If you are having difficulties logging into your account or the page is freezing, it might be due to too much data stored in your web browser. Try these steps before logging into your account:
1. Clear your browser’s cache.
On Google Chrome:
- On Safari’s drop-down menu, select "Preferences" .
- Go to the Advanced option.
- At the bottom, select "Show Develop Menu" click "Develop" and then select "Empty cache."
On Microsoft Edge:
- At the same time, press the Control, Shift and Delete keys on your keyboard.
- A new tab will appear with the options to clear browsing data.
- Select your "All time" on the "Time Range" drop-down menu. Make sure to select the box marked "Cached images and files," and then click the blue button marked "Clear Now."
2. Refresh the page before logging in.
3. Try to log into Analogue Shifts from a private or incognito browser window. If following these steps did not work, please contact one of our customer service representatives through our phone or chat options for further assistance.