The Amazon Shipping API is designed to support outbound shipping use cases both for orders originating on Amazon-owned marketplaces as well external channels/marketplaces. With these APIs, you can request shipping rates, purchase shipments, fetch shipment labels, cancel shipments, and track shipments.
If you haven't already, we recommend you to navigate the following resources:
This Sample Solution provides all the required resources to deploy a fully functional SP-API application on AWS that implements the Shipping v2 use case end-to-end. Use this application to test the proposed solution, do changes and/or integrate it to your own product.
A well-architected Shipping v2 workflow includes subscribing to the ORDER_CHANGE notification for automatic reception of new MFN orders. Alternatively, new orders can be identified from incoming order reports.
Below are the code steps for the Shipping V2 workflow.
The process for the steps belows should start by monitoring ORDER_CHANGE notifications. To subscribe to Order Change Notifications, refer to Tutorial 5: Subscribe to ORDER_CHANGE Notifications of the use case guide.
Upon an ORDER_CHANGE notification for unshipped MFN orders, the Orders API is used to retrieve the order details.
- Initialize API Client: The API client of OrdersAPI is initialized with the Refresh Token and the Region.
- Get Order: The Orders API getOrder operation is called using the orderId from the ORDER_CHANGE notification.
- Create the order processing class: The MfnOrder class is instantiated with the order items from getOrder and the shipping address.
- Return MfnOrder object The MfnOrder object created is returned for further processing of the Shipping Workflow.
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# Create an instance of the ApiUtils class
api_utils = ApiUtils(region_code,
# Retrieve email address for the label sending
ship_from_email = os.environ.get(constants.SHIP_FROM_EMAIL_ENV_VARIABLE)
# API calls to retrieve order and order items
order_response = api_utils.call_orders_api(method='get_order',
order_items_response = api_utils.call_orders_api(method='get_order_items',
order_address_response = api_utils.call_orders_api(method='get_order_address',
# Check if the response has a payload attribute and use it directly
if hasattr(order_address_response, 'payload'):
ship_to_address = map_address(order_address_response.payload.shipping_address)
ship_from_address = map_address(order_response.payload.default_ship_from_location_address, ship_from_email)
# Return the ShippingOrder object in JSON format
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder = MfnOrder()
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.orderItems = map_order_items(order_items_response.payload.order_items)
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.shipFromAddress = ship_from_address
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.shipToAddress = ship_to_address
result = asdict(get_order_lambda_input)
return result
def map_address(order_address, ship_from_email=None):
# Initialize OrdersApiAddress object with available attributes
address_mapping = {
'addressLine1': order_address.address_line1,
'addressLine2': order_address.address_line2,
'addressLine3': order_address.address_line3,
'countryCode': order_address.country_code,
'postalCode': order_address.postal_code,
'stateOrRegion': order_address.state_or_region,
'phoneNumber': re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', or ''),
'email': ship_from_email
return Address(**address_mapping)
def map_order_items(order_items_list):
order_items = []
for item_dict in order_items_list:
item_price_dict = item_dict.get("ItemPrice", {})
currency_code = item_price_dict.get("CurrencyCode", "USD") # Default to USD if not specified
amount_str = item_price_dict.get("Amount")
if amount_str is None:
logging.error(f"Amount not found for OrderItemId: {item_dict.get('OrderItemId')}")
amount = float(amount_str)
except ValueError:
logging.error(f"Invalid amount value '{amount_str}' for OrderItemId: {item_dict.get('OrderItemId')}")
value = Currency(value=amount, unit=currency_code)
order_item = OrderItem(
quantity=int(item_dict.get("QuantityOrdered", 0)), # Default to 0 if not specified
return order_items
After the order details are retrieved, the inventory is checked and order is validated.
- Process the order items: A loop over all order items is created to execute inventory checks.
- Prepare the request: Get the orderItem SKU and prepare the database (DynamoDB) request.
- Retrieve the Item from Inventory: Using the database client, the item is retrieved from inventory table.
- Check stock: The item stock quantity is checked. The order is aborted if quantity is insufficient.
