If you want to add to Anathema, here are some hints to get you started.
If you want to report an issue, please make sure to be concise and to include all relevant information, such as error messages and your current version. If you have a screenshot, please attach it! In case we missed a rule or some specific point about a Charm, you can speed us along by stating the book and page you are referring to.
If you contribute source code or data, either via private communication or a pull request on github, we will treat your contribution as we do our own: We will publish it licensed as GPL3, we will change it and possibly expand on it.
Please tell us beforehand if you disagree with this policy.
If you submit some private files (like your character) so we can look at it while trying to solve your issue with Anathema, will keep them as confidential as possible and only - privately - share them among each other.