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Microsoft SQL Server Geospatial Features

Ahsankkhan edited this page May 27, 2024 · 1 revision

Microsoft SQL Server provides robust support for geospatial data, allowing you to store, query, and analyze geographic and geometric data. Here are some of the key features and capabilities of SQL Server's geospatial functionality:

Key Geospatial Features in SQL Server

Spatial Data Types:


This type stores data that represents the Euclidean (flat) coordinate system. It is useful for applications that do not need to account for the curvature of the Earth.


This type stores data that represents the Earth's curved surface, using the WGS 84 coordinate system. It is suitable for applications that need to handle real-world geography.

Spatial Methods:

SQL Server includes a variety of methods to perform operations on spatial data, such as:

STDistance(): Measures the shortest distance between two spatial objects. STIntersects(): Determines if two spatial objects intersect. STUnion(): Returns a geometry instance representing the union of two geometry instances. STArea(): Calculates the area of a spatial object. STLength(): Measures the length of a spatial object. STBuffer(): Creates a buffer area around a spatial object.

Spatial Indexing:

SQL Server supports spatial indexes, which significantly improve the performance of spatial queries. You can create spatial indexes on both geometry and geography data types to speed up spatial searches and operations. Integration with Other SQL Server Features:

Spatial data can be integrated with other SQL Server features, such as Full-Text Search, Reporting Services, and Analysis Services, to provide comprehensive solutions for data analysis and reporting.

Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs):

Both geometry and geography data types support SRIDs, which identify the coordinate system and spatial reference system used by the spatial data. Examples of Using Geospatial Features

Creating and Storing Spatial Data:


INSERT INTO Locations (Id, Name, Location) VALUES (1, 'Central Park', geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-73.968285 40.785091)', 4326));

Querying Spatial Data:

SELECT Name FROM Locations WHERE Location.STDistance(geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-73.981923 40.768053)', 4326)) < 1000; Creating a Spatial Index:

CREATE SPATIAL INDEX SIndx_Location ON Locations(Location);

Using Spatial Methods:

SELECT Location.STAsText() AS WKT, Location.STArea() AS Area FROM Locations;

Practical Applications

Mapping and GIS: SQL Server's geospatial features are used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for mapping and spatial analysis. Location-Based Services: Applications can use these features to provide location-based services, such as finding the nearest store or tracking assets.

Urban Planning and Environmental Science: Geospatial data is crucial for urban planning, environmental monitoring, and resource management.


SQL Server's geospatial capabilities provide powerful tools for handling spatial data. By leveraging these features, developers and data scientists can create sophisticated applications that require spatial data processing and analysis.