- Calculate Order Weight and Dimensions: The total order weight and dimensions are calculated and returned as part of the MFN order.
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# Initialize package weight and dimensions
package_weight_value = 0
package_weight_unit = "LB"
package_length = 0
package_width = 0
package_height = 0
package_size_unit = "GM"
get_order_lambda_input = ShippingLambdaInput(**event)
# Check if mfnOrder is not None
if get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder:
# Check if orderItems is not None
if get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.orderItems:
# Iterate over all order items and retrieve stock, size, and weight from the database
for order_item in get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.orderItems:
# Retrieve the item from DynamoDB by SKU
# Update this section to match your product's logic
key = {constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_HASH_KEY_NAME: {"S": order_item.sku}}
dynamodb = boto3.client(constants.AWS_DYNAMO_DB_CLIENT_KEY_NAME)
get_item_result = dynamodb.get_item(TableName=os.environ.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_NAME_ENV_VARIABLE),
item = get_item_result.get("Item", {})
stock = int(item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_STOCK_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"N": "0"})["N"])
if stock < order_item.quantity:
raise Exception(f"Stock level for SKU {order_item.sku} "
f"is not enough to fulfill the requested quantity")
item_weight_value = int(item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_WEIGHT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"N": "0"})["N"])
# Valid values for the database records are uppercase: [OZ, G]
item_weight_unit = item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_WEIGHT_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"S": ""})["S"]
item_length = int(item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"N": "0"})["N"])
item_width = int(item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"N": "0"})["N"])
item_height = int(item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"N": "0"})["N"])
# Valid values for the database records are uppercase: [INCHES, CENTIMETERS]
item_size_unit = item.get(constants.INVENTORY_TABLE_SIZE_UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, {"S": ""})["S"]
# Create a Dimensions object for the item weight
item_dimensions = Dimensions(unit=item_size_unit, length=item_length, width=item_width,
# Create a Weight object for the item weight
item_weight = Weight(unit=item_weight_unit, value=float(str(item_weight_value)))
# Update the order item with the retrieved weight
order_item.itemWeight = item_weight
order_item.dimensions = item_dimensions
# Package weight is calculated by adding the individual weights
# Update this section to match your selling partners' logic
package_weight_value += item_weight_value
package_weight_unit = item_weight_unit
# Package size is calculated by adding the individual sizes
# Update this section to match your selling partners' logic
package_length += item_length
package_width += item_width
package_height += item_height
package_size_unit = item_size_unit
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.weight = Weight(unit=package_weight_unit,
get_order_lambda_input.mfnOrder.dimensions = Dimensions(length=package_length, width=package_width,
height=package_height, unit=package_size_unit)
return asdict(get_order_lambda_input)
Once the inventory is checked and the order is validated for shipping, we use the GetRates operation to check for available shipping service offers.
- Initialize API Client: The API client for Shippingv2 is initialized using the Refresh Token and the Region.
- Prepare the request: The request for the GetRatesRequest operation is prepared.
- Call the API: The Shipping Api getRates is called using the prepared request.
- Process the shipment services: Parse and extract the list of shipping services and store them in a dedicated class. Finally return the fetched results.
