This initiative falls under the Upstream Marketing Charter.
We are looking for Kubernetes-curious community members who are interested in writing and care about getting the word out to our huge community of users, developers, and contributors of all types. Here's how to get involved.
We are looking for:
- TODO << Request specific types of content
Other types of content, like Kubernetes capabilities and tutorials, are better suited for the SIG-Docs blogging initiative.
The quickest way to get involved is to let the team in #sig-contribex know that you have an idea for an article.
For now, our official process is to use SIG-Doc's system.
Anyone is welcome to contribute when they have time.
If you would like to be listed as a member of the team, here are the expectations:
- Be prepared to write one blog a quarter and participate in edits to other articles. The time commitment is typically 5-10 hours per quarter depending on the number of blog posts in the review queue.
- Bloggers are expected to attend at least one upstream marketing team meeting a month or check-in to remain active.
- Remain non-partial: if you receive a request to write about a project, an individual, or a group of people from your employer, you should ask an impartial blogger to write it.
- As with all contribution to Kubernetes, adhere to the code of conduct, values, and principles of the project.
Keep the following points in mind as you write in order to speed up the review process:
- Use inclusive language understandable by everyone
- Rephrase gendered pronouns (change "he" or "she" to "they" or adjust to remove)
- Remember nothing is simple when you're starting out (remove "just," "simply", and "easy")
- Define terminology or acronyms (do not assume people know what a term means)
- Shy away from jargon and colloquial expressions
- Write clearly and avoid ambiguous sentences
- Emphasize the things you want readers to remember; tell a story
- Stay on topic and stick to the facts
- Design a beginning, middle, and end to your story with a clear call to action
- Provide evidence and data where applicable, to back up your message
- Make the article visually appealing
- Include at least one image (and use public domain or Creative Commons licensed ones)
- Prefer inclusive images like those from WOCinTech and Queer in Tech
- Find images on sites like Creative Commons, Pexels, and Unsplash)
- Be accountable and honest as an author
- Remove anything that lacks adequate evidence
- Avoid interjecting personal reactions
- Ensure that the blog post is reviewed by the anyone being mentioned in the piece
- As the author, never talk about your employer, sell, promote, or pitch; this is about upstream community endeavours and the individuals and groups that create it
The following are helpful resources for authoring articles:
- Creating Quality Content (For Search Engines and People)
- How to write effective documentation for your open source project
This process is bootstrapped from the sig-docs blog subproject. Please ask for review from community liaisons on the sig-docs-blog team or let the team in #sig-contribex know you need help.