This Java Maven projct is a RESTful API with GET, POST, DELETE and PUT functionality for a Blog.
To run this project Prerequisite:
- Eclipse IDE for Java EE or any Java IDE with Apache Maven support.
- MySQL 5.x
- MySQL Workbench or any other clients to access MySQL database
- Postman or any other REST Clients
Create A DB in MySQl "CREATE DATABASE user_db;"
In the file "src\main\resources\" set your MySQL user and password edit: spring.datasource.username= edit: spring.datasource.password=
Run the file "src\main\java\com\anandnkhl\blog_rest_API\"
Once the Application is running use Postman or cURL(on CMD) for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Create Blog: POST request at "http://localhost:8080/users/" with JSON Body as: { "username": "anand", "password": "pass", "name": "Nikhil", "blog": "This is my new Blog. I am new to this" }
Get all Blog: GET request at "http://localhost:8080/users/"
Get particular Blog: GET request at "http://localhost:8080/users/"
Update Blog:(Requires both username and password) PUT request at "http://localhost:8080/users/{username}/{password}" with JSON Body as:
{ "username": "anand", "password": "Updatedpass", "name": "UpdatedNikhil", "blog": "This is my updated Blog. I am old to this" }
Delete Blog:(Requires both username and password) DELETE request at "http://localhost:8080/users/{username}/{password}"
To do:
1. Remove DB password for authentication
2. Add authentication