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# Create an instance of the ApiUtils class
api_utils = ApiUtils(region_code=region_code,
# Get eligible shipment services for the order
get_rates_request = get_rates_request_body(mfn_order=get_rates_lambda_input.mfnOrder,
get_rates_response = api_utils.call_shipping_api('get_rates', body=json.dumps(get_rates_request))
if get_rates_response and hasattr(get_rates_response, 'payload') and get_rates_response.payload:
get_rates_lambda_input.rates = Rates()
get_rates_lambda_input.rates.requestToken = get_rates_response.payload.request_token
get_rates_lambda_input.rates = get_rates_response.payload.rates
error_msg = "No rates found in the response"
raise Exception(error_msg)
return get_rates_response.payload.to_dict()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Calling Shipping API failed") from e
def get_rates_request_body(mfn_order, order_id):
# Prepare items list
items_list = [{
"itemValue": asdict(item.value),
"description": shipping_preferences.ITEM_DESCRIPTION,
"itemIdentifier": item.orderItemId,
"quantity": item.quantity,
"weight": asdict(item.itemWeight)
} for item in mfn_order.orderItems]
# Define requested document specification
requested_document_specification = {
"format": shipping_preferences.LABEL_FORMAT_PDF,
"size": shipping_preferences.LABEL_SIZE,
"printOptions": shipping_preferences.PRINT_OPTIONS
# Prepare packages
package_data = {
"dimensions": asdict(mfn_order.dimensions),
"weight": asdict(mfn_order.weight),
"items": items_list,
"insuredValue": shipping_preferences.PACKAGES_INSURED_VALUE,
"packageClientReferenceId": f"Order_{order_id}_Package_1"
# Prepare request body
request_body = {
"shipFrom": asdict(mfn_order.shipFromAddress),
"shipTo": asdict(mfn_order.shipToAddress),
"returnTo": mfn_order.returnToAddress if getattr(mfn_order, 'returnToAddress', None) else None,
"packages": [package_data],
"channelDetails": {
"channelType": shipping_preferences.CHANNEL_TYPE,
"amazonOrderDetails": {"orderId": order_id}
"labelSpecifications": requested_document_specification,
"shipmentType": shipping_preferences.SHIPMENT_TYPE,
"serviceSelection": shipping_preferences.SERVICE_SELECTION
return request_body
After getting the available shipping services, the offers are filtered for the seller preferred one. For instance, filtering criteria can be Price or Speed.
- Retrieve Shipment Settings: The preferred shipment settings are retrieved from an environment variable.
- Filter shipment services: The setting is used as criteria to filter the shipment offers collection.
- Return preferred shipment: The shipment service remaining is returned.
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shipping_service_list = shipping_lambda_input.rates.rates
if len(shipping_service_list) == 0:
raise Exception("There are no shipping services to fulfill the order")
# Select the shipping service based on the preference (cheapest/fastest)
shipping_lambda_input.rates.preferredRate = get_preferred_shipment(shipping_service_list)
return asdict(shipping_lambda_input)
def get_preferred_shipment(shipping_services):
# Get the shipping preference from the Lambda function's environment variable
# Update this section to match your product's logic
shipment_filter_type = os.environ.get(constants.SHIPMENT_FILTER_TYPE_ENV_VARIABLE)
if shipment_filter_type == constants.SHIPMENT_FILTER_TYPE_CHEAPEST:
elif shipment_filter_type == constants.SHIPMENT_FILTER_TYPE_FASTEST:
return shipping_services[0]
def price_comparator(ship_service1, ship_service2):
return ship_service1.totalCharge.value - ship_service2.totalCharge.value
def speed_comparator(ship_service1, ship_service2):
promise_date1 = datetime.strptime(ship_service1.promise.deliveryWindow.start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
promise_date2 = datetime.strptime(ship_service2.promise.deliveryWindow.start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
return -1 if promise_date1 < promise_date2 else 1 if promise_date1 > promise_date2 else 0
After deciding on the preferred shipping service, it is now possible to create the order shipment and store the shipment id for the order in the database.
- Initialize API Client: The Shippingv2 API is initialized using the Refresh Token and the Region.
- Call the CreateShipment operation The purchaseShipment operation is called using the request prepared.
- Store Shipment ID: The shipmentId part of the response payload is stored along the order handled.
- Return the label: The label part of the response payload is returned.
