then appear as their own tab in the plugin settings page.
function () {
$your_settings = new_cmb2_box(
'id' => 'your_settings_id',
'title' => __( 'Your Adapter Settings', 'your-textdomain' ),
'object_types' => [ 'options-page' ],
'hookup' => false, // <-- important!
// etc.
function ( $tabs = [] ) {
$tabs[] = [
'title' => __( 'Your Adapter', 'your-textdomain' ),
'id' => 'your_settings_id',
'slug' => 'your-settings-slug',
return $tabs;
To implement a new destination for error logging information, you will need to create a new Logger; this is a two-step process:
Create your logging class:
declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace Your\Namespace;
use Amnesty\Petitions\AbstractLogger;
class Your_Logger extends AbstractLogger {
* Log a message
* @param string $type the message type
* @param string $message the log message
* @param integer $code the log code
* @return void
public function log( string $type = '', string $message = '', int $code = 500 ): void {
send_log_to_your_logger( $type, $message, $code );
* Retrieve logs
* @param int $per_page logs per page to retrieve
* @param int $page the page of logs to retrieve
* @return array
public function get( int $per_page = 10, int $page = 1 ): array {
return get_logs_from_your_logger( $per_page, $page );
Register your logger:
use Your\Namespace\Your_Logger;
function ( string $logger = '' ): string {
return Your_Logger::class;
### NB
The Amnesty\Petitions\AbstractLogger
class provides some convenience wrapper methods for aiding readability; these are:
abstract class AbstractLogger {
// ...
public function error( string $message = '', int $code = 500 ): void;
public function warning( string $message = '', int $code = 500 ): void;
public function info( string $message = '', int $code = 500 ): void;
// ...