The Selling Partner API for Application Management lets you programmatically rotate the LWA client secrets on your registered applications.
If you haven't already, we recommend you to navigate the following resources:
This Sample Solution implements a Login with Amazon (LWA) credential rotation workflow that reacts to incoming APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRY notification and checks if the rotation is within the set threshold and will rotate the credentials and save the newly received secrets via APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_NEW_SECRET. If you want to test the proposed solution, do changes and/or integrate it to your own product, follow the steps under Deployment Guide.
The LWA rotation workflow starts by receiving APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRY notification in your SQS queue. Next step is to call the Application Management API to rotate the client secret. Finally, the new secret is sent as APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_NEW_SECRET notification to your SQS queue.
Below you can find sample code for the most relevant LWA Rotation operations:
How to handle secret expiry notification and secret rotation
- Iterate through messages: Iterate through all received messages and filter for client secret expiry notification type.
- Validate client id: Make sure that the client id specified in the notification equals your client id.
- Check expiry time: Make sure that the client secret is expiring within the threshold.
- Set up the API client: Initialize the Applications API client by providing the region code and set boolean to true for grantless operation.
- Call the rotateApplicationClientSecretCall operation: Call the rotateApplicationClientSecret operation and set both progress listeners to null.
Find the full code here
public String handleRequest(SQSEvent event, Context context) {
for (SQSEvent.SQSMessage message : event.getRecords()) {
// Parse the notification payload
NotificationPayload notificationPayload = mapNotification(message.getBody());
// Validate the notification type
if (!"APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET_EXPIRY".equals(notificationPayload.getNotificationType())) {
// Validate the clientId
String clientId = notificationPayload.getPayload().getApplicationOAuthClientSecretExpiry().getClientId();
if (!clientId.equals(storedClientId)) {
// Check if the client secret is expiring within the threshold
final int expiryThresholdDays = 7;
ZonedDateTime clientSecretExpiryTime = notificationPayload.getPayload().getApplicationOAuthClientSecretExpiry().getClientSecretExpiryTime().atZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
ZonedDateTime currentTime ="UTC"));
long daysBetween = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(currentTime, clientSecretExpiryTime);
if (daysBetween > expiryThresholdDays) {
// Rotate the application client secret
ApplicationsApi applicationsApi = ApiUtils.getApplicationsApi(regionCode, true);
applicationsApi.rotateApplicationClientSecretCall(null, null);
How to handle new client secret notification and secret update
- Iterate through messages: Iterate through all received messages and filter for new client secret notification type.
- Validate client id: Make sure that the client id specified in the notification equals your client id.
- Update the LWA client secret in the AWS Secrets Manager: Retrieve the new client secret from the notification payload and update the corresponding secret in your secret storage service.
Find the full code here
public String handleRequest(SQSEvent event, Context context) {
for (SQSEvent.SQSMessage message : event.getRecords()) {
// Parse the notification payload
NotificationPayload notificationPayload = mapNotification(message.getBody());
// Validate the notification type
if (!"APPLICATION_OAUTH_CLIENT_NEW_SECRET".equals(notificationPayload.getNotificationType())) {
// Validate the clientId
String clientId = notificationPayload.getPayload().getApplicationOAuthClientNewSecret().getClientId();
if (!clientId.equals(storedClientId)) {
// Update the new client secret in Secrets Manager
// Update this section to align with your secret storage logic
String newClientSecret = notificationPayload.getPayload().getApplicationOAuthClientNewSecret().getNewClientSecret();
SecretsManagerClient client = SecretsManagerClient.builder().build();
PutSecretValueRequest request = PutSecretValueRequest.builder()
.secretString(String.format("{\"AppClientId\":\"%s\",\"AppClientSecret\":\"%s\"}", clientId, newClientSecret))