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api_utils = ApiUtils(region_code=region_code,
# Create shipment for the selected shipping service
purchase_shipment_request = get_purchase_shipment_request_body(payload=purchase_shipment_lambda_input)"Shipping API - PurchaseShipment request: {purchase_shipment_request}")
purchase_shipment_result = api_utils.call_shipping_api('purchase_shipment', body=purchase_shipment_request)"Shipping API - PurchaseShipment response: {purchase_shipment_result}")
# Store ShipmentId in DynamoDB
# Update this section to match your product's logic
shipment_id = purchase_shipment_result.payload.shipment_id
tracking_id = purchase_shipment_result.payload.package_document_details[0]["trackingId"]
carrier_id = purchase_shipment_lambda_input.rates.preferredRate.carrierId
shipment_id, tracking_id, carrier_id)
# Generating Label format
label = purchase_shipment_result.payload.package_document_details[0]["packageDocuments"][0]
result = {
constants.LABEL_FORMAT_KEY_NAME: label["format"],
constants.LABEL_DIMENSIONS_KEY_NAME: label["type"],
constants.LABEL_FILE_CONTENTS_KEY_NAME: label["contents"]
return result
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("Calling Shipping API failed", e)
def store_shipment_information(order_id, shipment_id, tracking_id, carrier_id):
item = {
constants.SHIPMENTS_TABLE_HASH_KEY_NAME: {'S': order_id},
put_item_request = {
'TableName': os.environ.get(constants.SHIPMENTS_TABLE_NAME_ENV_VARIABLE),
'Item': item
dynamodb = boto3.client(constants.AWS_DYNAMO_DB_CLIENT_KEY_NAME)
def get_purchase_shipment_request_body(payload):
supported_specs = payload.rates.preferredRate.supportedDocumentSpecifications[0]
print_options = supported_specs.printOptions[0]
page_layout = print_options["supportedPageLayouts"][0]
document_types = [type_detail["name"] for type_detail in print_options["supportedDocumentDetails"] if
needs_file_joining = bool(print_options['supportedFileJoiningOptions'][0])
additionalInput = payload.rates.preferredRate.additionalInput
requested_document_specification = {
"format": supported_specs.format,
"size": supported_specs.size,
"needFileJoining": needs_file_joining,
"pageLayout": page_layout,
"requestedDocumentTypes": document_types
request = {
"requestToken": payload.rates.requestToken,
"rateId": payload.rates.preferredRate.rateId,
"requestedDocumentSpecification": requested_document_specification,
"additionalInputs": additionalInput,
"requestedValueAddedServices": [{
"id": shipping_preferences.VALUE_ADDED_SERVICE
return json.dumps(request)
After the label extraction is done, the shipping label is decompressed and decoded for printing.
- S3 client and object are set up: Prepare the S3 bucket details and the S3 client.
- Get the label content: Get the label content returned from the previous step.
- Decode the label content The label content returned by the api is decoded.
- Store to S3: The decoded label is stored to S3.
- Pre-sign: A pre-signed URL is generated on the label object on S3.
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# Create S3 Bucket Name
s3_bucket_name = os.environ.get(constants.LABELS_S3_BUCKET_NAME_ENV_VARIABLE)
# Extract order ID from event
order_id = presign_label_lambda_input.credentials.orderId
object_key = f"{order_id}/{uuid.uuid4()}"
label = presign_label_lambda_input.label.fileContents
label_format = presign_label_lambda_input.label.labelFormat
# Store the label in S3
store_label(s3_bucket_name, object_key, label, label_format)
# Generate a presigned URL to browse the label
presigned_url = generate_presigned_url(s3_bucket_name, object_key)
return presigned_url
def generate_presigned_url(s3_bucket_name, object_key):
s3 = boto3.client('s3', config=Config(signature_version=constants.AWS_SIGNATURE_VERSION))
presigned_url = s3.generate_presigned_url(
Params={'Bucket': s3_bucket_name, 'Key': object_key},
ExpiresIn=3600 # 1 hour in seconds
return presigned_url
def store_label(s3_bucket_name, object_key, label_content, label_format):
label_content_bytes = decode_label_content(label_content)
input_stream = io.BytesIO(label_content_bytes)
content_type = 'application/octet-stream' # Default content type
if label_format == 'PDF':
content_type = 'application/pdf'
elif label_format == 'PNG':
content_type = 'image/png'
elif label_format == 'ZPL':
content_type = 'application/x-zpl'
metadata = {
'ContentType': content_type
s3 = boto3.client('s3', config=Config(signature_version=constants.AWS_SIGNATURE_VERSION))
s3.upload_fileobj(input_stream, s3_bucket_name, object_key, ExtraArgs=metadata)
def decode_label_content(label_content):
label_content_decoded = base64.b64decode(label_content)
return label_content_decoded