A tiny library for handling JSONP request.
Static function:
Vue.jsonp(url, dataObj, timeout)
In Vue component:
this.$jsonp(url, dataObj, timeout)
- url: Target url for request.
- dataObj: Object contains datas for querying.
- timeout: Timeout for jsonp request.
// Default:
this.$jsonp('/url', {
callbackQuery: 'cb' // Default: callback
// Then URL will be: '/url?cb=jsonp_aws84739ssu8e3'
this.$jsonp('/url', {
callbackName: 'jsonpFunc'
// Then URL will be: '/url?callback=jsonpFunc'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueJsonp from 'vue-jsonp'
// If you want to setup the global timeout, just:
Vue.use(VueJsonp, 5000)
// Now all requests will be expired after 5000ms.
// Use it in Vue Component.
const SomeComponent = Vue.extend({
methods: {
getData () {
this.$jsonp('http://www.some-site.com/data', { name: 'MyName', age: 20 }).then(json => {
// Success.
}).catch(err => {
// Failed.
// Static Function.
// Request url will be 'http://www.some-site.com/data?name=MyName&age=20&cb=jsonpFunc'
Vue.jsonp('http://www.some-site.com/data', {
name: 'MyName', age: 20, callbackQuery: 'cb', callbackName: 'jsonpFunc'
}).then(json => {
// Success.
}).catch(err => {
// Failed.