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Feron / Get-Cloudflare-Logs Helm chart

NOTE: tested with Helm 3

Installing the Chart

Pre-create namespace you are planning on installing this chart into.

To install the chart with the release name my-release (i.e. ${CF_ZONE_NAME}):

helm install my-release \
  --namespace=get-cloudflare-logs \
  --set config.cloudflare.sampleRate="0.01" \
  --set config.cloudflare.zoneId="${CF_ZONE_ID}" \
  --set config.cloudflare.authEmail="${CF_AUTH_EMAIL}" \
  --set config.cloudflare.authKey="${CF_AUTH_KEY}" \
  --set"${ES_HOST}" \
  --set config.elasticsearch.username="${ES_USERNAME}" \
  --set config.elasticsearch.password="${ES_PASSWORD}" \
  --set"cloudflare-${CF_ZONE_NAME}" \
  --set config.elasticsearch.index.template.shards=5 \
  --set config.elasticsearch.index.template.replicas=0 \
  --set config.elasticsearch.index.template.refreshInterval=30s \

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release


Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
image.repository Image repository
image.tag Image tag 0.6.0 (same as .Chart.AppVersion)
image.pullSecrets Specify image pull secrets []
terminationGracePeriodSeconds Termination grace period (in seconds) 15
revisionHistoryLimit How many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain 10
affinity Node/pod affinities {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
resources Pod resource requests & limits {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
config.cloudflare.sampleRate CF logs sample rate (0.01 = 1%) 0.01
config.cloudflare.zoneId CF Zone ID to pull logs for 51e241f08e014feb95d1b2760228d12a (fake)
config.cloudflare.authEmail CF Auth Email [email protected] (fake)
config.cloudflare.authKey CF Auth Key 51e241f08e014feb95d1b2760228d12a2df50 (fake) Elasticsearch host URL http://elasticsearch:9200
config.elasticsearch.username Elasticsearch connection username nil
config.elasticsearch.password Elasticsearch connection password nil Elasticsearch dst index cloudflare-access
config.elasticsearch.index.template.shards Elasticsearch dst index shards 5
config.elasticsearch.index.template.replicas Elasticsearch dst index replicas 0
config.elasticsearch.index.template.refreshInterval Elasticsearch dst index refresh interval 10s
config.elasticsearch.ilm.enabled Enables ILM use true
config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyYAML Specifies policy via YAML see values.yaml
config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyJSON Specifies policy via literal JSON see values.yaml
config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyFile Specifies a file on local filesystem to use as ILM policy files/ilm-default-policy.json
config.elasticsearch.pipeline.enabled Enables Ingest Pipeline true (at the moment, has no effect)
config.elasticsearch.pipeline.default Enables use of default Ingest Pipeline true

Advanced Configuration

ILM Policy

By default, ILM policy setup is enabled, and policy defined with config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyYAML (same as one included in Docker image) will be used. To customize ILM policy, change config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyYAML.

ILM policy is stored as ConfigMap, and passed to the pods via read-only mount. It is mounted under /opt/extra-config/ilm-policy.json inside the pod.

ILM policy can be defined using any of the following attributes, listed in the order of precedence.

  • config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyYAML - inline, convenient for tweaking individual phases
  • config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyJSON - inline, convenient when copying from ES
  • config.elasticsearch.ilm.policyFile - from local file, convenient when copying from ES

If policyYAML is unset, or evaluates to false, policyJSON will be used. If both policyYAML, and policyJSON are unset, or evaluate to false, policyFile will be used

Read more about ILM and ILM policy in Elasticsearch docs.

Ingest Pipeline

By default, Ingest Pipeline included in Docker image is created, and enabled as "default pipeline". Read more about Pipelines and pipeline processors in Elasticsearch docs.

Default pipeline is configured with following processors:

  • user_agent - to process cloudflare.ClientRequestUserAgent
  • geoip - to process cloudflare.ClientIP