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Building and Running on Windows

Note: See also BUILDING on Windows in the main README.

This directory contains project files for building Link Grammar with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 IDE (MSVC 16). They were created and tested with the Community Edition of that product.

SQLite dictionaries are not currently supported. Patches are welcome!

In the examples below, "console-prompt>" at start of line means the console prompt. Don't type it because the result could be destructive!

Supported target versions

The system compatibility definitions: In each project file - Target Platform version: 8.1 In the MSVC-common property sheet - Common properties->User Macros/CFLAGS:


However, the package is tested only on Windows 10.

Regular-expression (regex) support

The default configuration uses the C++ regex library. An external regex package can be used instead, but this option is only for special needs and you can safely ignore it. More details are in Using an external regex package.


The build files use directory locations as defined in the property sheet Local:

  • The User Macro JAVA_HOME, if used, must be pointing to a locally installed SDK/JDK, which has the subdirectories "include" and include/win32 (defined in the LinkGrammarJava project under Common properties->C/C++->General-> Additional Include Directories. If your JAVA SDK/JDK installation has defined the JAVA_HOME environment variable (check it) then there is no need to define this User Macro.

  • The User Macro WINFLEXBISON should be the directory of the "Win flex-bison" project, as downloaded from its Web site. Tested with version 2.5.9. Leave it blank if would like to use a ready pp_lexer.c file. The default is C:\win_flex_bison.

  • The User Macros GNUREGEX_DIR and LG_DLLPATH are related to the optional external regex library mentioned above. You can safely ignore them.

Python bindings

Install the desired Python3 distributions from Python Releases for Windows. You also have to install SWIG.

The bindings were testes using swigwin-4.0.2 with Python 3.4.4.

Related macros ion property sheet Local.

Macro Default value
PYTHON3 C:\Python34
PYTHON3_EXE $(PYTHON3)\python.exe

Make sure the python3 project is marked for build in the configuration manager, or select "build" for it in Solution Explorer.


  • Compiling and running got checked on Windows 10, but is intended to be compatible to Vista and on (XP is not supported).

  • To compile LinkGrammar, open the solution file LinkGrammar.sln, change the solution platform to x64 if desired, and build.

  • The solution configuration is configured to create a debug version by default. It's probably a good idea to switch a "Release" configuration. You can do this at Build Menu->Configuration Manager.

  • The wordgraph-display feature is enabled when compiled with USE_WORDGRAPH_DISPLAY (already defined in the LGlib-features property sheet in Common properties->C/User Macros/DEFS).

  • By default, the library is configured to create a DLL. If you want to instead build a static library, the macro LINK_GRAMMAR_STATIC must be defined before the inclusion of any header files for both the compiling of the link-grammar library and for the application that uses it. Other compiler settings will also have to be changed to create a static library of course.


The last step of the "LinkGrammarExe" project creates link-parser.bat. Copy it to somewhere in your PATH and then customize it if needed (don't customize it in-place, since rebuilding would overwrite it). Note that it prepends PATH with the User Macro LG_DLLPATH (see Setup above). If you would like to display the wordgraph (see below) set also the PATH for dot.exe if it is not already in your PATH.

If USE_WORDGRAPH_DISPLAY has been used when compiling (the default), then typing !test=wg at the linkparser> prompt can be used in order to display the wordgraph of the next sentences to be parsed. See Word-graph display in /linkgrammar/tokenize/ for how to use optional display flags. By default, PhotoViewer.dll is invoked to display the graph. If X11 is available and your dot.exe command has the "xlib" driver, it can be used to display the wordgraph when the x flag is set (i.e. !test=wg:x), for example when running under Cygwin/X. In any case it uses the dot command of Graphviz. Graphviz can be installed as part of Cygwin (in which case it included the "xlib" driver"), or separately from Graphviz. Both PhotoViewer.dll (if used) and dot must be in your PATH (if needed, you can customized that in a copy of link-parser.bat, as described above).

BTW, when running an MSVC-compiled binary under Cygwin, don't exit link-parser by using ^Z - the shell may get stuck because the program somehow may continue to run in the background. Instead, exit using !exit .

NOTE: The created DLLs need the MSVC 16 runtime environment to run. This is normally already installed in your machine with the installation of the IDE. But to be able to run Link Grammar on other computer you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019. This redistributable does not contain debug version of the MSVC runtime, so only "Release" Link Grammar will work with it.

Running Python programs

Since the Link Grammar library has no installation script yet, running Python programs that use the bindings needs a careful setup of PYTHONPATH and PATH. A program named (named after "make check" that runs in POSIX systems) is provided to set them automatically.

Also see "Permanent installation".


The program is designed to reside in the MSVC configuration directory. However, it can run from any directory using a full or a relative path to invoke it.


console-prompt>make-check [PYTHON_FLAG] PYTHON_OUTDIR [] [ARGUMENTS]
  • PYTHON_FLAG: Optional flag for the Python program, e.g. -vv to debug imports.
  • PYTHON_OUTDIR: The directory to which the Python bindings got written.
    For example, x64\Release\Python3.
  • Path leading to the script. If only a filename is specified (i.e. no \ in the path) the specified script file is taken from the bindings\python-examples\ directory. In order to run in its default location you can leave it empty.
  • ARGUMENTS: Optional script arguments, for example -v for

So in order to run with Python3 for a Debug compilation on x64 platform, enter:

console-prompt>make-check x64\Debug\Python3

To debug a Python3 script "" that resides in bindings\python-examples:

console-prompt>make-check -mpdb x64\Debug\Python3

To run a script in your home directory:

console-prompt>make-check x64\Debug\Python3 \Users\username\

The following starts an interactive Python with the correct PYTHONPATH and PATH:

console-prompt> x64\Debug\Python3 ""

Locale and code page settings

In this version, the language dictionaries under the data directory define the locale that they need in order to process input sentences and the library automatically uses this locale, in a manner that is intended to be compatible with creating several different dictionaries per thread.

If you use a dictionary which doesn't have this definition, or would like to set the default language when link-parser is invoked without a language argument, you can set the locale using the environment variable LANG, using a 2-letter language code and a 2-letter country code:

console-prompt>set LANG=ll-CC

For example:

console-prompt>set LANG=en-US

If you open a dictionary which doesn't have a locale definition, from a program (C program or a language with LG bindings) you have to set the correct locale (for the whole program or the particular thread)for the dictionary before creating the dictionary. Alternatively, the LANG environment variable can be set before creating the dictionary.

The code page of the console should not be changed, unless it is desired to pipe the output to another program. In that case, this other program may read garbage due to a limitation in the way cmd.exe implements pipes. This can be solved as following ("more" is the example program)

link-parser | (chcp 65001 & more)

In that case more will be able to read UTF-8 input. However, the display may still not be perfect due to additional cmd.exe limitations. The code page can be changed manually to 65001, see below in the "Note for Python bindings".

A note for the Python bindings

In order to produce UTF-8 output to the console, it needs use the CP_UTF8 code page (65001):

Active code page NNNN
console-prompt>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001

Other programs may malfunction with this code page, so it can be restored when needed (or this console window can be used only for working with link-grammar). The link-parser command also changes the code page to CP_UTF8, but it restores the original one on exit.

Console fonts

Courier New may be appropriate for all the languages in the data directory. If you don't have it in the console menu, it can be added through the registry (Google it).

Permanent installation

For using the library independently of the build directory:

  1. If Python bindings were generated, copy the following modules to a directory linkgrammar in a fixed location:,,, _clinkgrammar.pyd.

    Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to the said "linkgrammar" directory.

  2. Copy the link-grammar DLL to a fixed location.
    Add the DLL location permanently to PATH.

  3. Copy the data directory to the location of the DLL so it will get found.

Implementation notes

  • The file link-grammar/ has a Custom Build Tool definition which invokes mk-link-features-h to generate link-grammar/link-features.h, with LINK_*_VERSION variable replacement as defined in

  • The project file LinkGrammarExe has a Post-Build-Event definition for generating link-parser.bat.

    The file regex-morph.c has a compiler setting of C++ in its property sheet: View->Solution Explorer->Source Files->regex-morph.c->Right Click-> Properties->C/C++->CompileAS->CompileAsCpp

Using a remote network share

In order to use a link-grammar source repository from a network share (e.g. via Samba), and still be able to use the custom build steps in the Project files, there is a need to "convince" Windows it is a local filesystem. Else you will get "UNC path are not supported." on the batch runs, with bad results. This method will also allow the link-parser.bat file to run. (For other solutions see You will need to find out by yourself if this makes a security or another problem in your case.

Here is what worked for me:
Suppose you use host:/usr/local/src remotely as share src:

mklink /J src-j \\host\src
mklink /D src src-link

The second one needs administrator privileges.
Then use the repository through src.

Debugging hints

If, when starting the program under the debugger (by "Local Windows Debugger", "Debug->Start Debugging" (F5), etc.), regex.dll is not found, it can be added to the search PATH as follows:
Enter to LinkGrammarExe's Property Pages:
Solution Explorer->LinkGrammarExe->Properties
Click on the writable location of:
Put there (LG_DLLPATH is defined in the Local Property page):
Make sure "Merge Environment" there is Yes.

(The result is kept in .user Property Pages that are not part of the LG repository).